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I.TITLE:Development of Seaweed Farming in Malaysia
 NATIONAL MINISTRY:Ministry of Agriculture,
 INVOLVED:Department of Fisheries


The Problem. A South China Sea Programme consultant on seaweed resources and culture surveyed the coast of west Malaysia to determine its potential for seaweed culture. Aerial and ground surveys were made during November-December 1975 and October-November 1976. Two species of Gracilaria which are probably suited for culture were found growing in abundance along the west coast on the middle ground between Penang and the mainland. The environment where these were located is similar to that occuring along the Perak, Penang, Kedah, and Perlis shores. It was estimated that there is approximately 150 miles (240 km) of shore suitable for farming in which there appear to be about 21 miles (34 km) in segments of a few miles which are of prime value.

A preliminary assay of properties of the agar gel from these species yielded encouraging results in that during 1976, dried seaweeds with similar gels were sold at over US$300 per ton for processing in Europe, Japan and the United States. As the type of gel found in these seaweeds is in demand, there should be a ready export market for seaweed produced from farming.

As a result of the surveys, the consultant recommended that farming of Gracilaria sp. on the northwest coast has good potential for development. He estimated that seaweed farming which would support 500 families could be introduced and developed within a four-year period.

1 This proposal was drafted by the Programme staff based on the consultant's report.

While the potential for Gracilaria culture appears excellent, there is no precedent to follow for tropical farming of Gracilaria outside of Taiwan. Annual yields of three to five tons per hectare of Gracilaria are commonly obtained from ponds in Taiwan, however, a different species with an inferior gel is grown there. Consequently, it is necessary to conduct preliminary investigations in Malaysia to develop suitable culture methods. This proposal is for a project to assist the government in obtaining this information.

Related projects. None

Government interest and support. The Government is interested in developing aquaculture activities as a source of employment for unemployed or under-employed fishermen. Realizing the potential of seaweed farming, the Division of Fisheries has formulated a plan for development and is submitting a proposal for funding in 1978. This project is intended to supplement the government programme by providing a modest amount of needed technical expertise and equipment.

FAO/UNDP country programme. The UNDP Second Country Programme for Malaysia recognizes the need for fisheries development in Malaysia and the role that aquaculture can play in that development. It states: “In general, the opportunities for a great variety of cultured fish, shellfish and other water creatures is very great. However, utilization of this potential is still hampered by lack of technology at the practical production level. A greater effort is to be made to strengthen fishery services as well as assist commercially operating agencies and private aquaculturists for which the TMP1 will provide subsidies and research support. The SCS2 will assist in as much as its resources permit, but a national project is required for development, training and extension needs. SCP3 funds in the amount of US$400 000 have been allocated for high priority fishery development programmes which are now being formulated.”

This project forms part of the SCSP assistance.


Long-range objective

To provide employment and/or increased income to coastal fishermen and their families.

Immediate objective

To provide information necessary for the formulation of a largescale development project to establish a viable seaweed farming industry in Malaysia.

1 Third Malaysian Plan

2 South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme (SCSP)

3 Second Country Programme (UNDP)


The project will be implemented through the Fisheries Research Institute, Glugor, Penang, Malaysia

