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Although the execution of the credit scheme envisaged here has been construed as a pilot operation it will be extremely difficult to perform it in a discrete fashion (giving the adjective its mathematical as well as its regular meaning) or in isolation. The greatest danger that fish-farming runs in Zambia, under current circumstances, is that of becoming too popular (because the GRZ wants to popularize it) too soon: the available extension facilities would then not be capable of coping with a rapidly expanding demand for technical advice. The ensuing result would then be widespread amateurism and an epidemic of failures leading to discouragement.

For the whole programme (i.e., the FAO/GRZ extension activities and its credit component) to proceed in an orderly manner, it is highly desirable that the planned National Aquaculture Centre materializes soon. The existence of the Centre would ensure the availability of sufficient trained manpower in order to support a fish-farming credit scheme covering the whole country.

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