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Extension is supposed to be the primary function of the (DoF) and as such, since the inception of the department, attempts have been made to provide extension service support to primary producers of this sector. However, looking into the vastness of available water and human resources and the fisheries potentials in the country the existing extension service set up is hardly adequate. Such realization had led to incorporation of strong extension component under several ongoing projects. Several development projects sponsored by DANIDA, BOBP and ADB have large extension component and the outcome of such projects have also helped in building up strong extension base. However, no systematic, institutionalized extension programme has been initiated by the DoF so far. Due to lack of well defined extension system, programmes, direction and authority, the field personnel remain engaged primarily in fishery administration and other non-extension activities of the department. In order to remove such deficiencies the fishery extension component of the FAO/UNDP Project BGD/87/045 designed for a model aquaculture extension system befitting to the existing field situation and manpower strength of DoF. The system is now popularly known as TDES.

This extension system was first introduced in late 1990 in 7 Thanas of 3 districts and gradually spread to 35 Thanas under 10 districts of the country in two phases. Nearly two years after its initial execution, the involved officers/staff and RDs expressed their desire to discuss and share their experiences through participatory workshops on TDES. Since the TDES in under trial, the main purpose of the workshop was mainly to review the progress, rate the technology transfer efficiency and improve the system further by identifying weak points, constraints, limitations and to find ways and means to redress them through active involvement of participating fish farmers, extension personnel and senior officers of DoF.

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