A.Project activitiesLocationProposed duration
and starting date
 1.Appraise selected Gracilaria species growing along the northwest coast for seasonality in respect to technology and gel contentHawaii, U.S.A. or alternate location with similar facilities2 months
(Month 1 and 2)
 2.Develop techniques for farming Gracilaria and make estimates of the productivity of local speciesPenang1 year
 3.Obtain appraisals of the market value of the selected speciesHawaii, U.S.A. or alternate location with similar facilitiesIntermittent
(Month 3)
 4.Identify sites for developing Gracilaria farming with family size unitsNorthwest coast of Malaysia1 year
B.Supporting material to work plan  
 Overall direction of the project will be by a government officer appointed by the Director-General of Fisheries. The SCSP will coordinate activities of the consultants.  
 1.Assignment of international staff  
  (i) Seaweed biologistPenang2 m/m Intermittent
  (ii) Laboratory analysis technicianUniversity of Hawaii or alternative qualified institution2 m/m Intermittent
  (iii) Seaweed farmerPenang12 m/m
 2.Training provisions  
  Training will be provided to national staff through SCS Programme of travel for training within the region, and by on-the-job training with consultants.  
 3.SCSP-provided supplies and equipmentTotal sum
US $
  (i) Consumable equipment and supplies  
  Netting material, plastic ware, shipping containers, drying platform, knives, laterns, etc. US$ 1 000
  (ii) Non-expendable equipment  
  Vehicle, small boat and motor, floats 8 000
  Component total US$ 9 000
 4.Reporting costs - will be borne by the SCSP 
 5.Nature of the counterpart contribution 
  The Government is planning a national project to develop seaweed farming which this project will complement. 
  (i) Assignment of national staff Man/months
     (a) Fishery officer 12
     (b) Laboratory assistant 12
     (c) Laboratory attendant 12
  (ii) Government-provided buildings, equipment and supplies  
     (a) The Government will provide office space for consultants  
     (b) Services and maintenance of facilities will be provided by the government  
     (c) The costs of all official within country transport involving project staff engaged in official duties will be met by the government  
     (d) The Government will furnish materials and equipment necessary to construct experimental plots for growing the seaweed  


