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On the basis of the conclusions presented in the previous section, the following recommendations apply to the development of the FRP.

  1. The present level of production has to be maintained, there is a need to conceive the FRP, with flexibility, within a well-defined over-all strategy of national fisheries development based on the assessment of resources, surplus fishermen, labour requirements, marketing efficiency and income disparities among fishermen.

  2. Actual implementation of relocation projects should be largely undertaken by the private sector in line with the policy and concept of privatization. LKIM's functions should be mainly concerned with planning, monitoring, evaluating and implementing training programmes, coordination, and also to ensure that the development projects are being implemented according to its original objectives.

  3. A steering committee for the resettlement of fishermen, corresponding to the Committee at the federal level, should be formed at the state level in order to avoid the risk of conflicts and duplications of efforts as well as implement projects in a coordinated manner. LKIM should chair the meeting with power to coopt the members into the committee.

  4. A systematic technical monitoring of performance and a evaluation system should be established to measure the effect and impact of the FRP, as well as the impact on fish resources as a result of the reduction of fishing efforts.

  5. An overall evaluation should be carried out on the sub-programme “upgrading of skills and entreneurship”. Such evaluation should identify the problems faced by trained fishermen in obtaining alternative jobs, determine the need for training elements required in the labour market, modify the existing programmes to meet present and future needs, and design new programmes when necessary.

  6. There is an urgent need for more trained and qualified personnel who will be responsible for the planning and implementation of the FRP within LKIM. The staffing of the Fishermen's Community Development Division should be strengthened quantity-wise and quality-wise.

  7. The data bank should be established within LKIM on surplus fishermen, labour requirements and available jobs in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour and other agencies concerned.

  8. The geographical coverage of the FRP should be extended to non-FDA areas.

  9. FAO should continue to assist LKIM in the planning and implementation of the FRP for the second phase, focussing its efforts on strengthening existing resettlement projects, establishing a data bank as well as methods and procedures to monitor and evaluate the relocation projects including vocational training programmes.

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