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87. The representative from the Royal Government of Bhutan informed the Council that it is seriously considering becoming a NACA member, but due to its limited resources, it may not be in a position to contribute the full amount as suggested in project documents. He said that his Government would await the advice of the Governing Council in this respect. He also expressed the appreciation of the Royal Government for being given the opportunity to attend the PGC Meeting as an observer. The statement of the RGB representative appears as Annex XIX.

88. The representative from the Government of the Republic of Korea expressed his deep appreciation for NACA's contributions to the development of aquaculture in the Asia-Pacific region. He said that even as a non-member of the Network, the Republic of Korea has benefitted from NACA's programme, in particular from the training courses and the Seafarming Project in which the ROK has been a participant since 1987, and through three training slots provided in three courses held in RLCP, RLCC and in RLCI. He believes that NACA should continue on a permanent basis, be self-sustaining and independent. His Government, he added, will collaborate with NACA more actively in the future. The statement of the ROK representative appears as Annex XX.

89. The representative from the Government of Lao PDR emphasized the importance of aquaculture in his country by drawing attention to the fact that it is a landlocked country. He mentioned current programmes in aquaculture research and development in Laos in which NACA is already involved, such as the training of technicians on fish disease diagnosis and control which was a NACA-initiated programme, the rehabilitation of fish seed farms, and fish seed production. He expressed hope that NACA would be able to help set up and further develop the culture fisheries of the country through its technology development, training and information programmes.

The statement of the representative from the Lao PDR appears as Annex XXI.

90. The representative from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, to illustrate the primary importance of aquaculture in the country, related his Government's marine programme for aquaculture; it is reflected in what he described as a high target of 8 million tons of aquaculture products over the third 7-year plan period and the mobilization of the entire population for the programme. He said that new techniques will help the government achieve the target, and stated that the establishment of NACA will contribute to their efforts to attain that target through its programme of research, training and technology transfer, and information exchange through TCDC arrangements. He expressed his firm support to NACA. His statement is shown as Annex XXII.

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