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Annex II

Deputy Director-General, Department of Fisheries Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Thailand

On behalf of the Director-General of Fisheries, Commander Swarng Charernphol and the Department of Fisheries, I have the honour of welcoming you to Thailand and the Second Meeting of the NACA Advisory Committee. Cmdr. Swarng has specifically requested me to express his deepest regrets to you for not being able to be present here with us today. He has gone on another mission to finalize plans for support generated earlier in the development of aquaculture in Thailand. From the Advisory Committee's viewpoint, I presume all is not lost, since he, like us here today, is also working for aquaculture on his mission.

From various reports emanating from the Department of Fisheries, you may have noted that Thailand is placing high priority on the development of aquaculture. In the past 5 years Thailand has experienced some decline in its capture fisheries due to decreasing fisheries resources and increasing cost of fuel. The declaration of a 200-mile Exclusive Economic Zone under the new international Law of the Sea by coastal states in the region has further threatened the marine capture fisheries industry. In foreseeing these problems the Fisheries Department has formulated and implemented plans which include the establishment of joint fishing ventures with neighbouring coastal states, the development of fishery post harvest technology for maximum utilization of fish catch and minimum spoilage, as well as aquaculture development. The objectives of aquaculture development are:

The National Plan for Aquaculture Development was formulated in 1976. It called for an increase in government support for research, training, extension services and other aquaculture development programmes, including the participation in bilateral and regional cooperative effort in the development of aquaculture. Thailand believes that accelerated development of aquaculture can be achieved through regional cooperation. NACA has amply demonstrated this fact. We will hear more of this from the Coordinator and the National Director of each of the four centres. It suffices to mention here that the Department of Fisheries fully supports the principles and activities of NACA, and will try to fulfill its commitments in hosting the Regional Lead Centre in Thailand.

I am pleased to see so many of our old friends again who come from various countries in the region, reflecting the interest shown in the activities of NACA. With combined effort I am confident that the Second Advisory Committee Meeting will be a success, and I look forward to a fruitful discussion. In the meantime, I hope you will have a happy and enjoyable time during your stay in Bangkok. Once again, I bid you welcome.

Thank you.

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