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Anon, 1975 Bangus autopsy: death by drowning. Farming Today, July 1975: 6–8

Ayles, B., et al (in press), 1975 Seasonal mortality of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) planted in small eutrophic lakes of Central Canada. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. 33

Barica, J., 1973 Changes in water chemistry accompanying summer fishkills in shallow entrophic lakes in southwest Manitoba. Proc. Symp. Lakes Western Canada, Univ. Alberta Wat. Res. Centre Pub. (2):228–241

Barica, J., 1975a Summerkill risk in prairie ponds and possibilities of its prediction. J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. 32:1283–1288

Barica, J., 1975b Collapses of algal blooms in prairie pothole lakes: their mechanism and ecological impact. Verh. Internat. Verein Limnol. 19, 606–615

Delmendo, M.N. and R.H. Gedney, 1974 Fish farming in pens: a fishery business in Laguna de Bay. Laguna Lake Dev. Authority, Tech. Pap. (2)

FAO/UNDP, 1975 Asia and Far East Region, Advisory services in regional fish culture: FI:DP/RAS/72/128: Project findings and recommendations. Terminal Report 70 p

Felix, S.S., 1973 Raising bangus in fish pens. Bur. Fish. Aq. Res., Fish. Newsl. July-September 1973: 2–11

Felix, S.S., 1974 Raising fish in fish pens and fish cages. Proc. NSDB Symp. Philip. Ass. Adv. Sci.

Golterman, H.L., and R.S. Clymo, 1971 Methods for chemical analysis of fresh waters. IBP Handbook, 3rd Edition, 1971: 188 p

Laguna Lake Development Authority, 1974 Survey of 1973 fishery catch in Laguna de Bay. LLDA Tech. Pap. (1)

Lee, E.W., 1975 Water quality study: Laguna de Bay, Philippines. WHO Sem. Environ. Pollution, Manila, Philippines, March 1974: 7 p

Lenarz, H., 1975 Personal communication

Menasveta, D. et al. 1975 Proposed 10-year aquaculture development plan for Thailand, Rep. Dept. Fish., Bangkok, 21 p

Mercene, E.C., 1964 A limnological study of Laguna de Bay with special reference to the benthos. Unpublished manuscript, Freshwater Fisheries Division, Philippine Fisheries Commission, Manila, 8 p, 9 annexes

Nichols, E.H., 1974 Fisheries development planning in Hong Kong. Proc. 16th Sess., IPFC, Jakarta, Section III: 137–152

Notario, E.F., 1964 A limnological study of Laguna de Bay with a special reference to the plankton (suspended organic matter). Unpublished manuscript, Freshwater Fisheries Division, Philippine Fisheries Commission, Manila: 10 p, 16 annexes

Potaros, M., 1975 Personal communication

Pruginin, Y., 1972 Report to the Government of the Philippines on fish culture development in Laguna de Bay. UNDP/PHI/71/3, No. TA 3062: 35 p

Rabanal, H.R., 1974 The potentials of aquaculture development in the Indo-Pacific region. South China Sea Fish. Dev. Coord. Prog. SCS/74/WP/1: 34 p

Rabanal, H.R., P.A. Acosta and M.N. Delmendo, 1964 Limnological survey of Laguna de Bay - A pilot study on aquatic productivity. Philip. J. Fish. 8 (1):101–109

Snedecor, C.W., and W.C. Cochran, 1967 Statistical methods, 6th ed. Iowa State Univ. Press, Ames, 593 p

Sogreah (UNDP/ADB), 1974 Laguna de Bay water resources development, LLDA, Vol. 1–3

Stainton, M.P., Capel M.J. and F.A.T. Armstrong, 1974 The chemical analysis of fresh water. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. Misc. Spec. Publ., 25:125 p

Strickland, J.D.J. and T.R. Parsons, 1968 A practical handbook of seawater analysis. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. Bull. 167:311 p

Thorslund, A.E., 1972 Report to the Government of the Philippines on a brief survey on inland water pollution in the Philippines. FAO/SIDA/TF 81:9 p

Vollenweider, R,A., 1969 Primary production in aquatic environments. IBB Handbook 12: 213 p

Whitaker, J., 1974 Impressions of Clarias culture in the Suphanburi Area. In: National Inland Fisheries Institute, Annual Report, Bangkok

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