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(01) The Fisheries Research Institute (FRI) is created by Ordinance No XIV of 1984. Assistance to FRI is supplied by the World Bank (through an IDA loan), by UNDP/FAO (through Technical Assistance) and by the bilateral donor agencies DANIDA and IDRC (Canada).

(02) Through the UNDP/FAO Technical Assistance Programme BGD 83 - 010, a Masterplan for Fisheries Research was prepared (TA reports 10 and 10A). Consensus was reached on research priorities between all parties involved, and the Masterplan was approved by the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock in 1986. The Masterplan not only described and detailed research projects, but it also indicated the organizational and physical set-up of FRI, and it specified needs for staff and funds.

(03) After approval of the Masterplan for research, its consequences for equipment and civil works could be listed. This is presented in the present document, that has to be considered an integral part of the total Masterplan for FRI. The first draft of the present report was prepared in September 1986, and handed over to the FRI management for discussion. A number of changes brought forward, mainly with respect to the civil works at RFRS, Chandpur. Originally it was foreseen that considerable savings could be found in Chandpur, due to the fact that the Headquarters of FRI moved from there to Mymensingh. These savings were planned to be used for construction of a separate HQ building in Mymensingh. But later on the FRI management gave higher priority to further upgrading of the Chandpur campus, and viewed to find funds for HQ construction from elsewhere (from another source than IDA).

The comments on the first draft of the present report were collected and are brought into the second draft of March 1987, together with the then finalized plans for the new brackishwater station (BFRS) in Paikgacha.

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