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112. The Committee was satisfied with the overall project performance and the progress made in the implementation of research, training and information activities. It was also appreciative of the collaboration with other organizations and agencies, especially with SEAFDEC and IDRC in implementing these activities. The Committee noted the need to resolve the fish disease problems and to establish quality control standard for fish seeds. It also emphasised the need to conduct socio-economics studies.

113. In addition to the two standard annual training courses of NACA, the Committee advised that short-term training courses be organized for the transfer of technology developed at the lead centres. In terms of cost-effectiveness, consideration will be given to organizing these short-term regional training courses in the participating countries where suitable training facilities and resources are available. It is also of the view that while admission of candidates from outside the region can be considered for the training course in integrated fish farming such admission to the one-year broad-based training course in aquaculture should be considered in consultation with the regional aquaculture centres in Africa and Latin America, which are also conducting the similar broad-based training course.

The Committee emphasised the need to strengthen the implementation o: the information activity. Since the research operating cost is provided by the host governments, the Committee proposed that project funds be provided for the training activity and the dissemination of information and technologies. In approving the NACA future activities as outlined by the Project Coordinator (para 38), the Committee proposed that priority should be placed on technology transfer through TCDC activities, including the setting up of linkages between lead centres and national aquaculture institutions, exchange of technical personnel and expertise, and in-service training of young scientists to be seconded to work as members of research teams of lead centres.

115. In expressing its deep appreciation to the participating governments of the action taken in support of the core activities, the Committee was much encouraged by the announced government contributions and pledges which represent a step in the right direction in establishing a self-supporting mechanism. However, with the diminishing funding assistance from UNDP to the core programme, the Committee agreed that participating governments should contribute progressively to the NACA budget. This would also attract additional support from other donors.

116. The Committee, in appreciating the effort made by UNDP and FAO, was gratified with the outcome of the project evaluation as presented in the Report of the Evaluation Mission. While advising against the shifting of the Coordinating Unit from Bangkok, but rather to strengthen it instead with increased facilities and manpower, the Committee expressed its strong desire to continue the operation of NACA on a permanent basis.

117. Based on the conclusions and observations, the Committee recommended that :

  1. Information activity of NACA should be strengthened;

  2. TCDC activities for technology transfer should be expanded through the establishment of linkages between national aquaculture centres and lead centres, exchange of technical personnel and expertise, in-service training of young scientists seconded to the lead centres, and collaboration with other organizations and agencies;

  3. NACA should continue to be operative and functional as a network on a permanent basis with full responsibility for its operation and support being assumed by the participating governments themselves.

  4. NACA's Coordinating Unit should ramain in Bangkok with the host facilities to be expanded and its manpower strengthened.

  5. The NACA Coordinating Unit, in consultation with FAO and UNDP, will continue its work in mobilizing and coordinating funding from all sources, including bilateral donors and institutions, for the benefit of both operational and core activities.

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