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49.   Various organizations and agencies presented their statements which appear as Annex VIII (SEAFDEC), Annex IX (UPV), Annex X (IDRC) and Annex XI (ICLARM).

50.   In the ensuing discussions on existing and future relations, the representative of the University of the Philippines in the Visayas outlined the effective working relationship that has been established between the University and NACA with respect to the training programme to-date. He informed the Committee that the President of the Philippines has created a National Board as an in-country mechanism to oversee the operations of the SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department, and the Chancellor of UPV sits in the Board as the representative of the University of the Philippines System.

51.   The IDRC representative expanded on IDRC's cooperation with NACA as contained in the Report of the Project Coordinator. He outlined the bilateral basis of IDRC assistance to projects in the region and stated that aquaculture was a main area of interest for IDRC support. IDRC concentrates on short-term projects, playing a catalytic role in the beginning with the hope of developing self-sustaining programmes. It places priority on short-term training courses and the Committee was asked to comment on the desirability of these in the context of NACA.

52.   In response to IDRC's question regarding NACA's position on short-term training courses Dr. Pillay noted that the limited personnel and facilities of NACA made it difficult to organise additional short-term training courses. The high standard of training in NACA must be maintained. Short-term training courses on improved technology developed through NACA's multidisciplinary research will be organized. It was noted that ADCP has conducted short-term training courses in the past and will be giving another in Aquaculture Engineering at the Inter-Regional Aquaculture Center being established in Hungary. Dr. Davy of IDRC agreed that there must be sufficient qualified staff to conduct short-term training courses provided in most cases by the host country. As it is becoming difficult to arrange ad hoc visits of instructors it would be advisable to schedule such courses well in advance.

53.   Further clarification of IDRC's existing and potential future relations with NACA was provided by the IDRC fellowship officer Mr. Flores. He noted that there are two mechanisms by which IDRC can provide funding for fellowships: IDRC-sponsored project funds or through its fellowship training programme. The need for long-term planning was stressed in determining the best mechanism for IDRC support for NACA training programmes.

54.   The observer from ICLARM outlined the areas it supports, ranging from basic biological research to technical development and socio-economic and economic studies. The agency expressed a desire for future collaboration with NACA in the areas of research and information.

55.   In discussing ICLARM's activities in relation to NACA's, it was agreed that the apparent overlaps were not real. In this connection the value of paralled efforts, eventhough they may appear duplicative was recognized.

56.   The Secretary-General of SEAFDEC. Dr. Veravat Hongskul outlined the close relationship between SEAFDEC and NACA that has developed since the formation of the Network, culminating in the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on 13 May 1982. Todate, SEAFDEC has provided 28 fellowships to the NACA Training Programme for Senior Aquaculturists, including the 10 for the 1983/84 session. In addition, the financial support provided by the Aquaculture Department amounted to about $172,000. In assuring SEAFDEC's continued collaboration with NACA to avoid duplication, he expressed the hope that such collaboration be undertaken on an equal basis. While commending the excellent cooperation established between NACA, UPV and the SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department he recommended that results of research and information be disseminated to the grass root fish farmers.

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