Working Papers

SCS/74/WP/1Rabanal, H. R. The potentials of aquaculture development in the Indo-Pacific Region. Manila, 1974. 34p.
SCS/74/WP/2Crutchfield, J.A., D.A. Lawson and G. K. Moore. Malaysia - Legal and institutional aspects of fisheries development. Manila, 1974. 27p.
SCS/74/WP/3Marr, J.C. Republic of Vietnam - Legal and institutional aspects of fisheries development. Manila, 1974. 20p.
SCS/74/WP/4Larsson, S.O.R., G.C.A. Van Noort and E. O. Oswald. Malaysia - A report of artisanal fisheries of Peninsular Malaysia with particular reference to Kuala Besut. Manila, 1975. 58p.
SCS/75/WP/5Rabanal, H.R. Irian Jaya, Indonesia - Survey of possibilities and recommendations for development of brackishwater fish production. Manila, 1975. 27p.
SCS/75/WP/6Tussing, A.R. Fishery development perspectives. Sub-Region V: South China Sea. Manila, 1975. (IPFC/74/Sym/7). 23p.
SCS/75/WP/7Murdoch, W.R. and M.A. Myers. Republic of Singapore - An assessment of the Jurong Fishing Harbour complex and expansion site on the east bank of the Jurong river. Manila, 1975. 46p.
SCS/75/WP/8Peterson, C.L., K.J. Rosenberg and A.C. Simpson. Regional - Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessels Royal Venture and Southward Ho covering voyages I and II. Dec. 1 – 13, 1974 and Jan. 5 - Feb. 3, 1975. Manila, 1975. 37p.
SCS/75/WP/9Oswald, E.O. and R.E.K.D. Lee. Regional - A proposal for a live bait pole-and-line tuna fishing survey in the South China Sea and adjacent waters. Manila, 1975. 38p.
SCS/75/WP/10Rosenberg, K.J. and A.C. Simpson. Regional - Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessels Royal Venture and Southward Ho covering voyage 3. 9 February to 26 March 1975. Manila, 1975. 28p.
SCS/75/WP/11Peterson, C.L. Regional - Resource survey of larger pelagic fish. Manila, 1975. 32p.
SCS/75/WP/12Rosenberg, K.J., A.C. Simpson and C.M. Renwick. Regional - Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessels Royal Venture and Southward Ho covering voyage 4. 9 April to 24 May 1975. Manila, 1975. 36p.
SCS/75/WP/13Baum, G. A. Kuala Besut II - A supplementary report on selected socio-economic aspects and problems in a fisherman's community on the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Manila, 1975. 43p.
SCS/75/WP/14Cuerden, C. Library services for the South China Sea Fisheries Programme and its participating countries. Manila, 1975. 48p.
SCS/76/WP/15Lawson, R.M. Malaysia - An interim report on socio-economic aspects of the development of artisanal fisheries on the East Coast of Malaysia. Manila, 1975. 29p.
SCS/75/WP/16Jamandre, T.J. and H.R. Rabanal. Engineering aspects of brackishwater aquaculture in the South China Sea region. Manila, 1975. 96p.
SCS/75/WP/17Murdoch, W.R. Malaysia - Assessment of the viability and potential of the joint venture, Majuikan Mideast Sdn. Bhd. Kuching, Sarawak, as requested by Lembaga Majuikan, Malaysia. Manila, 1975. 16p. (Restricted)
SCS/75/WP/18Cleaver, W.D. Malaysia - A preliminary design and general arrangement for an offshore purse seine vessel for the East Coast of West Malaysia. Manila, 1975. 35p.
SCS/75/WP/19Pischedda, J.L. Republic of the Philippines - Legal and institutional aspects in the development of the fishing industry. Preliminary observations and identification of the main obstacles. Manila, 1975. 35p.
SCS/75/WP/20Simpson, A. C. Regional - Acoustic surveys of pelagic resources. Report No. 1. Gulf of Thailand, July 1975. Manila, 1975. 28p.
SCS/75/WP/21Cintas, D. and C. M. Renwick. Regional - Report of aerial survey for schooling pelagic fish. 1. Philippine waters, 12–29 June 1975. Manila, 1975. 28p.
SCS/76/WP/22Baum, G.A. and J.A. Maynard. Tobuan/Sual, Pangasinan Province Central Luzon - A socio-economic study on a rural fishing population in Central Luzon in connection with the Municipal Fisheries Pilot Programme. Manila, 1976. 44p.
