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Adams, F. and Evans, C.E., 1962. A rapid method of measuring lime requirement of Red - yellow Podzolic soils. Soil Science Society of America, Procedings, 26: 355 – 357.

Black, C. A., Evans, D. D., White, J. L., Ensminger, L. E. and Clark, F. E. (Editors), 1965a. Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 1, Agronomy No. 9. American Society of Agronomy. Inc. Madison. 770 pp.

Black, C. A., Evans, D. D., White J. L., Ensminger, L. E. and Clark, F. E. (Editors), 1965b. Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 2. Agronomy No. 9. American Society of Agronomy. Inc. Madison.

Boyd, C. E., 1979. Water Quality in Warmwater Fish Ponds. Craftmaster Printers Inc., Opelika, Alabama. 359 pp.

Buckman, H. O. and Brady, N.C., 1964. The nature and Properties of Soils. The Macmillan Company, New York. 567 pp.

Coche, A. G. and Laughlin, T., 1985. Soil and Freshwater Fish Culture, FAO Training Series, Simple Methods for Aquaculture, No. 6, Food and Agricultural organisation of the United Nations, Rome 174 pp.

FAO., 1974. Guidelines for Soil Profile Description. Soil Survey and Fertility Branch, Land and Water Development Division, Food and Agriculture Organisation of United Nations, Rome, 53 pp.

Hickling, C. F., 1974. The Farming of Fish. Pergamon Press, Oxford, 88 pp.

Loganathan, P. 1987. Unpublished data.

Munsell Soil Color Charts, 1973. Macbeth Colour and Photometry Division, Kollmorgen Corporation. Maryland.

Sanchez, P. A., 1976. Properties and Management of Soils in the Tropics. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 618 pp.

Townsend, W. N., 1982. An Introduction to the Scientific Study of the Soil. Edward Arnold (Publishers) Ltd. U.K. 209 pp.

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