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1. The Emergence of Sub-Networks Under the NACA Umbrella

With the adoption of the Agreement and its subsequent ratification, NACA will become an independent regional organization serving the aquaculture development interest of the region. It will be a wholly Asian activity, with the member governments bearing the full responsibility for its management and operation.

In sustaining and in support of the government's joint effort, encouragement should be given under another form of UNDP/FAO assistance. Donor governments and agencies will also be encouraged and facilitated to provide assistance which will further strengthen the governments' effort.

Aquaculture has evolved over the years from a traditional practice to an increasingly intensive production system with existing technology almost reaching a plateau. Unless steps are taken to align fish farming with animal husbandry, in which most aspects of production are man-controlled, it would be difficult to shift the resource-based practice to a scientific-based industry. It is, therefore, important that greater effort be directed towards basic and disciplinary research.

In this connection, it is proposed that the Project, in its third and transitional phase, should establish disciplinary and multidisciplinary networks or sub-networks of centres under the umbrella of an intergovernmental NACA, in further strengthening the governments' endeavor. Such networks envisaged to be established under the NACA umbrella include: fish nutrition and feed development; fish disease and fish health management, fish genetics and reproductive physiology, integrated fish farming, aquaculture information, social sciences and economics, consortium of universities, aquaculture engineering, etc. These proposed networks or sub-networks would not only elevate aquaculture to the level of livestock/poultry husbandry, but would also encourage and strengthen the TCDC practices already established among the governments in the region.

NACA is already executing the Seafarming Project which comprises a network of eight nodal centres. It has also assisted a project formulation mission for the establishment of a network of centres for cold water fish culture. In addition, NACA is organizing a regional research programme on fish diseases involving 18 scientists from 11 countries. This will be the precursor of a network for fish diseases and fish health management. All these mark the beginning of the emergence of sub-networks to be established under the Umbrella Network of an Inter-Governmental NACA.

The networks which are proposed to be set up are as follows:

1.1 Sub-network on fish disease

The network of fish disease, under the NACA umbrella, will adopt a regional collaborative approach which will generate inter-country efforts in solving common problems. Presently, to contain and prevent the outbreak of epidemics on ulcerative disease, a regional research is being undertaken by 18 scientists in 11 countries in the region. The scientists have undergone a preparatory training course organized by NACA before setting out to conduct this study. This programme is coordinated by RLCT.

The purpose of this sub-network is to upgrade and strengthen fish research facilities and manpower in all aspects of fish health management, carry out research and develop methodologies for the identification, prevention and control of the major fish diseases in the region. It will also assist participating countries in preparing their national fish health management plans and programme, prepare fish health manuals for extension workers and fish farmers, and establish a regional mechanism for fish quarantine in the inter-country transportation of live fish.

1.2 Sub-network on fish reproductive physiology, breeding and genetics

This sub-network will upgrade quality fish seed production capabilities in support of aquaculture development programmes in the region. It will upgrade and strengthen fish reproduction and genetics research facilities in the region, and prepare fish seed production manuals for extension workers and fish farmers. It will also enable the upgrading of the technology of larval rearing, understanding of the endocrinological, physiological and ecophysiological aspects of the breeding of fish to have better control on reproduction, and document/evaluate available aquaculture genetic resources for genetic upgradation in line with livestock research. Research programmes that will develop genetically superior strains with better culturable qualities by genetic manipulation will be initiated and implemented.

1.3 Sub-network on fish nutrition and feed development

Most Asian countries do not have the facilities and trained manpower to conduct research effectively in the field of fish nutrition and feed development. This sub-network will undertake a regional survey of locally available by-products of agriculture and agro-industry for formulating balanced and cost-effective feed, prepare fish nutrition and feed manuals, and undertake a regional research programme on the nutritional requirements of different life history stages of different fish and shrimp species.

1.4 Sub-network on socio-economic studies of aquaculture

This network will assist in upgrading the research capability of member countries in the areas of assessment of the socio-economic impacts of aquaculture on food production, employment, income and foreign exchange earnings; evaluation of the economics of aquaculture operations in different scales and types of management; and identification of the social and economic constraints to development.

