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Area and inventory data

No information is given. No significant changes in statistical data are reported in the period.

Economic data

There are no exact data on the current levels of felling of poplar roundwood, since cuts and sales of poplar raw wood are recorded and entered together with the wood species group beech. Annual poplar felling is estimated at 150 000 to 300 000 m3. The foreign trade of Germany in poplar wood is not significant, but exports clearly exceed imports. About the market trends, a distinct poplar wood market has not developed in the Federal Republic of Germany. Accordingly, the wood-working and processing industry is not geared to this type of wood. All in all, poplar wood sales are unsatisfactory because of scattered availability and resulting low returns

Policy and legislation

There were no changes in legal measures since 1996. The Federal Government has promoted research activities on the cultivation of poplars and willows in short rotations at various locations in the country, launching a new pilot project in 1997 designed to clarify issues related to the production of poplar industrial wood.

Technical data

Biochemical methods are increasingly being used for identification and genetic conservation. Since 1997 the Saxon Agency for Forestry has applied for the approval of four aspen progeny (Populus tremula L.) as basic material to obtain Tested Reproductive Material category. Approved clones and clonal mixtures of poplars are entered in an arboricultural register.

Breeding and testing programmes with poplars, aspen and willows supported by government, in different locations, were completed in 1996. Since 1998, Germany has taken part in the international network within the framework of the EUFORGEN programme; 3 500 individuals of black poplars have been identified. Germany contributed 2 clones to the core collection of black poplar clones which has been set up in Casale Monferrato, Italy. The possibility of cooperating with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is currently being examined too. Together with several other institutions from seven countries, Germany has participated in the research project "EUROPOP", financed by the European Union since 1998.

A newly developed method to produce mechanical pulp could open up market outlets for poplar wood. To produce poplar industrial wood for these purchasers, the government has been promoting a pilot project.

The research activity about genetically modified aspen clones has been continued and eight transgenic lines were planted, with Populus tremula and P. tremuloides being evaluated. These studies (about expression and stability, interactions between mycorrhizal fungi and hormone and carbohydrate metabolisms and effects on physiological features) have not been concluded yet, but preliminary results are reported.

General information

The Chairman of the National Poplar Commission is the head of the Directorate-General of the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry. The Secretariat is maintained by the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry.

Cuttings, planting stock and pollen were exchanged with many scientific institutions from Europe, Asia, North and South America.

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