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Vocational Training Activities in Relation to
Fishermen's Relocation Programme
In Peninsular Malaysia


Since early 1983, LKIM has been carrying out vocational training programme under the sub-programme entitled “Upgrading of skills and entrepreneurship” with the following purposes:

  1. To equip fishermen and their family members with some knowledge and skills on agriculture and/or manufacturing in order that they may secure additional sources of income or engage in other occupations on a full time basis;

  2. To provide knowledge and techniques in the field of business management particularly to young fishermen;


  1. Basic business awareness courses;
  2. Extension course on business awareness;
  3. Cottage industry;
  4. Handicraft;
  5. Field course study.


(a) Basic Business Awareness Course

1. Aims

To expose fishermen to business activities and at the same time encourage them to open their own business.

2. Curriculum

  1. Realization Upon Business

  2. Exposed Towards Business Sector

  3. Successful Entrepreneurs

3. Participants

  1. Those fisehrmen who are willing to leave fishing to join other sectors of industry.

  2. Those fishermen families who wish to involve themselves in business activities

4. The Agencies That Are Involved

  1. MARA (The entrepreneurship section)

  2. The State Social and Welfare Department (The entrepreneurship section)

  3. Pernas Distributors (Pernas Edar)

  4. Malaysian Management Development Centre (MMDC)

5. Costs

All expenses required are borne by LKIM. The expenses involved are as follows:-

  1. Travel
  2. Subsistence Allowances
  3. Lodging
  4. Tuition fees

6. Extension Course On Business Awareness

(1) Aims

To develop awareness among fishermen on business and entrepreneurship management.

Participants for the above course are those fishermen who have undergone the Basic Course on Manuring Realisation on Business. The Course is to conducted by the LKIM Officers at KPN/States level which involves about 25 to 30 participants at a time.

(2) Curriculum

  1. Business Management

  2. Bookkeeping

    The extension period of the courses is only 4. days.

(3) Participants

  1. Ex-Fishermen who are at present involved in business in fishing villages

  2. Small-scale businessmen who are at present involved in a business in fishing villages

(4) Agencies Involved

The agencies involved are the same as indicated in the previous section.

(5) Costs

All expenses required to be borne by LKIM. The types of expenses are stated in the previous section.

(6) Remarks

So far FDC Besut conducted training of this category in 1985 which involved 21 participants.

c) Cottage Industry

  1. Aims

    1. To expose the fishermen community to the cottage industry;

    2. To increase the output of this local small industry to which fishermen have already been involved in some cases;

    3. To foster entrepreneurship among fishermen;

  2. Curriculum

    The course will last about a week and will be classified into two stages:

    1. Courses On Food Processing

      The course on food processing of such foods as Mee Tauhu (Soya bean cake), soy sauce, chilly sauce, etc.

    2. Study Tour

      • Aquaculture projects run by successful entrepreneur.

      • Other projects in which cottage industries are related to.

  3. Participants

    1. Fishermen who are willing to leave the fishing industry to join small scale business.

    2. Fishermen who wish to join the manufacturing sector

    3. Ex-fishermen who are now active in manufacturing in fishing villages

  4. Agencies Involved

    At present MARDI is involved in these activities. For study tours, other agencies and companies are also involved.

  5. Implementation of Courses

    1. The Food Processing course is implemented in 2 stages;

    2. At Headquarters Level

      The course has been conducted at MARDI, Serdang, Selangor under the supervision of LKIM officers.

    3. At State Level

      At the State level, the LKIM State officer or FDC has conducted the course at fishing villages. This course can only be conducted if MARDI officers are located nearby.

  6. Costs

    1. Travel fares
    2. Subsistence Allowances
    3. Food and Drinks
    4. Lodging

    These expenses to be paid by LKIM.

d) Course On Handicraft

  1. Aims

    1. To provide opportunities for fishermen and their family members in acquiring various handicarft techniques;

    2. To help fishermen and their family members in finding jobs with handicraft after completing the course;

    3. To foster entrepreneurship in the handicraft sector.

  2. Training Institutes

    The course is to be conducted with the co-operation of the Manpower Department, the Ministry of Labour and Manpower. It is to be conducted at 4 Industry Training Institutes throughout the country.

    1. Industry Training Institute at Prai, Penang.
    2. Industry Training Institute at Pasir Gudang, Johor.
    3. Industry Training Institute at Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu.
    4. Industry Training Institute at Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory
  1. Types of Courses

    Types of courses that have been conducted at each institution are as follows:

    1. Mechanical Engineering
    2. Electrical Works
    3. Construction
    4. Printing Techniques
  1. Duration of Courses

    The duration of the course differs accordingly to the types of courses ranging from 22 to 44 weeks. It is classified into 2 sections:

    1. Courses at the Industrial Training Institute (normally takes 22 to 44 weeks);

    2. On the job training (22 weeks) - this Industrial Training Scheme is normally carried out at the factory or workshop.

      • The LKIM State office should attempt to find job opportunities (e.g. apprentice) for those who have completed the course.

      • After completing the course trainees are obliged to report to the LKIM State office within a one month period.

    3. Trainees Attachment and Placement

      1. The placement of trainees at the Industrial Training Institute (ILP) is to be made by the LKIM Headquarters.

        The numbers of trainees to be recommended totally depends on the number of places available and offered by the Department of Manpower.

      2. Trainees who have successfully completed the course will be awarded a certificate issued by the National Industrial Technical Training Certificate Board of a Basic Level (NITTCB).

