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6.1 Training of staff

(82) The most critical issue in fisheries research in Bangladesh is the relative inexperience of the scientists in carrying out research at internationally aknowledged levels. A large part of the staff of FRI is very young, and often the experience is limited to one or two B Sc or M Sc subjects. Other staff members are rather experienced in fields that are somewhat remote from their present project area.

(83) Under the IDA Agricultural Research II Project as well as under the DANIDA and IDRC projects possibilities are created for long- and short-term training of staff inside and outside Bangladesh. Based on the available places and on the research priority areas identified in this report and in the 20 years' development plan for the fisheries sector, a Staff Training Programme has been prepared and presented in Table 6.

The proposed long-term training elements (Ph D and M Sc scholarships in Bangladesh and abroad) are final: they are expected to cover the direct needs of manpower development of FRI. Trainees from this long-term programme are expected to form the scientific kernel of FRI in the near future; continuation of their employment in FRI for at least 5 years after termination of their scholarships will have to be compulsary.

The proposed short-term training elements have a more provisional character. The elements listed are most needed, but the availability of suitable trainees is not yet clear, as recruitment is still proceeding. In Table 6, the positions C2 - C11 are meant for teamleaders; the positions C1 and C12 - C28 for the FRI-management (director, additional director, CSO's), and the positions C29 - C40 for technicians.

In addition to the training mentioned in Table 6, IDA (through BARC) will provide training that is aiming at improvement of the research infrastructure. Planned courses include Financial Administration, and Research Planning and Evaluation.

(84) As soon as the majority of the research programmes in the Freshwater Aquaculture Research Station are running smoothly, it will become advisable to contact FAO's Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia (NACA), with the request to include the Station in the Network. The NACA-programme does not only take care of exchange of research results between centres, but it provides also strong training assistance by stimulation of exchange of specialists/researchers and by organization of technical courses.

