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The shellfish resources in Thailand can be categorized into two main types: (i) species harvested from natural grounds; and (ii) species harvested from natural grounds and also produced through culture.

To the first belong the short-necked clam or hoi lai (Paphia undulata) (Fig. 10); hoi pin (Pholas orientalis); window-pane shell or hoi chalab (Placuna placenta); top shell or hoi nom sab (Trochus sp.); turban shell or hoi ood (Turbo sp.); jackknife clam or hoi siab (Donax sp.) and many others.

To the second or cultivable group belong the green mussel or hoi maeng pu (Fig. 11); horse mussel or hoi kapong (Fig. 14); oyster or hoi nang rom (Fig. 16); cockle or hoi kraeng (Fig. 15); and pearl shell or hoi muk (Pinctada spp.).

A third category may be listed, namely, those species that have potential for culture but are presently not used for cultivation. These include the short-necked clam (hoi lai) and the window-pane shell (hoi chalab)

A list of the more common species with their corresponding common Thai and English names are given below.

I. Species exploited from natural grounds and also used for culture:

SpeciesThai nameEnglish name
a.Mytilus smaragdinushoy maeng-pugreen mussel, sea mussel
b.Modiolus senhauseniihoy kaponghorse mussel
c.Anadara granosahoy kraengark shell, cockle
d.Crassostrea commercialishoy nang-romoyster
e.Crassostrea lugubrishoy ta-kromoyster
f.Crassostrea belcherihoy ta-kromoyster
g.Pinctada maximahoy muk-jangold-lipped pearl oyster
h.Pinctada margaritiferahoy-kala-pang-hablack-lipped pearl oyster

II. Species obtained from natural grounds only:

SpeciesThai nameEnglish name
a.Paphia undulatahoi laicarpet shell or short-necked clam
b.Pholas australiasiaehoy-leb-muepiddock
c.Pholas orientalishoy pimpiddock
d.Pholas siamensishoy pimpiddock
e.Solen abbreviatushoy meed-koanrazor clam
f.Ensis malaccensishoy-meed-koanjackknife clam
g.Mactra reeveihoy ta-labsurf clam
h.Mactra antiguatahoy ta-labsurf clam
i.Mactra dissimilishoy khoawsurf clam
j.Donax fabahoy seubwedge shell
k.Placuna placentahoi chalabwindow-pane oyster
l.Trochus sp.hoi nom sabtop shell
m.Turbo sp.hoi oodturban shell

Undoubtedly, there are many other species of economic importance that may be present in Thailand. An inventory of such species, their uses and potentials can be useful. In this paper, emphasis will be made on the economic species that are mainly cultured for use as human food as well as those that have potential for culture purposes. No further discussion will be made on shellfish, such as the pearl shell which is not a source of food but utilized mainly as a source of the precious pearl and ornamental shells of commerce, such as the top shell and the turban shell which are exploited for their shells.

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