    4. Participants

      1. Possess the minimum qualification of Form 3 for the course on Mechanical, Construction and Printing, while the Malaysian Certificate of Examination is required for the Electrical works course.

      2. Age between 17–25 years old;

      3. Profesion : fishing

      4. Must possess some experience or basic knowledge in the related field

    5. Costs

      The costs required per each participant for the whole period of the course is given below. The entire cost is to be borne by LKIM.

      i)Fee (Tuition Fees)-$110.00
      ii)Examination fees for NITTCB-$ 20.00
      iii)Allowance for stationery-$ 17.30
      iv)Subsistence Allowance (45.00 × 6 months)-$270.00
      v)Subsistence Allowances (while on job training i.e. $210.00 × 6 months)-$1,260.00
      vi)Food at the Institution ($3.75 × 30 × 6 months)-$675.00
      vii)Log Book-$ 2.00
      viii)Accident Insurance while on-the-Job-Training-$ 10.00
    6. Achievements

      The total number of trainees who have undergone training at each I.T.I. are as follows:-

      InstitutionsParticipation in Training
      July 84Jan 85July 84
      I.T.I. Prai, Penang362717
      I.T.I. Kuala Lumpur142020
      I.T.I. Pasir Gudang, Johore-139
      I.T.I. K. Trengganu-712

      FDA = Fishermen Development Area

      * Note : I.L.P. - Institiut Latihan Perindustrian in English is I.T.I. - Industrial Training Institute.

    4. MARA Vocational Institute

    a) Objectives

    MARA was set up in 1965 with the main objective of assisting indigenous people in social and economic development particularly in rural areas.

    At present, MARA has 9 vocational institute in various parts of Malaysia:-

    b) Location of Vocational Institutes

    1. MARA Vocational Institute Kuala Lumpur Jalan Belangkas, Kg.Pandan, Kuala Lumpur.

    2. MARA Vocational Institute Malacca Jasin, Malacca

    3. MARA Vocational Institute Petaling Jaya, Jalan Temper, Petaling Jaya

    4. MARA Vocational Institute Sungei Petani Leboh Raya, Sungei Petani, Kedah

    5. MARA Vocational Institute Johor Bahru Jalan Taruka, off Jalan Datin Halimah, Johor Bahru

    6. MARA Vocational Institute Pekan Peramu, Pekan, Pahang

    7. MARA Vocational Institute Lumut, Jalan Dato' Sri Hj. Kamaruddin, Sitiawan, Perak

    8. MARA Vocational Institute Alor Star Jalan Kota Tanah, Lorong Terus, Alor Star, Kedah

    9. MARA Vocational Institute Sarawak 129, Jalan Satok, Kuching, Sarawak

    c) Types of Courses

    These institutes offer various types of courses ranging from building, woodwork, to electronics. The preceding table depicts the types of courses available at each institute and their educational requirements.

    d) Upon completion of the course, the trainee is required to sit for an examination and will be awarded a certificate if the candidate passes the examination. In addition to the educational requirements, all trainees must satisfy the following conditions:-

    1. Malaysian citizen
    2. Unmarried
    3. Age between 17–25 except for certain courses
    4. Those who have attended vocational schools or the Industrial Training Institute are not eligible.

    Opportunities will be provided to have practical experiences at various government departments and agencies as well as private companies for a period of 6–24 months. During this period, the trainee will be provided a monthly allowance of not more than $210, free accidental insurance and reference materials.

    e) Loan Schemes

    Upon graduation, MARA will provide a loan to qualified trainees for starting their own business or building a workshop. MARA will also assist in getting suitable jobs for those trainees in various government bodies and private companies. It should be noted that MARA will only assist the trainees in securing a job and NOT guarantee them a job.

    Types of CourseMara Institutes (State)Qualification
    1. Brick Layingx   xxxx2Complete Form 3
    2. Carpentry and Joineryx   xxxx2
    3. Painting and Decoration      x 2
    4. Plumbingx   xxx 2
    5. Furniture makingx   xxxx2Pass SRP/LCE with Grade A, B or C or Equivalents
    6. Pandling    x   1 1/2
    7. Canvas and Cushioning      x 2
    8. Wood Designing    x   2
    9. Electricalxx xxx  2Pass SRP/LCE with Grade A, B or C or Equivalents
    10. Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning x x    2
    11. Motorx x     2Pass SRP/LCE with Grade A, B or C or Equivalents
    12. Heavy Engine   x    2
    13. Commercial Heavy Engine   x    2
    14. Marine Engine   x    2
    15. Car Pandling and Painting xx     2
    16. Sawing   x    2Pass SRP/LCE with Grade A, B or C or Equivalents
    17. Wood Drying   x    2
    18. Board Making   x    2
    19. Board Mechanic         
    20. Tailoring  x     1Pass SRP/LCE with Grade A, B or C or Equivalents
    Metal Work          
    21. General Metal Work xxx    2Pass LCE/SRP with Grade A, B or C or Equivalents
    22. Marine Welding (ship welding)   x     
    23. Gas and Arch Welding x xxxx 2
    24. Machiningx xxxxx 2
    25. Sheet Work x      2
    26. Smelting x      2
    27. Metal Fabrication   x    2
    28. Chroming and Plating   x    2
    29. Radio and TV x x   x2Pass SPM/MCE with Credits in Maths & Science
    30. Electronics and Instrumentation x x    2
    31. Mechanical Drawing xxxxxx 2Pass SPM/MCE with Credits in Maths & Science
    32. Archictectural Drawing  x  x x2
    33. Framework Drawing  x    x2

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