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Annex V

Deputy Under-Secretary of State for The Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives THAILAND

Let me, first of all, on behalf of the Royal Thai Government, extend to you the warmest welcome to Thailand and Metropolitan Bangkok. It is indeed a great pleasure for me to have the opportunity to open the Second Meeting of the Advisory Committee of the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia, or NACA, as you call it. NACA is a very apt acronym. It depicts water and unity. It is a Thai name for a mythological water snake with one to seven heads. It is symbolical of unity among different heads through one body, or an analogy of cooperation amongst countries through a mechanism in achieving a common goal. For this reason, the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives has Naca as its symbol.

I understand that NACA presently comprises four regional centres, one each in China, India, the Philippines and Thailand. By pooling their resources, with each concentrating on the development of different fish culture systems, thereby avoiding costly duplication of efforts, I am confident that the expanded development of aquaculture will be achieved more quickly. Besides increasing fish production and relieving the pressure of excess capacity in the capture fisheries sector, it will contribute effectively to rural development and improving the living standards of our rural poor.

Thailand is privileged to be selected as a member of this team of four. In subscribing to the concept of regional cooperation we will endeavour to play our role in supporting and strengthening NACA in its effort to assist aquaculture development in the region. Mr. Ariya Sidthimunka, the Deputy Director-General of Fisheries, in his welcoming address has already mentioned the national aquaculture development planning and emphasised its importance in the overall fisheries development in Thailand. I can only reiterate my Ministry's support to the priority placed on aquaculture in an effort to alleviate some of the problems resulting from the change in the sea regime under the new international law of the sea.

I understand that NACA's approach to aquaculture development is total, comprehensively covering all aspects of work which includes multidisciplinary and system-oriented research, training of key personnel and operating an information system for free exchange of aquaculture information. It is encouraging to note that NACA, within a very short time of its operation, has implemented all these activities and achieved remarkable success.

With this note, I wish you every success in your deliberations and hope that you will find time to experience our Thai hospitality during your sojourn here. I now formally declare the Second Meeting of the Advisory Committee open.

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