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The recommended strategies in order to effectively develop Seaweed Gracillaria to the industry level managed and owned by the Project beneficiaries are both institutional and developmental. These are discussed in the following pages.

5.1 Institutional Strategy

To provide a stronger foundation, there is a need to strengthen the cooperative as an organization to make it a viable vehicle for a cooperative enterprise level of operation.

Farmer beneficiaries shall have continous access to technical trainings, project management, organizational leadership and other entrepreneurial skills.

5.2 Developmental Strategies

The development of a viable Seaweed Industry shall be implemented in three (3) stages of enterprise activities; These are : (a) Seaweed Farming at the Primary Cooperative level; (b) Seaweed Processing (backyard and commercial scale) either at the Primary or Federation Level; and, (c) Marketing and Trading at the Federation level.

The objectives, target activities and strategies of implementation for each enterprise activity are presented below: Primary or Federation Level; and, (c) Marketing and Trading at the Federation level.

The objectives, target activities and strategies of implementation for each enterprise activity are presented below:

5.2.1 Seaweed Farming at the Primary Cooperative Level

The pilot farms are expanded to a 1 Ha. economic size farm. These are owned and operated by members at the primary level. All the different classification of cooperatives discussed earlier at primary cooperatives. A primary cooperative is onw whose members are individual persons who combines their resources for greater economic strength.


  1. To develop seaweed farming as a viable and stable industry.
  2. To generate employment and provide alternative income at the farm level.
  3. To contribute to the thrust of attaining adequacy in production to meet domestic and export market demands for Gracillaria.
  4. To help achieve ecological balance conducive to the development of man and nature.

Target Activities:

  1. Selection/ocular survey of areas suitable for seaweed.
  2. Conduct of massive information and dissemination efforts.
  3. Organization and/or selection of cooperatives.
  4. Training on seaweed culture.
  5. Loan packaging for seaweed culture farming (if no internal funds are available)
  6. Establishment/development of appropriate seed stocks.
  7. Establishment of economic size farms (1 ha).
  8. Monitoring of farm and farming activities.

Strategies for Implementation

  1. Selection of qualified beneficiaries/cooperative in order to attain a more coordinate effort among themselves thus, providing better and easier transfer of technology and other services essential for the success and continued vability of seaweed farming.
  2. Training of qualified beneficiaries. This includes selection of a viable site and identification of the appropriate specie for the site. These shall be closely coordinated with BFAR/DA seaweed technical people.
  3. The establishment of an initial 1 ha. seaweed farm & farm/cooperative.

5.2.2. Seaweed Processing at the Primary Cooperative or Federation Level

Primary cooperatives can engage in simple or backyard processing activities. However, the grouping of cooperatives into a Federation will make seaweed processing more efficient if these are done on a larger scale. Federations are also called Secondary cooperatives.


  1. To establish a processing plant in order to meet the need to expand seaweed farms.
  2. To upgrade technical know how of seaweed farmers into seaweed processors.
  3. To produce substantial volume for the domestic market.
  4. To produce “gulaman” bar for the local market and agar for local and export markets.

Target Activities:

  1. Selection and training of appropriate technical personnel for the operation of a Seaweed Processing Plant.
  2. Preparation of a Feasibility Study for the packaging of a loan for the establishment of a Seaweed Processing Plant.
  3. Submission/approval of loan package for the Seaweed Processing Plant.
  4. Establishment of a Seaweed Processing Plant: (a) building of infrastructures; (b) procurement of processing faciltiies; and, (c) processing of seaweeds.
  5. Manpower development and enterprise development.

Strategies of Implementation

  1. Organization of primary cooperatives into a Federation.
  2. Election of the Board of Directors of the Federation.
  3. Involvement of cooperative officers in the preparation of a Feasibility Study and identification of loan sources for the establishment of a Seaweed Processing Plant.
  4. Formulation of policies and procedures for the management and operation of a Seaweed ProcessingPlant.
  5. Formulation of a Management Action Plan. It shall consists of the following elements: objectives, targets, steps, responsible persons, major activities, schedule and persons and agencies who can help. Among others, problems that may crop up during implementation shall be identified and corresponding solutions are discussed.
  6. Involvement of cooperative officers in the preparation of Feasibility Study and identification of loan sources for the establishment of a Seaweed Processing Plant.
  7. Establishment of Seaweed Processing Plant to be operated by the farmer/cooperatives.
  8. Intensify netwworking with government and non-government agencies involved in the technical, management and entrepreneurial development, e.g. L.B., BFAR,DTI,CDA, etc.

Resource Requirement: Board of Directors, Federation Level.

5.2.3. Marketing and Trading-Federation Level


  1. To determine the trade policies of the Philippines and target foreign markets for seaweed and seaweed products.
  2. To evaluate the effects of said trade policies on the growth of the Philippine seaweed industry.
  3. To formulate recommendations necessary for the growth and development of Gracillaria seaweed industry.

Target Activities:

  1. Updating of relevant trade policies on seaweeds.
  2. Establishing institutional linkages, e.g. Seaweed Industry Association of the Philippines (SIAP).

Strategies of Implementation

  1. Continuous communication with other sectors and institutions like foreign embassies.
  2. Conduct dialogues and consultations among industry participants.

5.3 Structural Requirements

5.3.1 Institutional Linkages

The development of a seaweed cooperative enterprise will depend on the strengthening of the organizational viability of the primaries and coordinate eforts with agencies involved in seaweed development.

5.4 Financial Requirement

Proposed sources of funds for each economic activity may be internally generated through savings mobilization on the part of the cooperative or applying for a grant or loan. For example, an initial contribution of P10,0000.00/ cooperative as paid up capital in the formation of a Federation can be utilized to initiate market and trading activities.

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