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AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (ADC)/ASSOCIATED CONSULTANCY ENGINEERS (BANGLADESH) LTD., 1986. Draft feasibility Report on Package I - Khulna Coastal Embankment Rehabilitation Proj, 3 Vols

ANONYMUS, 1984. National Water Plan Project, 2nd Interim Report, Volume VII, Fisheries. Ministry of Irrigation, Water Development and Flood Control.

ANONYMUS, 1986. Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh: Schedule of Rates. 6th edition, Public Works Department.

AQUATIC FARMS, 1986. Bangladesh Second Aquaculture Development Project. Final Report, February 1986, 72 pp + 273 pp appendices.

EUROCONSULT, 1982. Delta Development Project, Interim Report on Shrimp Cultivation, 137 pp.

EUROCONSULT, 1983. Study of shrimp cultivation around Polder 22. Interim Report, 139 pp.

EUROCONSULT, 1985. Shrimp culture in the semi-saline zone of the Delta. Technical Report DDP No 13, Volume 1 (60 pp) + 2 (102 pp)

EUROCONSULT, 1985. Second Agricultural Research Project, Fisheries Component, TA-report No. 1 (revised), 90 pp.

FAO, 1984. FO=TCP/BGD/2309 Technical Co-operation Programme; Integrated Development of the Sundarbans, 28 pp plus appendices.

FAO, 1986. BGD 83 – 010: TA-report No 2: Five Year Masterplan Part 1 -Research Plan (Fisheries), 74 pp.

LEEDSHILL - DE LEEUW ENGINEERS, 1968. Coastal Embankment Project; Engineering and Economic Evaluation, Volumes 2 + 3.

LIAQUAT ALI, M., 1984. Shrimp farm survey in coastal areas of Bangladesh. Mimeo, 6 pp.

SIMPSON, H.J. & M. PEDINI, 1985. Brackishwater aquaculture in the tropics: the problem of acid-sulphate soils. FAO Fisheries Circ. (791): 32 pp.

SMITH, W.G., 1982. The Tidal Area Study, a preliminary report. FAO/WDP Fisheries Resources Survey System, BGD/79/015, 21 pp.

SMITH, W.G., 1982/83. 3rd trip interim reports, 22 + 31 pp respect.

WORLD BANK, 1984. Report 4520: Staff Appraisal Report Bangladesh Agricultural Research II Project, 74 pp.

WORLD BANK, 1985. Report 5561-BD: Staff Appraisal Report Bangladesh Shrimp Culture Project, 89 pp.

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