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October, 1978 
Sunday, 15thLondon to Rome.
Monday, 16thAt FAO Rome for briefing and discussions.
Tuesday, 17thLeft Rome for Jakarta, via Athens and Bangkok.
Wednesday, 18thArrived Jakarta mid-day. Meetings with Project Manager and Fisheries Officials.
Thursday, 19thVisit to UNDP Office. Planning programme with FAO and Fisheries Officials. Checking technical equipment and distribution to outstations.
Friday, 20thTo Sukabumi. Seminar with students. Installation of SWS system in fish pond.
Saturday, 21stFurther work on fish pond Unit. Practice installation by students in river. Return to Jakarta.
Sunday, 22ndAt Jakarta.
Monday, 23rdTo Semarang.
Tuesday, 24thDiscussion and seminar. Inspection of various sea, river and fish pond sites.
Wednesday, 25thInstallation of Unit in fish pond. Demonstration of use of well screen.
Thursday, 26thTo Jepara Brackishwater Aquaculture Development Center and return. Demonstration of beach abstraction and discussion of general filtration problems with Marine Biologists at station.
Friday, 27thMorning, to Surabaya. Planning and discussion at Provincial Head Office.
Saturday, 28thTo Probolinggo and return. Discussion of water problems generally with Marine Biologists: demonstration of test probe for water abstraction.
Sunday, 29thAt Surabaya.
Monday, 30thTo Keponjem and return. Seminar with District Fisheries Officers. Installation of Unit in fish pond and demonstration of use of well screen.
Tuesday, 31stTo Sampang, Madura Island, and return. Investigation of fresh and saltwater sources for supply to Fishing Harbour.

November, 1978 
Wednesday, 1stAt Surabaya office for further discussions. Afternoon, return to Jakarta.
Thursday, 2ndInspection and selection of trial sites around Jakarta.
Friday, 3rdDemonstration of jetting methods around Muara Angke Fishing Harbour, Jakarta.
Saturday, 4thDemonstration of fish pond installation at Cianjur. Inspection of fish ponds at Ciracas.
Sunday, 5thAt Jakarta. Meeting with Mr. Rustami, Director of Research for Inland Fisheries, and discussion of laboratory filtration problems.
Monday, 6thTo Medan. To Pematang. Meeting with officials at Central Hatchery for Central Kerasaan.
Tuesday, 7thDitto. Seminar with fisheries officials and demonstration of fish pond installations.
Wednesday, 8thReturn to Medan.
Thursday, 9thAt Medan. Working on reports, etc.
Friday, 10thFurther meeting with fisheries officials. To Singapore.
Saturday, 11thTo Manila.
Sunday, 12thAt Manila. Planning programme.
Monday, 13thInstallation of SWS system in fish pond at Tanay Fishery Centre, Laguna Bay.
Tuesday, 14thTo Lucena City and return. Installation of SWS system in river at Training Centre.
Wednesday, 15thLocating sites for trials at Navotas Harbour and in river.
Thursday, 16thTo Iloilo and return. Discussion of water supply problems with UP Biology Staff. Demonstration of SWS system in local stream.
Friday, 17thMorning, demonstration of SWS system in river at Marikina. Afternoon, demonstration of clean sea water abstraction at Navotas Fishing Harbour.
Saturday, 18thVisit to Manila Pineapple Corporation estate and discussion of various water abstraction and pollution control problems.
Sunday, 19thTo Kuala Lumpur, via Singapore.
Monday, 20thMeeting with Mr. Tan Cheng Kiat and other Fishery officers. To Port Dickson and return, to evaluate beach sites and demonstrate SWS system.
Tuesday, 21stMorning, demonstration of SWS Unit in old tin mining lagoon near Airport. Afternoon, to Government fish farm complex N.E. of Kuala Lumpur to demonstrate SWS system in adjacent river. Midnight, left for London.
Wednesday, 22ndArrived London.

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