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58. Representatives of organizations and agencies presented their statements during the meeting. The Statements for SEAFDEC, IDRC and ACTIM appear in Annexes IX, X and XI respectively.

59. The representative from SEAFDEC, Mr. Shindo, informed the Meeting that SEAFDEC has maintained a close working relation with NACA. SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department serves as the Regional Lead Centre in the Philippines as both NACA and SEAFDEC share the same objectives in aquaculture development in the region.

60. He further emphasised that the close relationship between SEAFDEC and NACA has culminated in the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding in which RLCP activities is described.

61. In addition to personnel and operational funds provided by the Aquaculture Department, SEAFDEC has so far contributed 28 fellowships for SEAFDEC member countries to participate in the one-year senior aquaculturists training course. A total of US$513,070 (including fellowships) has been contributed by SEAFDEC in connection with NACA activities.

62. He expressed SEAFDEC's intention of continuing the close collaboration with NACA in meeting common objectives and avoiding duplication of work for mutual benefits.

63. Dr. Brian Davy, the representative of the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) informed the Committee that IDRC had collaborated with NACA in training and information activities through the provision of fellowship for the Senior Aquaculturists Training Course and the MINISIS information system. He further stressed IDRC's intention to be involved in research and training on a bilateral or multilateral basis.

64. IDRC supports and subscribes to NACA objectives and mode of operation. He emphasised the recommendation of the Second NACA Advisory Committee Meeting to develop a self-supporting mechanism so that the three main NACA activities could be maintained on a long-germ basis. IDRC subscribes to the concept of training aquaculture personnel in the region and hence would be prepared to consider application from countries in the region for fellowship assistance for the senior aquaculturists training course and the short-term training course on integrated fish farming. He raised the need to ensure the proper selection of qualified candidates.

65. The representative of ACTIM pointed out that his objective in attending the Advisory Committee Meeting is to familiarise himself and his organization with the activities of NACA and to initiate possible cooperation between NACA and the French Government on topics and fields which NACA will propose.

66. In connection with the selection of candidates, Dr. Chua explained the procedure in the selection of candidates for admission to the RLCP training course. He informed the Committee that invitation was sent to respective governments at least 6 months before the commencement of the training course and the candidates credentials were assessed by a Selection Committee comprising representatives from SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department, NACA and the University of the Philippines in the Visayas (UPV). He pointed out that the usual problem of late submission of nomination by participating governments made selection of the candidates difficult and often resulted in late admission to the University post-graduate master degree programme.

67. Responding to Dr. Davy's remarks for a more stringent entry requirement for the one-year training course, Dr. Pillay pointed out that the minimum NACA entry requirements must be met before a candidate can be accepted. However, he drew the attention that due to different educational background of candidates from different countries, it is difficult to have uniform standard. While late submission by governments have often caused complication in admission of candidates there are apparent improvement last year when most nomination was obtained in advance. With regard to donor's participation in the Selection Committee, he indicated there are many ways in which the donor could be associated, such as participating directly in the Committee, pre-selection by donor before submitting to Selection Committee or final approval by sponsoring agency after screening by the Selection Committee.

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