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Beckvar, N. 1981. Cultivation, spawning and growth of the giant clams Tridacna gigas, Tridacna derasa, and Tridacna squamosa in Palau, Caroline Islands. Aquaculture 24, 21–30.

Braley, R.D. 1984. Reproduction in the giant clams Tridacna gigas and T. derasa in situ on the North-Central Great Barrier Reef and Papua New Guinea. Coral Reefs, 3, 221–227.

Braley, R.D. 1986. Reproduction and Recruitment of Giant Clams and some Aspects of their Larval and Juvenile Biology. PhD Thesis, University of New South Wales, 297 p.

Braley, R.D. 1988. The status of giant clam stocks and potential for clam mariculture in Tuvalu. Report prepared for Fisheries Division, Tuvalu and FAO-South Pacific Aquaculture Development Project, Fiji. 38 p. + figs. and appendices.

Braley, R.D., Nash, W.J., Lucas, J.S., and Crawford, C.M. 1988. Comparison of different hatchery and nursery culture methods for the giant clam Tridacna gigas. pp 110–113 In: Copland, J.W. and Lucas, J.S. (eds.). Giant Clams in Asia and the Pacific. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, Canberra, ACT. ACIAR Monograph no. 9, 274 p.

Cannon, L.R.G., and Silver, H. 1986. Sea Cucumbers of Northern Australia. Queensland Museum, Brisbane. 60 p.

Coeroli, M., De Gaillande, D., Landret, J., and AQUACOP. 1982. Recent Innovations in cultivation of molluscs in French Polynesia. Int. Symp. on Cult. of Pac. Molluscs. La Jolla 1–3 December, 1982.

Crawford, C.M., Nash, W.J., and Lucas, J.S. 1986. Spawning induction, and larval and juvenile rearing of the giant clam, Tridacna gigas. Aquaculture 58, 281–295.

Dawson, R.F. 1984. Can Australia expect a resurgence of Taiwanses clam boat activity? Australian Fisheries 43(2), 20–23.

Gillett, R. 1985. Traditional Tuna Fishing in Tokelau. Topic Review no. 27, SPREP; South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia. 47 p.

Gillett, R., and Toloa, F. 1987. The Importance of Small-Scale Tuna Fishing: A Tokelau Case Study. pp. 177–190, In: Doulman, D.J. (ed.), Tuna Issues and Perspectives in the Pacific Islands Region. East-West Centre, Honolulu.

Gwyther, J. and Munro, J.L. 1981. Spawning Induction and Rearing of Larvae of Tridacnid Clams (Bivalvia: Tridacnidae). Aquaculture 24, 197–217.

Heslinga, G.A., Perron, F.E., and Orak, O. 1984. Mass Culture of Giant Clams (F. Tridacnidae) in Palau. Aquaculture 39, 197– 215.

Hinds, V.T. 1971. A rapid fisheries reconnaissance in the Tokelau Islands, August 18th–25th, 1971. South Pacific Commission, Noumea, New Caledonia. 8 p. + appendix

Hirshberger, W. 1980. Tridacnid clam stocks on Helen Reef, Palau, Western Caroline Islands. Marine Fisheries Review 42(2), 8–15.

Hooper, A. 1984. Tokelau Fishing in Traditional and Modern Contexts. 27 p., In: Ruddle, K. and Johannes, R. (eds.), Proceedings of the UNESCO-ROSTEA Seminar on Traditional Management of Coastal Systems, Jakarta, Indonesia, 1983.

Intes, A., Laboute, P., and Coeroli, M. 1986. Le stock naturel de nacre Pinctada margaritifera L. dans l'atoll de Scilly. Oceanographie Notes et Documents No. 31. ORSTOM, Tahiti. 39 p.

IUCN. 1983. The IUCN invertebrate red data book. IUCN Gland; Switzerland. 90 p.

Johannes, R.E. 1978. Traditional marine conservation methods in Oceania and their demise. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 9, 349–364.

Laboute, P. 1987. Mission to the Tokelau Islands to evaluate cyclone damage to Coral Reefs. Orstom Centre, Noumea, 11 p. + fig.

Lewis, A.D., and Ledua, E. 1988. A possible new species of Tridacna (Tridacnidae: Mollusca) from Fiji. pp. 82–84, In: Copland, J.W., and Lucas, J.S., Giant Clams in Asia and the Pacific. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, Canberra, ACT. ACIAR Monograph no. 9, 274 p.

McKoy, J.L. 1980. Biology, Exploitation and Management of Giant Clams (Tridacnidae) in the Kingdom of Tonga. Fisheries Bulletin of Tonga 1, 61 p.

Munro, J.L. 1986. Status of Giant Clam Stocks and Prospects for Clam Mariculture in the Central Gilbert Islands Group, Republic of Kiribati. Rept. to Fisheries Division, Tarawa, Kiribati and South Pacific Regional Fisheries Development Programme, Suva, Fiji. 36 p.

Murokowshi, M. 1986. Farming of the boring clam, Tridacna crocea (Lamarck). Galaxea, 5, 239–254.

Pearson, R.G. 1977. Impact of Foreign Vessels Poaching Giant Clams. Australian Fisheries 36(7), 8–11.

Richard, G. 1978. Quantitative Balance and Production of Tridacna maxima in the Takapoto lagoon. Proceedings of the third International Coral Reef Symposium, 559–605.

Salvat, B., and Richard, G. 1985. Takapoto Atoll, Tuamotu Archipelago. French Polynesian Coral Reefs, Reef Knowledge and Field Guides. Fifth International Coral Reef Congress, Tahiti 1985, pp. 327–374.

Sims, N.A. 1988. Pearl-Oyster Resources in the South Pacific, Research for Management and Development. Working Paper no. 4, Workshop on Pacific Inshore Fishery Resources, Noumea, New Caledonia, 14–25 March 1988.

Stephenson, A. 1934. The Breeding of Reef Animals, part II.

Invertebrates other than Corals. Scientific Report Great Barrier Reef Expedition. 1928–29. 3, 247–272.

van Pel, H. 1958. A Survey of Fisheries in the Tokelau Islands. South Pacific Commission, 16 p.

Wada, S.K. 1954. Spawning in the Tridacnid Clams. Japanese Journal of Zoology. 11, 273–285.

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