1.5 Sub-network on aquaculture engineering

Engineering guidelines for the rehabilitation of existing undrainable ponds will be developed, as with engineering guidelines to design and construct new freshwater and brackishwater pond systems for more intensive production. The sub-network will also develop site selection criteria and engineering guidelines for the construction of cage, pen and raceway culture facilities and develop standardized models for finfish and shellfish hatcheries with various capacities.

1.6 Inter-regional network for fish-crop-livestock and sewage-fed pond farming

This proposed inter-regional network will develop suitable package of practices of integrated farming to maximize utilization of small land areas for improving nutritional standards and income of the poor farmers; study the use of sewage profitably for animal protein production, and also provide gainful employment to the labour force which is usually under-utilized, under-productive and under-fed in small farms.

1.7 Sub-network on aquaculture information

The network will strengthen the information gathering, processing and disseminating capabilities of the region, and establish a strong and interlinked development support communication system to facilitate the transfer of technology; and institutionalize the inter-government, inter-agency as well as individual professional linkages for a sustained information exchange. The present set-up of the computerized information systems network in the Regional Lead Centres will also be linked to the other regional and global information systems. Outputs of these computer-based information systems will be made directly usable to policy makers, development planners, research and development workers, and fish farmers. Processed information at various levels of popularity (i.e. technical, semi-technical, and popular) will be produced in support to planning, research, training and extension, and production.

2. Establishment of a NACA Coordinating Programme

The proposed networks and sub-networks will implement their activities following the TCDC mechanism of NACA, along with the pooling of resources and sharing of responsibilities according to the specific expertise available in the region. Each disciplinary network will have a coordinating officer located in a country which hosts the lead centre of that particular discipline. This office will also serve as a subsidiary office of the Coordinating Unit of the Umbrella Network of the Inter-Governmental NACA.

In order to establish these networks and facilitate their successful operation, there is a need to set up a NACA Coordinating Programme following the arrangement of the earlier ADCP project. While the Programme could be located in the FAO Regional Office (RAPA) in Bangkok, its multidisciplinary team of experts could be assigned to man the various networks requiring their respective expertise.

This project idea is now submitted to PGC for endorsement. Upon approval, a project proposal will be developed and submitted to UNDP for consideration of assistance.

(NACA-Phase III)

1. Training Activity

More emphasis will be placed on the organization of short-term training courses; these will enable the transfer of specific aquaculture technologies developed at the NACA Centres and other aquaculture institutions. The regular training programmes on integrated fish farming and for senior aquaculturists will also be continued, subject to the availability of funds.

The short-term courses which may be offered during the third phase of the Project include the following:

The above will be organised according to the availability of funds.

2. Research Activity

The research programme of NACA and its Centres will concentrate on the Outline of Research Programmes, ADCP/REP/80/14 (Part I and II), and ADCP/REP/81/15 (Part III). Other activities will be as follows:

2.1 Regional research programme on fish disease and the setting up of the sub-networks as indicated in Section VI of this Report. Further research thrusts will be on the topics as recommended by the Working Group on Research and as decided in the meeting of the Regional Lead Centre Directors. However, the accomplishment of this will depend on the funding situation.

2.2 NACA will assist in the implementation of some of ADCP's regional and global research programmes on non-biotechnical topics, including socio-anthropological studies, labour analyses of various aquaculture systems, including women's role as aquaculture producers.

2.3 Junior scientists will continue to be seconded to assist in the research programmes of the Lead Centres as well as to receive in-service training in research methods.

2.4 A technical seminar will be organized in 1989. It will provide an opportunity for NACA alumni involved in research and extension work to meet and exchange views on their activities.

3. Information Activity

With the posting of the Information Specialist, the information programme of NACA will be more forcefully implemented. Publication and dissemination of research results as well as production of instructional videos on culture techniques will be continued. The computerized information activity will be implemented with the support of the computer programme analyst and operating funds through a regional project for the establishment of an Aquaculture Information Network (RAIN).

4. Other Activities

The implementation of other activities particularly involving TCDC exchange, national experts undertaking increased core activities, establishing stronger linkages between National and Regional Lead Centres and collaboration with other organizations will be aimed at establishing NACA as a self-reliant inter-governmental body for the progressive development of aquaculture in the region.