SCS/76/WP/23Baum, G.A. Panigayan, Lampinigan, Baluk- Baluk and Manangal, Basilan Province. A socio-economic study on four fishermen's communities affiliated to the Basilan Fishing Association (BFA/Isabela in connection with the Municipal Fish eries Pilot Programme). Manila, 1976. 62p.
SCS/76/WP/24Barica, J. Nutrient-dynamics in eutrophic inland waters used for aquaculture in some countries bordering the South China Sea, with particular reference to mass fish mortalities: Proposal for monitoring programmes, Philippines, Thailand and Hong Kong. Manila, 1976. 43p.
SCS/76/WP/25Rosenberg, K.J., A.C. Simpson and J.A. Maynard. Regional - Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessels Royal Venture and Southward Ho covering voyages 5 and 6. 13 June to 10 September 1975. Manila, 1976. 52p.
SCS/76/WP/26Moore, G.K. Malaysia - Legal and institutional aspects of fisheries development. (2nd working paper) Manila, 1976. 38p.
SCS/76/WP/27Wheeland, H.A. Malaysia - Preliminary observations and recommendations concerning the fisheries statistics programme of Peninsular Malaysia. Manila, 1976. 22p.
SCS/76/WP/28Maynard, J.A. Regional - Report of aerial survey for Schooling pelagic fish. II. Thailand - 20 November to 1 December 1975. Manila, 1975. 20p.
SCS/76/WP/29Baum, G.A. and J.A. Mayanrd. Salay, Misamis Oriental Province - A socio-economic study on the fishing population of the seven coastal barrios of Salay Municipality in connection with the Municipal Fisheries Pilot Programme. Manila, 1976. 47p. (country - Philippines)
SCS/76/WP/30Murdoch, W.R. Hong Kong - A preliminary feasibility study to prosecute offshore pelagic stocks from Hong Kong. Manila, 1976. 27p.
SCS/76/WP/31Johnson, R.F. Preliminary report on aquatic pollution in the South China Sea region. Manila, 1976. 34p.
SCS/76/WP/32Wheeland, H.A. Preliminary observations and recommendations concerning the fisheries statistics programme of Singapore. Manila, 1976. 21p.
SCS/76/WP/33Baum, G.A. and J.A. Maynard. Coron/Tagumpay - Busuanga Island/Calamianes Group (Palawan Province). A socio- economic study on two rural fishing populations in northern Palawan in connection with the Municipal Fisheries Pilot Programme. Manila, 1976. 112p.
SCS/76/WP/34Jones, R. Mesh regulations in the demersla fisheries of the South China Sea area. Regional. Manila, 1976. 79p.
SCS/76/WP/35Simpspn, A.C. and S. Chikuni. Progress report on fishing for tuna in Philippine waters by FAO chartered purse seiners. Manila, 1976. 38p.
SCS/76/WP/36Bonga, O.B. Vessel specifications and drawings for two 10m multi-purpose fishing vessels for the small-scale fisheries project - Kuala Besut. Manila, 1976. 36p.
SCS/76/WP/37Shang, Y.C. Economics of various management techniques for pond culture of finfish. Manila, 1976. 36p.
SCS/76/WP/38Johnson, H.N. Malaysia - A preliminary study of investment opportunities for the development of small-scale fisheries on the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Manila, 1976. 21p.
SCS/76/WP/39Shang, Y.C. Follow-up programmes on economics of aquaculture in the South China Sea Region. Manila, 1976. 19p.
SCS/76/WP/40Cook, H.L. Problems in shrimp culture in the South China Sea region. Manila, 1976. 50p.
SCS/76/WP/41Johnson, H., J. Dibbs and R. Nasoetion. Indonesia - A preliminary assessment for small-scale fisheries development in Riau, North Sumatra and West Kalimantan Provinces. Manila, 1976. 51p.
SCS/76/WP/42Baum, G.A. and J.A. Maynard. Bayawan Municipality, Negros Oriental Province/Negros. A socio-economic study on the rural fishing population of Bayawan Municipality in connection with the Municipal Fisheries Pilot Programme. Manila, 1976. 33p. (country - Philippines)
SCS/76/WP/43Maynard, J.A. Philippines - Report on aerial survey for schooling pelagic fish in waters of the South China Sea and Sulu Sea adjacent to Palawan Island, 9 – 12 March 1976. Manila, 1976. 17p.
SCS/76/WP/44Chakraborty, D. Fisheries statistics in the Philippines - A plan for a new and expanded data collection programmes. Manila, 1976. 70p.
