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Moura-Costa, P.H., Yap, S.W., Ong, C.L., Ganing, A., Nussbaum, R. & Mojiun, T. 1996. Large scale enrichment planting with dipterocarps as an alternative for carbon offset - methods and preliminary results. In: Proceedings of the 5th Round Table Conference on Dipterocarps. Chiang Mai, Thailand, November 1994. Appanah, S. and Khoo, K.C. (Eds.). FRIM, Kepong. Pp. 386-396.

Stuart, M.D. & Moura Costa, P.H. 1998. Climate Change Mitigation by Forestry: a review of international initiatives. Policy that Works for Forests and People Series no 8. International Institute for Environment and Development, London. 68 pp.

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