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Annexe 12 - Ondroils visites

NGO THE SUONG - Etude physiologique & biologique des variétés de riz dans les sols sulfate-acides & salins.

NGUYEN TRONG HUONG - Results of the experimental cultivation of Penaeus Merguiensis.

NGUYEN NGOC UYEN - Results of the Study on the Nutrition & Food of Penaeus Merguiensis.

NGUYEN VAN THANH - Rice-shrimp association culture at Hau giang Province.

NGO XUAN CHE - Macro Branchium Rosenbergii culture.

PHAN VAN CHUNG - Study on Penaeidae from Tonkin Gulf.

PHAN NGUYEN HONG - Characteristics of Mangrove in the Delta of Mekong.

PHUONG LAN - Shrimp & Rice in a cooperative of Tu Dôi - Haifong.

PHUONG LAN - Macro Branchium Rosenbergii culture in assoc. With Rice in family.

PHAM NGOC DANG - Initials on the Spawning, Growth & Feeding habits of Metapenaeus Affinis in the Western Coast of Tonkin.

TRAN VIET CHI - L'utilization des engrais.

TRAN VIET CHI - L'intensification dans la riziculture.

VO DUC NGUYEN - Le sol sulfate-acide dans le delta du Mekong.


VO TONG XUAN & all. - Rice-Shrimp cropping system on potential & actual acide sulfate soils in the Mekong Delta.

VU VAN TOAN & DOAN VAN DAU - Technological Processes in P. Merguiensis Seed Production. 1985.

GUINEE - BISSAU - Potentialités agricoles, forestières et pastorales.

HESS - Textbook of Soil Chemicals - N.Y. 1972.

FAO Fisheries Circular №791 - Brackisch water aquaculture in the tropics: The problem of acid-sulfate soils

J. RODIER - L'Analyse de l'eau.

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