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1.1 Background

Although pollution and environmental studies are part of the planned activities of the South China Sea Programme (SCSP) it was not until the first half of 1975 that work in this field got started. These activities were intended to broaden the overall programme and to strengthen aquaculture projects. Since most aquaculture endeavours are associated with coastal and estuarine waters and these are the waters that bear the burden of introduced pollution, more knowledge and information was required.

Coastal and estuarine environments, in addition to being important from an aquaculture aspect, are vitally important as nursery and development grounds for commercially valuable fisheries of the countries of the South China Sea area. In the past, it was observed that little attention was directed toward environmental damage in these inshore areas from man-made pollutants. However, mangrove and other tidal zones have been exploited extensively for subsistence aquaculture and fishing.

Gradually, it was noted that more importance and credence was given to the impact of pollution on the productive inshore environment.

1.2. Terms of reference

The basic goal of this consultant's mission was to aid the countries in upgrading their coastal environment and protecting their living natural resources from degradation by pollution. His specific terms of reference were:

“To prepare by literature search, visits and working groups a review of the state of pollution and pollution problems in inland and coastal waters of participating countries with special reference to aquaculture;

To review the present state of pollution investigations, laws and control in the various countries;

To define priorities and identify programmes for further action by the SCSP or for implementation by the Programme of national IPF funding or other identified agencies as appropriate to meet national needs.”

1.3. Official arrangements

The tour of duty of the consultant was for six months, starting 19 September 1975 to 19 March 1976. Manila was the duty station throughout the mission. Initially his arrival and terms of reference were circulated to U.N. Resident Representatives and Governments of participating countries. Subsequently the required internal travel in duty station were arranged. Arrangements for additional travel in the other participating countries were made in advance of actual travel. Due to urgency, travel to Thailand were made on two occasions upon request of the Government. For lack of time, travel to other areas could not be made but a review of the state of pollution in the other participating countries were made through circulated questionnaries preceding an IOC/FAO workshop on marine pollution in east asian waters. Also, due to unforseen medical leave, some of the scheduled work programme could not be fully implemented.

1.4. Activities

During his assignment, the consultant carried out the following activities:

  1. Discussed and advised on future research approaches to evaluate the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of Laguna de Bay lake, Luzon, Philippines with the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR), Lake Laguna Development Authority (LLDA), and the National Science Development Board (NSDB), with special reference to fishkills within aquaculture fishpens;

  2. Assisted in the review and revision of a project proposal for “Programme of Prevention and Control of Water Pollution for the Protection of Living Coastal Resources” for the Government of Thailand to be approved by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) or other suitable funding agencies;

  3. Travelled to Thailand and conferred with officials of the Thai Department of Fisheries and Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) concerning the proposal in “b” above (1–13 November 1975);

  4. Travelled within Thailand to Songkhla for briefing on harbour development plans in the area and to help in assessing environmental problems of the proposed port improvement (13–15 November 1975);

  5. Assisted in the preparation of review paper for the “Workshop on Marine Pollution in East Asian Waters” from replies to a circulated questionnaire and various country reports submitted by countries in East Asian region (China (Taiwan), Australia (northern region), India (eastern region), Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand.

  6. Travelled within Thailand to Songkhla and Phuket for the purpose of rendering technical assistance associated with deepwater port improvement at Songkhla and Phuket; and to draft an outline for future environmental investigations in these two areas (24–26 February 1976).

Due to lack of time the consultant was unable to undertake duty travel in Hongkong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and other countries within the SCSP area for purpose of pollution/environmental evaluation.

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