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(01) The Fisheries Research Institute (FRI) plans to establish a Brackishwater Fisheries Research Station (BFRS) in the country to conduct research in the following broad fields:

(02) In order to select a suitable site for location of the research station and to assist an expatriate aquaculture engineer in preparing design and construction criteria, a national consultant (Dr. M. Karim) was appointed as Soil Specialist for a period of 5 months (1 May – 15 October 1986). His Terms of Reference were:

  1. Selection of a site for the Brackishwater Fisheries Research Station (BFRS) in the semi-saline area of the Khulna District. Some criteria:

  2. Detailed soil-survey of the selected site.

  3. Assistance to the expatriate aquaculture engineer in preparation of design and construction criteria for ponds, and specification of earth movement.

  4. Reconnaissance survey of areas suitable for shrimp farming and for farming of brackishwater fish, including present procedures and yields. The survey should be based on both field visits and literature reviews, and should provide a sound data-base for future research policies.

  5. Advice with respect to soil acidity problems.

  6. Reporting (the present document is the report prepared by the Soil Specialist on his consultancy).

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