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1.   The Second Meeting of the Advisory Committee of the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia (NACA), hosted by the Royal Thai Government was convened at the Rama Tower Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand 14–15 December 1982.


2.   The Meeting was attended by representatives of participating Governments, UNDP, FAO, SEAFDEC and UPV as well as observers from IDRC, ICLARM and the Government of Japan. The list of participants appears in Annex I.


3.   The Opening Ceremony was held at the Continental Room of the Rama Tower Hotel at 09:15 hours, Tuesday 14 December 1982.

4.   In his welcoming address (Annex II), Mr. Ariya Sidthimunka, the Deputy Director-General of the Department of Fisheries of Thailand referred to the priority placed on aquaculture development in Thailand to increase food production, improve the socio-economic status of the rural poor, generate employment opportunities and increase foreign exchange earning. The National Plan for Aquaculture Development formulated in 1976 calls for an increase in government support for research, training and extension services as well as participation in bilateral and regional cooperative efforts in aquaculture development. Because it believes that aquaculture development can be accelerated through regional cooperation the Department of Fisheries of Thailand is hosting a lead centre, and it fully supports the activities of NACA.

5.   In presenting the UNDP statement (Annex III), Miss C. Davis, the UNDP representative (on special assignment to the UNDP office in Bangkok) outlined the long association of UNDP with the development of aquaculture in the region, in terms of financial support and technical assistance. She noted that UNDP has contributed to NACA about $3 million for expert services, research and training since the project commenced operation a little over two years ago. She stressed that UNDP's contribution was meant to be catalytic with only a short-term involvement. In view of the financial constraints that UNDP is now facing, she urged the delegates to consider means of increasing government participation in the Network in order to ensure sustained cooperation of countries in the region in aquaculture development.

6.   Dr. T.V.R. Pillay, the Programme Leader of Aquaculture Development and Coordination Programme (ADCP) representing FAO summarized the history of NACA and the philosophy of its development in his opening statement (Annex IV). The 3 major activities of the Network: research, training and information have been initiated at all the centres although they are in different stages of progress. The training programme offered by NACA, though different from any attempted elsewhere, has been relatively less difficult to implement and is the furthest advanced. The implementation of the research programme, on the other hand, has been the most difficult since it involves developing facilities, organising personnel and changing the attitudes of the researchers. The information programme has begun smoothly but the collaboration of all countries in the region is required to collect data for building a worldwide data bank. In expressing gratitude to participating governments, UNDP, SEAFDEC, UPV, the government of Japan and IDRC for their continued cooperation and support of NACA programmes, Dr. Pillay stressed the need for the Committee to establish a joint funding system for the Network with contributions from participating governments and donor agencies, especially in view of the uncertain future funding of NACA.

7.   In his Keynote Address Dr. Prakob Kanjanasoon, Deputy Under-Secretary of State for the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives in Thailand, emphasized the priority placed by the Ministry on aquaculture development, particularly because of some of the problems arising from the new sea regime. Dr. Prakob praised the concept of lead centres, each working on different culture systems being able to pool their resources without duplication of effort, to accelerate aquaculture development. The achievement of NACA in implementing research, training and information activities within a very short time was termed a remarkable success. The full support of the Ministry for NACA was expressed. The Keynote Address appears as Annex V.


8.   At the conclusion of the Opening Ceremony, the Meeting proper commenced at 10:30 hours with the unanmious election of Mr. Ariya Sidthimunka (Thailand) as its Chairman.


9.   The Provisional Agenda was adopted with certain amendments. The adopted Agenda appears as Annex VI.


10.   The Committee accepted its Terms of Reference without changes. These are:

  1. To review the programmes and progress of work of NACA;

  2. To provide guidance and assistance in fulfilling NACA's objectives including the re-orientation of activities, organization of additional activities within the limits of available resources and the application of results of investigations in participating countries.

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