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Annex VII

To Dr. T.V.R. Pillay, Programme Leader, ADCP
Dr. Thiraphan Bhukaswan
Representative of Thailand

Dr. Pillay

I take it as a distinct honour and privilege to be nominated to say a few words of appreciation to you on behalf of government representatives and our mutual colleagues present here today. As your professional influence has spread widely, I believe that it is not presumptuous on my part to assume that I am also speaking on behalf of all aquaculturists, fishery administrators and policy makers in Asia and other regions of the world.

On their behalf, I wish to express our gratitude for all that you have done for the development of aquaculture. It is through you that the age-old practice of aquaculture has been brought to the fore front for development on a more scientific footing. Your unwavering conviction and belief that aquaculture can play a very significant role in contributing to increasing food production, improving the living standard of rural fish farmers and providing employment opportunities to the rural poor, has brought the importance of aquaculture in the overall programme of integrated rural development to the attention of national and international policy makers. Despite seemingly unsummountable odds, your foresight and vision, coupled with your technical skill, perseverance and energy, and your diplomacy and sense of fairplay, have made it possible for aquaculture to receive the present level of support. More importantly, you have also placed the concept of regional cooperation and the principle of TCDC on a firm practical footing in aquaculture development. Without your untiring effort the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia, that is NACA, or for that matter, the Global Aquaculture Network, would not have been born.

Dr. Gautum, the Director-General of I.C.A.R. mentioned in his Inaugural Address that UNDP and other donor agencies are mothers and aunts of NACA, but with your permission, we claim you as the father of NACA!!

It is difficult for us to believe that you will be retiring at the end of the year. While we endeavour to follow your inspirational guidance given in the past we hope that you will continue to be with us under some arrangement until NACA is weaned! Therefore, while we wish you a happy retirement, we also wish it to be a professionally active one.

Mr. Chairman:

With your permission, I propose that our appreciation for Dr. Pillay be recorded in the Report of this ADCOM Meeting.

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Please be upright and join me in giving Dr. Pillay a standing ovation, in recognition of his contribution to the global development of aquaculture.

Thank you.

Printed by Funny Press
549/1 Soi Senanikom 1 Phaholyothin 32 Bangkok, Thailand. Tel. 5791933, 5793352.
Mrs. Thiwasree Piyaphan, Publisher.

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