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Shrimp feed were produced since 1970 at Centre Oceanologique du Pacifique by wet extruder like meat mincer, then cooler extruder in order to start with pilot scale production and the industrial production scale thanks to pelletization process. Each feed processing involves a special kind of binder. For instance, wheat gluten using low temperature extruder, gelatinized starchs for cooler extruder and special binder (lignosulfonates, guar gum, basfin, alginate, etc.) for pellet mill process which is the most extensive way of processing shrimp feed at present.

Various technologies are used to produce the following feeds according to species:

 % Crude Protein% Fat% Ash% N.F.E.*
Penaeus monodon404–514–1630
Penaeus stylirostris30–354–514–1620
Penaeus vannamei25–304–514–1515–20
M.** rosenbergii3051441

* Nitrogen Free Extract
** Macrobrachium

These include wheat, maize, soya bean meal, fish meal, shrimp shell meal, and yeasts together with vitamins, mineral mixtures and fish oil added to the ingredients or coated after pelletization.

In Fiji, the main species cultured is Penaeus monodon and consequently a relatively rich protein feed is required in order to sustain optimum growth promotion at a stocking density of 8 to 15 shrimps per m2. Existing facilities at Naduruloulou, are quite suited for laboratory scales and producing feeds with wheat flour or wheat gluten and a maximum of water inclusion in order to get a dough. Drying operations are most important and residual moisture is dropped to 12%. Such facilities are possible to strengthen production to pilot scale level but existing industrial facilities which are mainly pellet mill are susceptible to produce shrimp feed provided some additional equipment which should help to get water stable feed together with sinking and well shaped pelleted feeds.

Several initiatives regarding shrimp feed production have been undertaken in Fiji since 1981. These are summarized below.

19813 weeks nutrition techniques training of Mr. Filimone Mate at IFREMER/C.O.P.
1982Survey of Mr. A. Febvre for setting up of feed production unit.
1983Reception of 8 samples of shrimp feeds formulated and prepared at Fiji. Analysis and growth tests were carried out in IFREMER/C.O.P.
1984First supply of imported shrimp feed from New Caledonia to 1988.
1985Visit of G. Cuzon in Fiji to look into possible production of shrimp feed in Fiji cost mills.
1986Japanese equipment and formulation for pilot scale production of shrimp feeds.
1988Supply of P. monodon feed from Nelson's factory, NZ.

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