The Work Plan is attached for the approval of the PGC.

Table 6. Number of trainees by country/government funded by different sources

 Sources of Funding
TotalNo.UNDP/FAOCountryIPFGovernmentSEAFDECIDRCCommon-WealthADBWorldBankMekon CommitteeOverall
Government Hosting Lead Centre
1. China2520----5----5.8
2. India341973--5----7.8
3. Philippines65225--1820----14.9
4. Thailand57258--813-2-113.1
Sub total
Other Participating Government
5. Bangladesh27193---23---6.2
6. Hong Kong32----1----0.6
7. Indonesia3418-2-210--2-7.8
8. Malaysia34176--82----7.8
9. Nepal171016-------3.9
10. Singapore9---72-----2.7
11. Sri Lanka361525--9-5--8.2
Sub total
Non-Member Government
12. Bhutan11---------0.3
13. Brunei32--1------0.6
14. Burma171042--1----3.9
15. Fiji22---------0.6
16. Kiribati1----------0.2
17. Korea (ROK)321--------0.6
18. DPR Korea422--------0.9
19. Lao22--------- 
20. Pakistan12731--1----2.7
21. Palau11---------0.2
22. Papua New Guinea32*1--------0.6
23. Samoa11---------0.2
24. Solomon11---------0.2
25. Trust Territory Pacific Islands22---------0.4
26. Vietnam761--------1.6
Sub total
27. Other Regions25-333-15--1-5.7
Sub total
25 333-15--1-4.5

Table 7. Value and Sources of Fellowship for NACA Trainees by Country/Government

 Sources of Funding (Amount in US$)
Total No.NACAChina (TCDC)UNDP/FAO Country IPFGovernmentSEAFDECIDRCCommonwealthADBWorld BankMekong CommitteeTOTAL*Overall %
Government Hosting Lead Centre
1. China2593,540----41,400----134,9404.53
2. India34116,92056,00013,600--37,400----223,9207.52
3. Philippines65103,54040,000--216,000158,400---8,000517,94017.37
4. Thailand57131,24064,000--96,00082,400-16,000--383,24013.28
Sub Total
Other Participating Government
5. Bangladesh27111,72024,000---5,40036,000---177,1205.95
6. Hong Kong35,360----2,700----8,0600.27
7. Indonesia3480,560-24,000-24,00089,400--24,000-241,9608.12
8. Malaysia3493,24048,000--96,00014,000----251,2408.43
9. Nepal1758,0808,00048,000-------114,0803.83
10. Singapore9---14,70024,000-----38,7001.30
11. Sri Lanka3671,94016,00060,000--66,000-60,000--273,9409.19
Sub Total
Non-Member Government
12. Bhutan12,840---------2,8400.10
13. Brunei33,700--12,000------15,7000.53
14. Burma1748,88032,00016,000--2,700----99,5803.34
15. Fiji220,000---------20,0000.67
16. Kiribati1------12,000---12,0000.40
17. Korea ROK314,8008,000--------22,8000.77
18. Korea DPR45,60016,000--------21,6000.72
19. Laos24,000---------4,0000.13
20. Pakistan1268,00024,00012,000--12,000----116,0003.90
21. Palau12,360---------2,3600.08
22. Papua New Guinea320,0008,000--------28,0000.94
23. Samoa12,360---------2,3600.08
24. Solomon11,600---------1,6000.05
25. Trust Territory Pacific Islands216,000---------16,0000.53
26. Vietnam734,0008,000--------42,0001.41
Sub Total
27. Other Regions25-24,00024,00024,000-126,800--8,000-206,8006.94
Sub Total

* Value of each fellowship has been calculated on an average of US$12,000 for Senior Aquaculturist, US$8,000 for Integrated Farming, US$2,100 for Penaeid Hatchery Management in 1985, US$2,360 for Penacid Hatchery Management in 1986, US$1,600 for Macrobrachium Seed Production, US$2,840 for Composite Fish Culture and US$2,700 for Marine Finfish Netcage Culture, US$1,200 for Socio-economics Workshop, US$3,000 for Mass Seed Production, US$2,800 for Aquaculture Economics and Socio Economic and US$2,000 for Environment Monitoring and Ulcerative Syndrome in Fish.

