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8.1. Pagular harvests

8.2. Processing of cysts

8.3. Production potentials

Previous inoculation trials in Thailand and the Philippines indicate a production potential ranging between 25–55 kg cysts/ha/5 months dry season, depending on the use of extensive culture techniques with only mangrove water intake as food source or intensive techniques with fertilization.

These figures are conservative estimates and production can be probably much higher depending on the initiative of the farmer. Nonetheless they already compare favourable with production data of natural Artemia populations which average at 20 kg cysts/ha/4 months.

8.4. Cyst quality analysis

Hatching percentage (%)
Hatching efficiency (g)
Brand 18217
Brand 2874.5

According to the HP the brands have more or less the same quality, but the HE indicates that brand 2 is much better than brand 1.

It is therefore recommended to use HE instead of HP as quality criterium, if the necessary equipment is available.

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