SCS/76/WP/45Marr, J.C., G. Campleman and W.R. Murdoch. Thailand - An analysis of the present and recommendations for future fishery development and management policies, programmes and institutional arrangements. Manila, 1976. 185p. (Restricted)
SCS/76/WP/46Cleaver, W. and O.B. Bonga. Thailand - Preliminary design, general arrangement and lines plans for two pelagic purse-seine/midwater trawl research vessel, 27.5m and 24m lengths. Manila, 1976.
SCS/76/WP/47Cleaver, W. Hong Kong - A preliminary design, general arrangement and specifications for a combination pelagic/ demersal research vessel. Manila, 1976.
SCS/76/WP/48Simpson, A.C. and W.R. Murdoch. Regional - Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessel Royal Venture - Trips Nos 7 & 8. 1 October 1975 to February 1976. Area - Moro Gulf. Manila, 1976. 17p.
SCS/76/WP/49Simpson, A.C. Regional - Trip reports of chartered vessel Southward Ho - Trips Nos. 7 & 8. 11 September 1975 to March 1976. Areas - Malaysia and Thailand. Manila, 1976. 33p.
SCS/76/WP/50Simpson, A.C. Regional - Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessels Royal Venture and Southward Ho - Trip No. 9. Manila, 1976.
SCS/76/WP/51Simpson, A.C. Regional - Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessel Southward Ho - Trips Nos 10 and 11. 15 April to 8 August 1976. Area - East, North and West Coasts Luzon Island, Bohol Sea, Sulu Sea, Moro Gulf. Manila, 1976. 20p.
SCS/76/WP/52Wheeland, H.A. Statistics for fisheries development. Regional. Manila, 1976. 11p.
SCS/76/WP/53Christy, L.C. Republic of the Philippines - Legal and institutional aspects of fisheries development. Manila, 1976. 65p. (Restricted)
SCS/76/WP/54Maynard, J.A. Philippines - Province of Tawi-Tawi. A project identification and semi-detailed feasibility study relative to improving the status of small-scale fishermen and creating an integrated fishing industry in the Province of Tawi-Tawi. Manila, 1976. 110p.
SCS/77/WP/55Thailand - Proposed small-scale fisheries pilot project for Ban Ao Makam Pom, Rayong Province. Manila, 1977.
SCS/77/WP/56Regional - Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessel, Southward Ho covering voyage 12. Area - Waters of the Sulu Sea. Manila, 1977. 11p.
SCS/77/WP/57Regional - Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessels Southward Ho and Royal Venture covering voyage 13. Area - Mainly Moro Gulf, Philippines. Manila, 1977. 18p.
SCS/77/WP/58Regional - Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessel Southward Ho covering voyages nos. 14 and 15. Area - Moro Gulf. Manila, 1977. 15p.
SCS/77/WP/59Regional - Trip reports of chartered purse seine vessel Southward Ho covering voyages Nos. 16 and 17. Area - Waters of the Moro Gulf. Manila, 1977. 23p.
SCS/77/WP/60Doty, S.M. Seaweed resources and their culture in the countries of the South China Sea region. Manila, 1977. 19p.
SCS/77/WP/61Rabanal, H.R., W. Pongsuwana, A. Saraya and W. Poochareon. The shellfishes of Thailand: Present status and prospects. Manila, 1977.
SCS/77/WP/62Chakraborty, D. Observations and recommendations concerning the fisheries statistics programme of Hong Kong. Manila, 1977. 14p.
SCS/77/WP/63Chakraborty, D. Observations and recommendations concerning the inland fisheries statistics programme of Thailand. Manila, 1977.
SCS/77/WP/64Hansen, K.A., P. Lovseth and A.C. Simpson. Acoustic surveys of pelagic resources. Report No. 2 - Hong Kong, Nov. 1976. Manila, 1977.
SCS/77/WP/65Christy, L.C. Republic of the Philippines - Legal and institutional aspects of fisheries development. Manila, 1977. 55p.
SCS/77/WP/66Murdoch, W.R., H. R. Rabanal, P. Walczak, G. Rahardjo, H. Mubarak and B.b. Abdul Malik, A proposal for a fishery resource survey identification to the Pulau Tujuh (Seven Islands) area, Riau Archipelago district, Riau province, Indonesia. Manila, 1977.

