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1.1 Objectives

(01) The objectives of the fish nutrition consultancy to the Fisheries Research Institute (FRI) and the Freshwater Aquaculture Research Station (FARS) at Mymensingh were to plan and begin development of the fish nutrition and fish feed technology capabilities of FARS for applied nutrition research.

(02) Plans and preliminary research programmes on applied nutrition were to be developed with existing staff, and future research, development and extension for technology transfer were to be reviewed with appropriate scientists and supervisory personnel. Plans and technical advice were to be focused first on applied nutrition and feed technology research for freshwater aquaculture, and were to be later extended to diet development for brackishwater aquaculture and mariculture.

1.2 Terms of Reference

(03) The Terms of Reference for the two month consultancy are shown in Annex A. The primary elements of the ToR focused upon a National Fish Feedstuffs Survey to identify indigenous agricultural commodoties and by-products which would be available for formulating diets to rear the various species of fish under various aquaculture strategies. Concurrently, plans for initial fish nutrition research programmes were to be implemented and capabilities for conducting further fish nutrition and fish feed technology research were to be designed, including lists of needed equipment, facilities and specifications for experimental feed milling and diet preparations. Monitoring of research progress was to be accomplished by correspondence, followed by subsequent review upon return of the Fish Nutritionist for one month in 1987. More specific details can be found in the ToR.

1.3 Progress

(04) All major elements of the ToR were fulfilled; accomplishments of the consultancy can be found in Annexes B-R. The capability to conduct applied fish nutrition and feed technology research at FARS was planned and initiated. Original staff of 2 scientific officers was expanded to 4 to begin implementation of the programmes. Training of 3 scientific staff was conducted on a daily schedule during each day present at Mymensingh.

(05) A co-operative Bangladesh Agricultural University FARS project for conducting a National Fish Feedstuffs Survey was completed and was submitted to the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC) for immediate funding. The project plan includes:

(06) The existing nutrition and chemistry laboratories at FARS were cleaned, equipment available inventoried and checked for operation, and a list of needed equipment and supplies was assembled. Research proposals for the first phase of the fish nutrition programme were submitted to the Director of FRI and a five year general plan for research and diet development was completed.

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