Work Plan of FAO UNDP Project Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia (1987–1989)

Work Programme
NACA (Phase II)NACA (Phase III) 
1.Staff Recruitment                                     
(a)Information Specialist                                     
(c)Consultants                                    After the service conditions are finalised
National Experts                                     
2.Staff Development                                     
2.1Secondment of National Staff                                     
(a)Information Officer                                     
(b)Aquaculture Economist                                     
(c)Programme Officer                                     
(d)Administration Officer                                     
3.Procurement of equipment                                    Continuing
4.Research Activities                                     
4.1Lead Centres                                    Continuing
4.2National Centres                                    Continuing
5.Regular Training Programme                                     
5.1Integrated Fish Farming                                     
5.2Senior Aquaculturists                                    Number of participants will depend on the quantum of fund available
6.Short Term Training Course                                     
6.1Mass Seed Production of Chinese Carp                                     
6.2Aquaculture Economics and Socio Economics                                     
6.3Environment Monitoring and Ulcerative Syndrome in Fish                                     
6.4Backyard Shrimp Hatchery Operation and Management                                    Practical attachment will be done in batches of two for a month
6.5Fish Disease Diagnostics                                     
6.6Mass Seed Production of Indian Carp and Composite Fish Culture                                     
6.7Catfish and Pangasius Seed Production and Grow out                                     
6.8Shrimp Seed Production and Grow out                                     
6.9Prawn Seed Production and Grow out                                     
6.10Aquaculture-base Fisheries                                     
6.11Aquaculture Engineering                                     
6.12Aquaculture System (for Economist)                                     
6.13Refresher Course for Administrators                                     
7.Secondment of Junior Scientists for in-service training in research                                    Continuing
8.Technology Transfer through TCDC                                    Continuing
9.Establishment of linkage between national and regional centres                                     
10.Collection, processing, storage and dissemination of aquaculture data and information                                    Continuing
11.Publication of working papers training manuals and Newsletter                                           "
12.Baseline studies on Socio-economics of Aquaculture                                           "
13.Regional Research Programme on the relationship between Ulcerative Syndrome in Fish and the Environment                                           "
14.Implementation of programmes to promote women's role in aquaculture production                                           "
15.Implementation of non-biotechnical programmes of ADCP                                           "
16.Coordination of activities of the Seafarming Project RAS/86/047                                           "
17.Feasibility studies, formulation and assistance in the implementation of development project (eg.VIE/83/002, IND/85,020, IND/85/059, CPR/81/014, TCP/CPR/86/6760 and TCP/PHI/6651)                                           "
18.Collaboration with other organizations                                           "
19.Mobiligation of additional funding for project activities                                           "
20.1Regional Lead Centres Director Meeting to finalize 5 year Work Plan for Research/Training/Information activities                                     
20.2Second Provisional Governing Council Meeting and TPR                                     
20.3Third Provisional Governing Council Meeting and TPR                                     
20.4Fourth Provisional Governing Council Meeting and TPR                                     
20.5Technical Seminar                                     



Working Paper No.Title
49Preliminary studies on the effects of animal manure on bacterial diseases of fish
50Primary studies on frequencies of fertilization of fish ponds
51A study on the variant patterns of grass carp C. idella
52Studies on the effects of fresh and fermented pig manure on fish production
53The ecological effects of varying the size of fish ponds loaded with manure and feeds
54The sex differentiation of giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii
55Acetes as prime food for P. monodon larvae
56Toxic and sublethal effects of dipterex on freshwater fishes
57Ecological characteristics of M. rosenbergii (de Man) in relation to pond production and marketing
58Effects of pigments from different sources on colour changes and growth of red Tilapia nilotica
59Production of prawn (P. monodon Fabricius) using the modular pond system
60Comparative study between mono and polyculture systems on the production of prawn and milkfish in brackishwater ponds
61Community metabolism in tropical undrainable fish ponds
62Primary production and fish yields in fish ponds under different management practices
63Study on the effects of organophosphate insecticides in nursery ponds

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