NOTE: Copies of these papers can be obtained by writing to the Programme in Manila, Philippines.

SCSP:74/1REPReport of the Ad Hoc Coordinating Committee Meeting of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. Manila, 18–19 June 1974. 27p.
SCSP:74/2REPReport of the first session of the Coordinating Committee of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. Jakarta, Indonesia, 6 November 1974. Rome, FAO, 1974. 22p.
SCSP:76/3REPReport of the second session of the Coordinating Committee of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. Manila, 9 April 1976. 16p.
SCSP:77/4REPReport of the third session of the Coordinating Committee of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. Manila, 24 – 25 February 1977. 19p.


SCS/GEN/74/1Report of the workshop on planning and coordination of resources survey and evaluation in the South China Sea. 28 August to 4 September 1974. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1974. 197p.
SCS/GEN/76/2Report of the workshop on the fishery resources of the Malacca Strait. Part I. Jakarta, 29 March to 2 April 1976. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 89p.
SCS/GEN/76/3Report of workshop on legal and institutional aspects of fishery resources management and development. 5–8 April 1976. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 95p.
SCS/GEN/76/4Report on the training workshop for field enumerators of the Bureau of Fisheris and Aquatic Resources - Philippines. 22–31 March 1976 by D. Chakraborty and H. Wheeland. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 32p.
SCS/GEN/76/5UNDP/FAO Training course on the management of small-scale fishery enterprises. Kuala Trengganu, Malaysia. 25 August to 26 September 1975. Rome, FAO, 1976. 14p.
SCS/GEN/76/6Report of the workshop on the fishery resources of the Malacca Strait - Part II. Jakarta, 29 March to 2 April 1976. South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 85p.
SCS/GEN/76/7Report of the BFAR/SCSP workshop on the fishery resources of the Visayan and Sibuyan areas. Tigbawan, Iloilo, Philippines. 18 – 22 October 1976. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 26p.
SCS/GEN/76/8Philippines - Report seminar on the fisheries statistics survey of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. 23 July 1976. DNR/BFAR/SCSP, Manila, 1976. 17p.
SCS/GEN/76/9Report of the consultative group meeting on small-scale fisheries development in the South China Sea region. 13 – 15 December 1976. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977. 140p.
SCS/GEN/77/10Report on the training workshop on fisheries statistics, Malaysia, 12 – 21 October 1976. Manila, 1977. 27p.
SCS/GEN/77/11Report on the BFAR/SCSP workshop on fishery resources of the Sulu Sea and Moro Gulf areas, 25 – 29 April 1977, Cagayan de Oro. Manila, 1977. 58p.


SCS/PR/74/1Woodland, A.G. Project progress report of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 1 July to 31 December 1974. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1974. 19p.
SCS/PR/75/2Woodland, A.G. Project progress report of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 1 January to 30 June 1975. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programe, 1975. 40p.
SCS/PR/75/3Woodland, A.G. Project progress report of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 1 July to 31 December 1975. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 38p.
SCS/PR/76/4Woodland, A.G. Project progress report of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 1 January 1976 to 31 December 1976. Manila, South China
SCS/PR/77/5Woodland, A.G. Project progress report of the South China Sea Fisheries Development and Coordinating Programme. 1 January to 30 June 1977. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1977.


Fisheries Technical Papers

SCS/DEV/73/1Woodland, A.G. et al. The South China Sea Fisheries: A proposal for accelerated development. Rome, FAO, 1974. 162p.
SCS/DEV/73/2Yamamoto, T. Review of marine fishery statistical systems in countries bordering the South China Sea and proposals for their improvement. Rome, FAO, 1973. 46p. (Cover title: The South China Sea Fisheries Statistical Systems)
SCS/DEV/73/3Aoyama, T. The demersal fish stocks and fisheries of the South China Sea. Rome, FAO, 1973. 80p. (Cover title: The South China Sea Fisheries demersal resources)
SCS/DEV/73/4Kume, S. Tuna resources in the South China Sea. Rome, FAO, 1973. 18p.
SCS/DEV/73/5Ling, S. Status, potential and development of coastal aquaculture in the countries bordering the South China Sea. Rome, FAO, 1973. 51p. (Cover title: The South China Sea Fisheries aquaculture development)
SCS/DEV/73/6Menasveta, D. et al. Pelagic fishery resources of the South China Sea and prospects for their development. Rome FAO, 1973. 68p. (Cover title: The South China Sea Fisheries pelagic resources)
SCS/DEV/73/7Mistakidis, M.N. The crustacean resources and related fisheries in the countries bordering the South China Sea. Rome, FAO, 1973. 39p. (Cover title: The South China Sea Fisheries crustacean resources)
SCS/DEV/73/8Ruckes, E. Fish utilization, marketing and trade in countries bordering the South China Sea - status and programme proposals. Rome, FAO, 1973. 33p. (Cover title: The South China Sea Fisheries Marketing and Trade)
wSCS/DEV/73/9Doucet, F.J. et al. Institutional and legal aspects affecting fishery development in selected countries bordering the South China Sea. Rome, FAO, 1973. 32p. (Cover title: The South China Sea Fisheries institutional legal aspects)

FAO species identification sheets for fishery purposes. Eastern Indian Ocean (Fishing area 57) and Western Central Pacific (Fishing area 71). Rome, FAO, 1974. 4 vols.

