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Barica, J., 1976 Nutrient dynamics in eutrophic inland waters used for aquaculture. SCS/76/WP/24: 29 p, 4 appendices.

FAO/IPFC, 1976 Preliminary review on the state of marine pollution in east Asian waters. Internat. Works. Mar. Pollution, Doc. IOC/FAO/IWMPEAW/6: ivt 37 p.

Delmendo, M.N. and R.H. Gedney, 1974 Fish farming in pens: A fishing business in Laguna de Bay. Laguna Lake Development Authority, Tech. paper (2)

Felix, S. S., 1973 Raising bangus in fish pens. BFAR, Fish.News. July-Sept. 1973: 2–11.

Felix, S.S., 1974 Raising bangus in fish pens and fish cages., Proc. NSDB Symp. Philip. Ass. Adv. Sci.

Laguna Lake Development Authority, 1975 Survey of 1973; fishery catch in Laguna de Bay. LLDA Tech. paper (1)

Lee, E.W., 1975 Water quality study, Laguna de Bay, Philippines. WHO Sem. Environ. Pollution, Manila, Philippines, March 1974, 7 p.

Menasveta, P., 1976 Total mercury in the food chain of Bang Pra coastal area, Chonburi. Sem./Workshop. Mangrove Ecol., Phuket, Thailand (In press)

Sogreah (UNDP/ADB), 1974 Laguna de Bay water resources development, LLDA, Vol. 1–8.

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