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01. Anon. 1990. Fisheries. Fourth Five Year Plan 1990–1995.

02. Ahmed, Nesar. 1978. An Analysis of the Fisheries of Pabna with a Few Aspects of the Fisheries of Bangladesh, University Grants Commission, Dhaka.

03. Ahmed, Nesar. 1983. Marketing of Selected Fishes in Bangladesh: A Study in Efficiency, Department of Marketing, University of Dhaka. Unpublished Ph. D Thesis.

04. BFDC. undated. Proceedings of the Seminar on Quality Control and Marketing of Fish. Bangladesh Fisheries Development Corporation, Chittagong.

05. BFDC. 1982. National Seminar on Marine Fisheries Development in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Fisheries Development Corporation and FAO/UNDP Fishery Advisory Services Project, Dhaka.

06. BOBP/SIDA. 1985. Marine Smallscale Fisheries of Bangladesh: A General Description, BOBP/INF/8. Bay of Bengal Programme (BOBP) Development of Smallscale Fisheries, Madras, India.

07. Bingham, Annette. 1989. Floods of Aids for Bangladesh. New Scientist, 2 December 1989. p 42–46.

08. Boonyaratpalin, M. and D.M. Akiyama. 1989. The Aquaculture Industry in Southeast Asia, A Paper Presented at the Third International Symposium on Feeding and Nutrition in Fish, 28 August to 01 September 1989, Toba, Japan.

09. Buoas, Hansen A. 1978. Report to the Government of Bangladesh on Survey of Ice Plants (prepared for fish marketing development project) Food and Agriculture Organisation, United Nations, Rome.

10. Department of Fisheries. (undated). Aquaculture Extension Project: Phase I - Mymensingh District. Project Proforma. Department of Fisheries, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

11. Dewan, B.K. 1969. Fish Marketing in the Mymensingh Town, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh. Unpublished M. Phil Thesis.

12. Dunn, I.G. 1982. The Hilsa Fishery of Bangladesh: An Investigation of its Present Status with an Evaluation of Current Data, Food and Agriculture Organisation, United Nations, Rome.

13. FAO. 1966. Report to the Government of Bangladesh on Marketing and Distribution of Fish in Bangladesh. Food and Agriculture Organisation, United Nations, Rome.

14. FAO. 1972. Report to the Government of Bangladesh on the Survey for the Development of Fisheries, Food and Agriculture Organisation, United Nations, Rome.

15. FAO. 1984. Planning Agriculture. FAO Support to Agricultural Planning in Developing Countries, Food and Agriculture Organisation, United Nations, Rome, Italy.

16. FAO. 1984a. Report of the FAO World Conference on Fisheries Management and Development, Rome, 27 June-06 July 1984. Food and Agriculture Organisation, United Nations, Rome, Italy.

17. FAO. 1986. Strategy for Fisheries Management and Development. Food and Agriculture Organisation, United Nations, Rome, Italy.

18. FRI. 1980. Fresh Fish Transportation and Handling. Freshwater Fisheries Research Station, Directorate of Fisheries, Chandpur.

19. Huq, A., M.S. Khan, M. Huq, H.K. Dey, S.M.N. Alam and Mahbubullah. 1986. Socio-Economic Study of Typical Fishing Community in Bangladesh, A Report for the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), Rome. Department of Economics, Chittagong University, Bangladesh.

20. Jabbar and Karim. 1979. An Economic Study on Bangladesh Fisheries, Second Plan/Perspective Plan Study Series. Planning Commission, Dhaka.

21. Khan, Mahmud and Arif. 1979. Some Aspects of Production and Marketing of Dry Fish in Chittagong, University Grants Commission, Dhaka.

22. Latif, A. 1980. Report on Fisheries Development Programme for Meghna-Dhonagoda Irrigation Project, Bangladesh Water Development Board. Consortium of Chuo Kaihatsu Corporation, Japan and Prokaushali Sangsad, Ltd, Bangladesh.

23. Marr, J.C. 1985. Twenty Year Fishery Development Plan for Bangladesh, Food and Agriculture Organisation and United Nations Development Programme.

24. Meyer, F.H. 1978. Report to the Government of Bangladesh on Fish Marketing Development, Food and Agriculture Organisation, United Nations, Rome.

25. Norbye, O.D.K. 1988. Public Sector Expenditure on Agriculture, in Bangladesh Agriculture Sector Review: Bangladesh Agriculture Performance and Policies, Compendium Volume I. The Agriculture Sector in Context. March 1989. United Nations Development Programme, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

26. Nuruzzaman. 1990. Aquaculture Industry, The Bangladesh Observer, 4 April 1990.

27. Pantulu, V.R. 1971. Draft East Pakistan Inland Fisheries Development, Working Paper, Food and Agriculture Organisation, United Nations and International Bank for Rural Development Cooperative Programme, Bangkok.

28. Planning Commission. 1985. The Third Five-Year Plan (1985– 1990), Government of Bangladesh. 193p.

29. Rahman, A.K.A. 1990. Memorandum to the Chief Technical Advisor of the UNDP/FAO Project on Institutional Strengthening in the Fisheries Sector of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

30. Rahman, K.M. 1990. Rural Savings Mobilisation: Experience of Rural Development Board, Bangladesh Observer, 26 December 1990.

31. Rashid, Salim. 1990. The Bangladesh Flood Action Plan: A View from Abroad. A Theme Paper Presented at the Seminar on “Floods in Bangladesh” held at the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, Dhaka on 14 August 1990. Bangladesh.

32. Rubbi, S.R. 1990. Livestock, Dairy and Fish Processing Industries, A Paper Presented to the Seminar on Problems and Prospects of Food Industries in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

33. Sabur and Rahman. 1979. Marine Fish Marketing in Bangladesh, J Ag Econ, Vol 2 No 1, June 1979. Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh.

34. UNDP. 1990. Human Development Report 1990. Oxford University Press, New York, U.S.A.



  1. Report on the Need and Scope for improving the Project Monitoring and Evaluation System in the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock and its executing agencies. BGD/87/045/91/01, Dhaka, April 1991. 56p. + 32 Appendices.

  2. Manual on Training Skills for Fisheries Professionals. BGD/87/045/91/02, Dhaka, April 1991. 200p.

  3. Guidelines on Monitoring and Evaluation of Fisheries Projects in Bangladesh. BGD/87/045/91/03, May 1991. 111p. + Glossary of Terms, Appendix, and Modules (23p).

  4. Present Manpower Situation in the Department of Fisheries and Short-term needs for Manpower and Training. Chapter I - Present Manpower Situation. BGD/87/045/91/04, Dhaka, May 1991. 29p.

  5. Present Manpower Situation in the Department of Fisheries and Short-term needs for Manpower and Training. Chapter II - Existing Facilities and Programmes for Manpower Development and Training. BGD/87/045/91/05, Dhaka, May 1991. 51p.

  6. Manual on “PROMSYS”. A Menu Design Software Package for Project Monitoring. BGD/87/045/91/06, Dhaka, June 1991. 88p.

  7. Analysis of the Constraints to and Potentials and Opportunities for Expanded Fish Production in Bangladesh. BGD/87/045/91/07, Dhaka, July 1991. 129p.


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