(ADB/FAO Market Studies)

SCS/DEV/76/11Development potential of selected fishery products in the regional member countries of the Asian Development Bank. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 107p.
(Appendix 1)
Fishery country profiles. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 173p.
SCS/DEV/76/12The international market for shrimp. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 105p.
SCS/DEV/76/13The international market for tuna. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 69p.
SCS/DEV/76/14The international market for crab. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 49p.
SCS/DEV/76/15The international market for lobster. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 46p.
SCS/DEV/76/16The international market for cephalopods. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 95p.
SCS/DEV/76/17The European canned fish market: Prospects for Rastrelliger Spp. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1976. 56p.


Rabanal, H.R. 1975 FAO activities in inland fisheries and aquaculture with particular reference to Asia and the Far East. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 17p. (Contributed to the First Fisheries Research Congress, Philippine Council for Agriculture & Resource Research, 7–10 March 1975, Legaspi City, Philippines)

Rabanal, H.R. 1975 Preliminary report on the Macrobrachium fishery in the Indo-Pacific region. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 20p. (Contributed to the International Conference on Prawn Farming, Vung Tau, Vietnam, 31 March - 4 April 1975)

Rabanal, H.R. 1975 Distribution and occurrence of milkfish Chanos chanos (Forskal) Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme, 1975. 18p. (Contributed to the National Bangos Symposium. Manila, 25–26 July 1975)

Rabanal, H.R. 1976 Mangrove and their utilization for aquaculture. Manila South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 20p. (Contributed to the National Workshop on Mangrove Ecology held in Phuket, Thailand 10–16 January 1976)

Rabanal, H.R. 1976 Report of project identification mission to Bangladesh on inland fisheries and aquaculture. Manila, Asian Development Bank. 56p.

Rabanal, H.R. 1976 Aquaculture 1976: Focus Southeast Asia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 12p. (Talk delivered at the National Convention of the Federation of Fish Producers of the Philippines, Iloilo City, 26 August 1976)

Simpson, A.C. 1976 Some proposal for research related to the understanding of mangrove ecology and the utilization of mangrove areas. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 10p. (Contributed to the National Workshop on Mangrove Ecology held in Phuket, Thailand 10–16 January 1976)

Cook, H.L. 1976 Some aspects of shrimp culture research with particular reference to Philippine species. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 7p. (Contributed to the Philippine Council for Agriculture & Resources Research (PCARR), Fisheries Workshop, Subic, Zambales, Philippines 15–17 January 1976.

Rabanal, H.R. 1976 The resources in inland waters: their utilization and management. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 21p. (Talk delivered before the Phi Sigma Biological Society as a contribution to the Deogracias V. Villadolid Memorial lecture series. Manila, Philippines, 26 November 1976.

Rabanal, H.R. 1977 Aquaculture in the Philippines. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 15p. (Talk delivered before the United States Peace Corps Volunteers. Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines, 11 January 1977)

Rabanal, H.R. 1977 Aquaculture in Southeast Asia. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 10p. (Paper contributed to the Fifth FAO/SIDA Workshop on Aquatic Pollution in relation to Protection of Living Resources. Manila, Philippines, 17 – 27 February 1977.

Simpson, A.C. 1977 Fisheries research and development in the Philippines: Some recommendations with special reference to resource management. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 16p.

Rabanal, H.R. 1977 Aquaculture management. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 12p. (Contribution to the BFAR/FAO-UNDP Training of Regional Trainors in Aquaculture. Lucena, Quezon, Philippines, 19 September to 27 October 1977)

Rabanal, H.R. 1977 Recent trends in aquaculture. Manila, South China Sea Fisheries Programme. 13p. (Paper contributed to the Seminar/Workshop for Fishery Schools' Administrators, conducted by the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. Manila, Philippines, 24–28 October 1977)


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