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Extension worker's FOURTH VISIT to Farmers

(a) - Final evaluation of the demonstration and training programmes.

Almost six months have passed since the extension worker left the village cooperative. The members of the village wish that he visits them again atleast for a short period so that they can show him the progress in fish farming and also to tell him some of their views and problems. While they are thinking of the extension worker, he arrives to their immense happiness as this was his earlier plan which he decided when he left after the training programme. The extension worker enquires about the welfare of the village members and later of the fishes in their ponds. After a brief rest, the extension worker goes around the ponds and also inspects the pigsties, poultry and duck houses and feels happy to find that the ponds are clean, so the livestock sheds, also, fodder is grown to feed grass carp. This gives him a satisfying look of increased prosperity in the village and the farmers are keen to explain him in detail all about their work. He listens to the village members patiently and congratulates them for their good effort. While going round the ponds he notices some water lettuce (Pistia) and water hyacinth (Eichhornia) getting established on some corners, so he gets them removed thoroughly otherwise, these weeds shall soon spread all over the pond and create problems in management of the programme. Similarly, some of the poultry and piggery sheds are seen broken at a few places, so he suggests them to repair the same day. He explains that small and small things that we take care of immediately is far better than neglecting them to become a big problem.

He fixes up netting of the ponds for next morning and is happy to find that fishes are in good health and good number as he expected. Ofcourse, he explains to the villagers not to be rough in handling the fishes to avoid any injury to them. The villagers take out those fishes which have grown to market size and restock the same number from the fingerling pond. So the villagers now understand well the process of continuous harvest and restocking to have high productions of fish from the ponds.

The extension worker suggests the village Chief to have the final meeting with all of them to know their views and needs.

(b) - Advice on future regular contact with the government authorities.

The afternoon meeting is arranged with good enthusiasm and the farmers point out their views and needs.

  1. The villagers agree that fish culture can help them in getting good protein food and also additional income; they can now manage fish ponds and livestock establishments properly.

  2. Also, the farmers tell that they understand the meaning of fish livestock/crop integrated system and it is possible to grow fish at a cheap cost.

  3. The farmers however, mention to the extension worker that they will be very thankful if the extension worker can guide them with regard to procurement of good fish seed from time to time, fishing nets on hire or at subsidized rates, feeds and medicines for the livestock, etc.

  4. Farmers also desire that they are given extension materials from time to time; some of them may be trained in more advanced course in fish culture and; the extension worker visits them once or twice in a year for a few days to inform them new technology and check their working.

The extension worker feels very happy and satisfied with the talks of the farmers that they are deeply interested in fish culture (aquaculture). He informs the farmers that they can feel free in contacting him or other extension workers directly and also through the district and provincial livestock authorities. Also, he shall try to arrange for supply of good fish seed to them from the provincial fish farms and request the Livestock/Agriculture Departments to provide them with fishing nets, feeds and medicines for livestock at subsidized rates. Also, he shall try to help the farmers in arranging a good fish marketing, storage and transportation facilities, if the farmers keep the Livestock Department well-informed about the progress in fish culture in their area. Several cooperatives can be served by the government at a time, if they follow an uniform fish culture programme. He explains this point further by saying that even fish seed supply, supply of nets; marketing of fish can be organised by the government (livestock department) for several cooperatives together which is more efficient and economical.

Further, the extension worker assures the farmers that he will try to supply them more and more extension materials; also, arrange higher training for the educated and interested farmers. He agrees with the farmers that one or two visits by an extension worker in a year is important and he will try to continue this; may be sometimes his colleagues may come in his place for extension purposes. He and his colleagues will be happy to serve them as much as possible, but will always need the full cooperation of the farmers to make their programme successful.

(c) - “Says Good Bye” to move to other areas.

The extension worker has been successful in gaining the love and trust of the farmers and he says “GOOD BYE” to the village Chief and all the farmers and their families. With a smile, though with some tears in his eyes, he assures every one that this “GOOD BYE” is to meet again may be after a long time. He repeats to the farmers that success of fish culture in their cooperative, more and more in years to come will be the real reward for his efforts. And he shall thus remain with them in their minds !

Slowly the extension worker walks away and away from the village, sometimes reflecting back at his “FIRST VISIT”, and moves forward with a firm conviction to make Fish Culture a success in the new areas assigned to him. He gathers more and more of experience and confidence in his work, and a good name with the government. One day on reaching home he finds an official letter waiting for him, he opens it and reads it carefully. Soon he feels extremely happy that the government has selected him for a “National Award” for his outstanding dedication to work for the government and the people. He seems to have achieved every thing in life and takes a vow to continue his efforts all through his life. This is the ultimate earning of an EXTENSION WORKER !

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