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The overall objective of this mission was to sum up existing data obtained through fish-farming operations both in main government fish-farming relations and commercial fish-farms in order to assess the present economic situation of fish-farming in Zambia and evaluate the feasibility of commercial fish farming. For that purpose, the mission studied and analysed information contained in different reports and records at the main government fish-farming station of Chilanga, Mwekera and Chipata. It held numerous discussions with Zambian personnel and FAO project management in order to interpret the results obtained so far and across the particular conditions of fish-farming in Zambia. Visits were also made to commercial fish-farms in the Copperbelt province and the Lusaka area and interviews conducted with management on construction phase, methods used in operations, production results and economics returns. Although situations are highly diversified and even if far from all fish-farms insted keep systematic records of their operations, sufficient information was gathered to prepare an assessment of the economic situation of commercial fish-farming in Zambia. Information on relevant input costs and prices was completed through market surveys and inquiries at supplies outlet and farm operators.

The study is divided in two major parts. The first part, which includes chapters 1 to 4, describes the general economic context of Zambia, the present situation of the fisheries sector and then reviews different operations of government and commercial fish-farming in the country. The second part, which includes chapters 5 and 6, presents an economic analysis of different fish-farming options and proposes a program for gathering additional information.

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