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Fish farmers should be encouraged to maintain proper records of their fish culture operations. The main benefits of from record keeping are that --

  1. Such record will provide them with a means of evaluating their performance.

  2. Properly kept records will pinpoint the farmers the causes or factors responsible for their high profit levels or losses in each crop or year. Such information will provide them with a more reliable basis to make decision affecting their farm operations in the future.

  3. These records can be shared by the government agencies formulating policies and developing programs for the development of fish culture in the country.

Necessary recommended components of the fish farmers record keeping formats are :

Format-1 : Basic data about the pond

Format-2 : Feeding, fertilizing and other inputs record

Format-3 : Fish sampling record

Format-4 : Fish harvesting and marketing record

Format-5 : Economic evaluation of production management

Format-6 : Performance indices

(Appendices : I-VI enclosed)

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