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73.   The Committee discussed at length on the proposed activities of NACA as contained in the reports of the Coordinator and the Centre Directors.

74.   The Committee agreed that the continuing work of research, training and information as well as the establishment of National Aquaculture Centres should be carried out within the limits of available resources.

75.   In view of serious constraints of funds and manpower the Committee advised that the proposed activities of organizing short-term training courses and the Regional Workshop on Aquaculture Planning be held in abeyance.

76.   The Committee examined in detail the future funding of NACA in the light of the work so far accomplished and those that have to be continued. It congratulated the network for the progress made in the short period since its inception about two years ago, in the establishment of the four Lead Centres and the initiation of all the approved areas of work viz. training, applied research and information. It noted also that the host governments or agencies have invested considerable amounts of money and effort in the development of these centres and have allocated the necessary national staff to carry out the approved programmes of work. Likewise, the establishment and designation of National Aquaculture Centres for linkage with the Lead Centres will also represent significant contributions from governments in their participation in NACA activities. Although very impressive progress has been achieved in the implementation of the project, the Committee noted that the activities are such that it needs a much longer time frame to yield the required results, especially in the fields of research and operation of a computerized information system.

77.   In view of the very crucial catalytic role of the UNDP/FAO regional project in the implementation of activities of the Network, the Committee strongly recommended to UNDP the extension of the project for the remaining period of the UNDP programming cycle with funding at the 1982 level.

78.   FAO was likewise requested to continue and intensify its search for additional donor contributions for strengthening NACA activities. In this connection, it noted with satisfaction the growing cooperation of NACA with IDRC, and the possibilities for support for the training programme in the form of fellowships.

79.   In addition to the above, the Committee also considered the need and possibility of the participating governments sharing the operating costs of NACA, in order to maintain it on a continuing basis and to attract greater donor support. As there was unanimous agreement on the need for continued operation of NACA the Committee felt that the participating governments should consider contributing directly to the regional budget of NACA if adequate donor support is not forthcoming. It is suggested that the most convenient and practical way of contributing may be through allocation of an agreed amount from each country's UNDP Country IPF. It may be noted that the amount of contribution, which may be determined through direct negotiations between UNDP, FAO and the Governments concerned, is not large and not more than the equivalent of the cost of a few months of consultants. In the case of countries that have already allocated UNDP funds for TCDC operations, the amount may come from that allocation. In others, this could form the beginning of a small TCDC allocation. The Committee requested FAO and UNDP to initiate further consultations in this regard.

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