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(65) It has been suggested that FRI should take over the shrimp demonstration farm of the FAO - Bay of Bengal Project (BOBP) at Satkhira for development of BFRS. That farm is situated, however, rather outside of the main shrimp production area and can not be considered representative for the brackishwater regio. Moreover, siltation and salinity problems influence its proper functioning already and it is doubtful whether the farm can be used for shrimp production much longer. And, last but not least, the available area is far too small for the research programme foreseen for BFRS.

(66) Since the farm premises are becoming available, however, it seems worthwile to make use of them as long as BFRS has its own buildings and ponds under construction. It is suggested that part of the BFRS officers may be already employed and temporary deputated to the BOBP-farm; this concerns the following officers:


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