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Abban, E.K.
(in prep.)
Annual Report 1989 (Draft). Fishery Division, Institute of Aquatic Biology Institute of Aquatic Biology, Achimota

Acquay, H.K.
A study of fish farm practices in Kumasi
B.Sc. Thesis, Institute of Renewable Natural Resources,
University of Science and Technology, Kumasi. 44p.

Agyenim-Boateng, C.E.
A socio-economic study of Yeji artisanal fishermen
Paper presented at the FAO/Ghana National Seminar on Inland
Fisheries and Aquaculture, Kumasi, 22–25 August, 1989. 17p.

Asafo, C.K.
The status of aquaculture in Ghana
In: Powels, H. (ed.) Research priorities for African aquaculture: IDRC Manuscript Report, IDRC-MR149e: 64–69.

Asafo, C.K.
The fishery potential of small water bodies in Ghana
FAO Fish. Rep. No. 425: 29–32

Asafo, C.K.
Research and extension needs in aquaculture
FAO/Ghana National Seminar on Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture, Kumasi, 22–25 August, 1989.

Balarin, J.D.
National reviews for aquaculture development in Africa 18 Ghana
FAO Fisheries Circular No. 770.18: 121p.

Braimah, L.I.
Modern and traditional fisheries management systems in the Sahelian zone of Ghana
Paper presented at the FAO/CIFA Seminar on Traditional nd
Modern Fisheries Management Systems in the Sahel,

Broughton Associates Ltd
Aquaculture in Northern Region of Ghana
E.R. Broughton Associates Ltd., Tronto, Ontario, Canada.

Commonwealth Secretariat
Ghana. Aquaculture input supply survey
Commonwealth Secretariat, London, 30p.

Denyoh, F.M.K.
The utilization of coastal areas for aquaculture development in Ghana. In: Coche, A.G. (ed.) Coastal aquaculture: development perspectives in Africa. CIFA Tech.
Pap. (9): 31–51.

Denyoh, F. M. K.
Institutional framework for inland fisheries and aquaculture Paper presented at the FAO/Ghana National Seminar on Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture. Kumasi, 22–25
August, 1989.

Eyeson, K. et al.
A study of the fishery potential of the Mankessim Reservoir in the Central region of Ghana Paper presented at the FAO/Ghana Seminar on Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture,
Kumasi, 22–25 August 1989.

FAO Investment Centre
Fisheries Sector Review (Draft Report), Sector Study, Ghana
FAO Investment Centre 10/89 CP_GHA 22 SR: 62p.

Fisheries Department
Medium-term agricultural development plan: fisheries sector action program. Working Paper No. 5. Final report.
1115/WP 2177

Gordon, C.
Fisheries in small water bodies: the case of the Amanusuri Wetlands, Ghana
FAO Fish. Rep. 425: 170–174

Gordon, C.
The potential for prawn and shrimp culture in Ghana
Paper presented at the FAO/Ghana National Seminar on Inland
Fisheries and Aquaculture, Kumasi, 22–25 August, 1989.

Gordon, C.
Prawn culture in Ghana
NAGA, the ICLARM Quarterly:17

Hynes and Associates International
Summary proposal: Pilot production of tilapia and freshwater prawns in Ghana for local consumption and export
Hynes and Associates International, Canada. 15p.

Kapetsky, J.M.
Coastal lagoon fisheries around the world: Some perspectives on fishery yields, and other comparative fishery characteristics Stud.Rev.GFCM, 61 (Vol.1: 97–140).

Kapetsky, J.M.
Management of fisheries on large African reservoirs-An overview. In: Hall, G.E. and M.J. Van Den Avyle (eds).
Reservoir Fisheries Management: Strategies for the 80's.
Reservoir Committee, Southern Division, American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. pp.28–38.

Kapetsky, J.M.
A geographical information system for aquaculture and culture-based fisheries development in Ghana. A progress report. Paper presented at the FAO/Ghana National Seminar on Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture, Kumasi, 22–25 August, 1989.

Mari Diaz, A. (in press).
Pesquerias derivadas de la acuicultura en aguas interiores de Cuba. En: Manejo y explotacion acuicola de embalses de agua dulce en America Latina. GCP/RLA/075/ITA. Documento de campo No 19.

Mensah, M.A.
The hydrology and fisheries of the lagoons and estuaries of Ghana.
Mar.Fish.Res.Rep.Tema, (7):14p.

Moses, B.S.
Growth, biomass, mortality, production and potential yield of the West African clam, Egeria radiata (Lamarck) (Lamellibranchia, Donacidae) in the Cross River system, Nigeria
Hydrobiologia 196:1–15.

NORRIP Technical Unit
The Northern Region Ghana. Vol.3. Appendix V. Aquaculture and Fisheries Development Programme.
The NORRIP Technical Unit.

Owusu-Frimpong, M.
A survey of fish farming practices in Southern Ghana
Institute of Aquatic Biology, IAB120:

Pauly, D.
The biology, fishery and potential for aquaculture of Tilapia melanotheron in a small West African lagoon.
Aquaculture, 7:33–49

Pedini, M.
Desk Study. Development of freshwater aquaculture in West Africa (Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Togo and Benin) FAO/World Bank Cooperative Programme. Investment Centre. 95/87

A comparison of the Egeria fishery of the Sanaga River, Fed. Republic of Cameroun with that in the Volta River.
Volta Basin Research Project Tech. Rep. XII.

Rabanal, H.R.
Brackishwater aquaculture development in the Volta Region
Volta Region Agricultural Development Project (VORADEP),
Ministry of Agriculture, Government of Ghana. 64p.

Sakura, E.
Shrimp farming for export
UNCTAD/GATT Project GHA/50/08 ITC/DTC/88/898

Satia, B. and M.M.J. Vincke
Aquaculture sector survey. Ghana
Field Working Paper. UNDP/FAO RAF/87/077: 26p.

Studart Gurgel, J.J. (in press). Sobre el aprovechamiento pesquero de embalses construidos en Brasil especialmente en la region del semi-arido. En: Manejo y explotacion acuicola de embalses de agua dulce en America Latina.
GCP/RLA/075/ITA. Documento de campo No 19.

Vincke, M.M.J., U.N. Wijkstrom and P.Vine. 1983. A plan for aquaculture development in the Domenican Republic.
Report of an ADCP multidisciplinary mission.
ADCP/MR/83/23. FAO Rome

Weigel, J.Y.
Traditional management of some lagoons of the Gulf of Guinea (Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo Benin). FAO
Fish.Circ.. (790): 28 p.

Welcomme, R.L.
River fisheries
FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (262): 330p.

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