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On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Korea, I would like to express my deep appreciation to NACA for its significant contribution to the development of aquaculture in this region.

Cooperation between my country and other Asian countries has not been so active in the field of aquaculture as yet mainly because of some differences in geographical and climatic conditions.

During the last few years, Korea, even as a non-member country, has benefitted from NACA especially in training. Three Korean junior scientists have been trained in aquaculture research under the regular and short term courses at the lead centres in China, the Philippines and Thailand. My country is also participating in the Seafarming Development and Demonstration Project.

Through the training courses and the Seafarming Project, my country has developed a better understanding of NACA activities, and found that collaboration among countries is the most efficient way to achieve aquaculture development in each country. In this respect, I believe that NACA activities should continue on a permanent basis, as a self-sustaining and independent organization for the continuous development of aquaculture in the Asia-Pacific region.

I am sure that my government will collaborate more actively with NACA in the future.

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