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  1. Statistical Surveys should be initiated and/or completed, as detailed in the document “Guide for Fisheries Statistical Surveys”, issued by the Commissioner of Fisheries on 2 January 1969.

  2. The Fish Caught Report data for 1968 should be tabulated by IBM computer.

  3. Close cooperation should be maintained between the Fisheries Commission and the Census and Statistics Bureau to ensure adequate preparation for the successful conduct of the 1970 Fishery Census.

  4. Replacement of unqualified statistical field staff, preferably by men where the field conditions make it difficult for women to operate.

  5. Provision of funds for necessary field survey trips.

  6. Improved organization and staffing of the statistical unit of the Commission

  7. The following should be considered for the future:

    1. Carrying out surveys of fish prices at landing places where Landing Surveys are being conducted.

    2. Tabulation of Fish Caught Report data by the IBM computer at the Bureau of Lands.

    3. Establishment of a system for the regular submission of Fish Caught Reports by fishermen.

    4. Publication of more statistics on the fishing effort of commercial fishing vessels.

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