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Anonymous., 1971 The result of cost and earning survey of shrimp culture in Thailand in 1970. Dept. Fish. Ministry Agric. Coop. Thailand, 44 p. (mimeo)

Brown, Jr., A. 1972 Experimental techniques for preserving diatoms used as food for larval Penaeus aztecus. Proc. Nat. Shellfish. Assoc., 63:21025

Cook, Harry L., 1973 Shrimp farm development report to the government of Thailand. FAO/TA 3147:13 p.

Deanon, R.R., R.A. Ganaden and M.N. Llorca, 1974 Biological assessment of the fish fry resources (bañgos, shrimp, eel) in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. Terminal Rep. Phil. Coun. Agric. Resour. Res. Proj. 1974:54 p.

Department of Fisheries, 1973 Shrimp farming in Thailand, Dept. of Fish. Ministry Agric. Coop., Thailand, 45 p.

Fisher, W.S. et al, 1976 Hatching and rearing lobster larvae (Homarus americanus) in a disease situation. Aquacult., 7:75–80.

Gabaza, P., 1976 Personal communication.

Jamandre, T. Jr., and H.R. Rabanal, 1975 Engineering aspects of brackish water quaculture in the South China Sea Region. South China Sea Fish. Dev. Coord. Prog., SCS/75/WP/16:37 p.

Jaranilla, F., 1976 Personal communication.

Kurata, H. and K. Shigueno, 1976 Recent Progress in the farming of penaeid shrimp. FAO Tech. Conf. Aquacult., FIR:AQ/Conf./76/R.17: 23 p.

Loosanoff, V.L., J.E. Hanks and A.E. Ganaros, 1957 Control of certain forms of zooplankton in mass algal cultures. Sci. 125 (325):1092-3.

Mandal, L.N., 1976 Nitrogenous fertilizers for brackish water ponds-ammonium or nitrate form. Indian J. Fish. (A), 9(1): 123-4.

Masekarm, K., 1976 Personal communication.

Mock, C.R., and M.A. Murphy, 1970 Techniques for raising penaeid shrimp. 1st Ann. Workshop World Maricult. Soc., 1:143–158.

Mock, C.R., R.A. Neal, and B.R. Salser, 1973 A closed raceway for the culture of shrimp. Proc. 4th Ann. Workshop World Maricult. Soc., 4:247–259.

Piyakarnchana, T., M. Hungspreuger and S. Tamiyavanich, 1975 Some limiting factors on the growth and survival of the banana prawn, Penaeus merguiensis de Man cultivated in a tembak. Spec. Symp. Mar. Sci., 1973, Pacific Sci. Assoc., Hong Kong, p. 71-4.

Potaros, M., 1974 1976 Personal communications.

Salser, B.R. and C.R. Mock, 1973 An airlift circulator for algal culture tanks. Proc. 4th Ann. Workshop World Maricult. Soc., 4:295-8.

Salser, B.R. and C.R. Mock, (undated) Equipment used for the culture of larval penaeid shrimp at the National Marine Fisheries Service Galveston Laboratory. NMFS Gulf Coastal Fish. Center, Galveston, Texas, Contrib. 397. (mimeo).

Spotte, S.H., 1970 Fish and invetebrate culture in closed systems. Wiley Interscience, New York, 145 p.

Terazaki, M., P., Tharnabuppa and Y. Nakayama, 1976 Eradication of predatory fishes in shrimp farms. Paper presented at the National Workshop on Mangrove Ecology, Phuket Marine Biological Center, Phuket, Thailand, 10–16 January 1976.

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