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69. Since no representative from IDRC, the SEAFDEC Secretariat or other organizations was present, the Chairman requested the Project Coordinator to inform the participants about NACA's relationship with other agencies. The Project Coordinator informed that the representatives of the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) of Canada and the Norwegian Agency for International Development (NORAD) could not be present because of the change of dates of the Meeting. He explained that NACA collaborates with other organisations/agencies with a view to optimising the utilization of existing resources and minimising duplication of effort in the development of aquaculture in the region. Collaboration with various agencies is well reflected in the increasing number of fellowships for the two training courses. IDRC is expected to further increase its collaboration with NACA in research, training and information activities. While the collaborative programme for the joint survey of future aquaculture manpower needs in the region is being implemented, the proposal for the production of aquaculture video tapes and the programme for secondment of young scientists are also being considered. SEAFDEC, in addition to being the host organisation of RLCP, has contributed substantially to the fellowship funds of NACA.

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