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Address by:

Dr. A. Moyeen Khan
Hon'ble Minister of State for Planning
The people's Republic of Bangladesh

Respected Chairman, Secretary of the Ministry of Fisheries & Livestock; Special Guest, Dr. A.K.M. Aminul Haque, former Vice-Chancellor of the Bangladesh Agricultural University; Director of FRI; Director General of the Department of Fisheries; Foreign Expert of FRI; Deputy Commissioner of Cox's Bazar; Distinguished scientists, participants, entrepreneurs, ladies and gentleman.

First of all I wish to express my heartiest gratitude to the organizers for inviting me as a Chief Guest in such a seminar in which I can hardly contribute something on the subject matter. The honourable Minister for Fisheries & Livestock Mr. Abdullah Al-Noman requested me to attend this seminar and I obviously expected him to be present here as Chief Guest.

Today I am very happy to know that the scientists mostly associated with the marine fisheries research and the Government officials, farmers, industries and private entrepreneurs involved with marine sector are attending the seminar.

As you know that fisheries is very old and potential sector in Bangladesh. The contribution of the sector is not limiting to provide nutrition, particularly animal protein in our daily food intake, it contributes 3.3% of GDP, 8% of the gross value added of agricultural product and more than 12% of export earning. Besides, more than 1,12,00000 people directly or indirectly engaged in fisheries sector for their livelihood.

Fisheries sector in Bangladesh has been focussed in recent years by the Government in her development programme for its role in national economy. To achieve this, it requires peoples understanding of the prospects and problems of the specific sector, their participation in development programme with proper R & D support and effective inter-sectoral integration and good coordination backed by strong political leadership.

Today I want to draw your attention on few aspects which our previous learned speakers already pointed out. At first the topic which comes out in their deliberations is the stock assessment of the marine fisheries resources. I have come to learn that several resource surveys were already conducted to evaluate the abundance and promote the exploitation of marine fishery resources of Bangladesh. I understand that there was no in-depth survey to generate proper data base.

From their discussions on the issue I also understand that great potential remains untapped for important valuable pelagic species in areas other than the present demersal and artisanal fishing grounds. To date no real pelagic resource survey has been made and research support and planning attention are required to exploit these resources.

There is a general belief that the production of fishery biomass in a water body may be increased unlimitedly if the resources remain untapped for exploitation. The idea is not true because the production can not be increased beyond carrying capacity of water body. It is therefore, important to exploit the resource properly in a sustainable level.

We had an important meeting in the cabinet about the marine fisheries resources and their sustainable development and management. The discussions also elaborated on the present level of exploitation and their proper utilization. The cabinet discussed these issues two times in the last one year. With this you can easily understand that the present government is aware and anxious about the problems of marine fisheries resources and their management. It is also a fact that we have our own limitations in giving expert opinions due to lack of sufficient knowledge on technical aspects and necessary information on status of fisheries resources. I expect that the fishery scientists and academicians present here will provide more accurate data and reliable information on the status of fisheries resources and their management need so that the decision making process becomes easier to the planners.

At the same time the question may arise and one can ask me to facilitate proper amenities and adequate resource for strengthening R & D support. Unfortunately, because of many constraints, particularly personnel, fund and facilities, the country has yet not embarked upon the proper marine fisheries research which is badly needed to give the firm base for sustainable development of our marine fisheries resources. Many of you in ministry level know that last year some fisheries research projects submitted by FRI were already approved. The Government is fully aware about R & D and trying to give further support to the research institution in this regard.

I agree that stock assessment research should continue to evaluate the abundance and promote the exploitation of our valuable resource. Control measures are needed in many cases for the conservation of the over exploited resources. Before proper management are introduced, a better understanding of the issue is necessary to avoid any social tension and economic dissatisfaction towards target population. All these need a wide range of study and research support.

I have come to learn that the set bagnet fishery and shrimp seed collecting gears were found harmful to the resources. The need for the control of fishing efforts is also being emphasized. I have just heard from the Director General of the Department of Fisheries that some law on controlled fishing efforts and closed season for shrimp seed collectors or in other words fishing holiday is already approved. The enforcement of law is not real solution. To achieve the goal it is important to create awareness among the shrimp seed collectors and to assure the active participation of bagnet fisherfolks in resource management programmes. It is the responsibility of the scientists to show the ways and means and of implementing agencies to involve them in resource management participatory programmes.

We must do our best to improve the soci-economic conditions of the small scale artisanal fishermen who supplies 95% of the total marine production. In all countries of the world, child labour is prohibited while more than 0.3 million children of the country are engaged in collecting shrimp seeds for their livelihood. I wish to urge you all to find out the ways how to guide our distressed children to the school.

The government is determined to conserve the interest and right of the fishing communities of the country. Development of fisheries without the development of fisherfolk in the rural communities is really painful and we should give them due share of benefits comes from the fisheries sector. As a rule the interest of national economy may demand simultaneous and harmonious development of fisheries as well as fisherfolk involved in it. While discussing the strategies of sustainable marine fisheries development we can not forget these social and human aspects of development.

With the mass participation of the people, the fifth five year plan will be formulated and implemented. Discussion meeting on the various issues will be held in all districts of the country. After proper identification of the problems, the real and effective plans will be formulated and implemented.

It is necessary to set up a fishery bank to provide loans on easy terms to the small scale fish farmers and fisherfolk who are indebted to money lenders in purchasing their necessary inputs. For alleviation of poverty, concerned organizations/ agencies should encourage the farmers to increase fish production through improved cultural practices. It is the responsibility of FRI to initiate research programme and provide technical assistance and training to the farmers and fisherfolk of the country to increase production and for improvement of their socio-economic conditions. I would, therefore, request the participants assembled here to thoroughly discuss the various aspects on sustainable marine fisheries development and socio-economic aspects of problems of large and small scale fisheries, introduction of evolved technologies and their impact on rural development. Our ultimate aim is to improve the status and economy of rural population and this seminar should have deliberations on how best this can be achieved through improvement of fishermen and fish farmers.

To conclude, I wish to remind all of you that whether it is research or development, timely action and attention need to be focussed to address the issues. Only then we would be able to manage our resources in a sustainable manner.

I wish a successful outcome of the deliberations in the technical sessions. With these I have a great pleasure in inaugurating the seminar.

Bangladesh -Zindabad

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