Table 6 - FRI staff training programme

Training objective
Nr.Duration (month)Funding sourceSubject
A. Long-term training, abroad
A1Ph D336IDAAquaculture
A2Ph D136IDAFish genetics and breeding
A3Ph D136IDAHatchery technology
A4Ph D136IDAPond productivity
A5Ph D136IDAWater pollution
A6Ph D136IDAOpen water resource mgmt
A7Ph D136IDASocio-econ. on aquaculture
A8Ph D136IDAFish population dynamics
A9Ph D136IDASoil & water chemistry
A10Ph D136IDAFish health care
A11Ph D236IDAShrimp reproduction
A12Ph D136IDAMangrove swamp ecology
A13Ph D136IDAMariculture
A14Ph D136IDAFish feed technology
A15Ph D136IDAFish nutrition
A16Ph D136IDAPen and cage culture
A17Ph D136IDAQuality control
A18M Sc224IDAAquaculture
A19M Sc224IDAFish population genetics
A20M Sc124IDAHatchery technology
A21M Sc124IDAPen and cage culture
A22M Sc124IDAFreshw. prawn reproduction
A23M Sc124IDABrackishwater polyculture
A24M Sc124IDRCBiostatistics
A25M Sc124IDRCLimnology
A26M Sc124IDAFish health care
A27M Sc124IDAFish nursery management
A28M Sc124IDAMarine biology
A29M Sc124IDAMangrove swamp resources
A30M Sc124IDARiverine pollution ecology
A31M Sc124IDAPaddy-cum-fish culture
A32M Sc124IDAFish product development
A33Sabbatical112IDAFeed technology
A34Sabbatical112IDAAquaculture engineering
A35Sabbatical112IDAPenaeid reprod. and culture
B. Long-term training, local   
B1Ph D236IDAFish biology
B2Ph D136IDASocio-econ. pond production
B3Ph D136IDABrakishw. integr. aquacult.
B4Ph D136IDARiverine resources survey
B5M Sc124IDAFish and shrimp health care
B6M Sc224IDAFry nursing
B7M Sc124IDACatfish culture
B8M Sc224IDARiver pollution ecology
B9M Sc224IDAPaddy-cum-fish culture
B10M Sc224IDAReservoir fishery mgmt.
B11M Sc124IDASocio-econ of aquacult dev.
B12M Sc224IDAFeed bio-chemistry
B13M Sc224IDAFish product development
B14M Sc224IDAMariculture
B15M Sc224IDAFreshwater prawn reproduct.
B16M Sc124IDALimnology
B17M Sc124IDAPond productivity
B18M Sc224IDABiostatistics
B19M Sc224IDAPopulation dynamics
B20M Sc224IDAMollusc culture
B21M Sc224IDAFish processing
C. Short-term training, abroad   
C1Specialization83DANIDA/IDATop level administration
C2Specialization42IDAFreshwater aquaculture
C3Specialization22IDAReservoir management
C4Specialization22IDABrackishwater aquaculture
C5Specialization22IDAPrawn hatchery operation
C6Specialization22IDAMarine resources management
C7Specialization13IDAFish karyology
C8Specialization13IDAComposite fish culture
C9Specialization12IDAEnzyme electrophoresis
C10Specialization12IDAFeed development
C11Specialization12IDAFish product development
C12Course101IDAAquabusinesss plann. & mgmt
C13Study tour101IDAResearch planning and mgmt
C14Study tour31IDAFreshwater research
C15Study tour31IDARiverine research
C16Study tour61IDABrackishwater research
C17Study tour61IDAMariculture
C18Study tour31IDAFish processing technology
C19Study tour31IDAFishery socio-economics
C20Study tour31IDAFisheries extension
C21Study tour21IDATilapia hatchery systems
C22Study tour31IDAGenetics in aquaculture
C23Study tour51IDAQuality control
C24Study tour21IDAPen and cage culture
C25Study tour21IDAIntegrated aquaculture
C26Study tour21IDAHatchery management
C27Study tour22IDAAquaculture engineering
C28Study tour12IDAEquipment maintenance
C29Skill63IDAFry culture technology
C30Skill23IDAPen and cage construction
C31Skill13IDABrackishw. soil chemistry
C32Skill33IDACollect. of post larva/fry
C33Skill23IDAQuality control procedures
C34Skill23IDAPollution monitoring
C35Skill23IDAAdaptive gear development
C36Skill23IDAPlankton monitoring
C37Skill33IDANatural stock assessment
C38Skill23IDAComputer operation
C39Skill23IDAPond engineering
C40Skill13IDALibrary science
C41Study22IDAFish health care
C42Study22IDAFish nutrition
C43Study22IDAPaddy-cum-fish culture
C44Study22IDACatfish culture & breeding
C45Study32IDAFish larvae rearing

6.2 Training by staff

(85) It has been mentioned before, that one of the tasks of FRI is to transfer research results to extension workers, policy makers, and the scientific community. Within the framework of the Agricultural Research II project provisions are available for such transfer of knowledge. A preliminary programme is presented in Table 7; an implementation schedule will be set up in a later phase in consultation with the Director Training of BARC.

Table 7 - Training by FRI-staff

A.Training objective:- general dissemination of knowledge
Duration:- 2 – 6 week courses, incl. practical work
Venue:- FRI Stations
Participants:- extension officers, DOF-staff, research-colleagues
Subjects (provisional):A01 - Artificial reproduction of fish
A02 - Artificial reproduction of shrimp
A03 - Hatchery operation and maintenance
A04 - Freshwater pond management
A05 - Brackishwater pond management
A06 - Integrated aquaculture (farm. systems)
A07 - Riverine resources management
A08 - Fish health diagnostics & treatments
A09 - Pen and cage culture
A10 - New developments in fisheries and in aquaculture.
B.Training objective:- exchange of research results
Duration:- 1–3 days conferences/workshops/seminars
Venue:- BARC-auditorium
Participants:- National scientific community/GOB
Subjects (provisional):B01 - Research in fisheries development
B02 - Integration aquaculture/agriculture
B03 - Fish food and nutrition
B04 - Rice production and fisheries
B05 - Social aspects of aquaculture
B06 - Development of quality products
B07 - Water use and fisheries
B08 - Floodplain fish production
B09 - Problems and prospects of brackishwater fisheries
B10 - Marine resources.

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