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The seminar made the following recommendations for sustainable development of marine fisheries resources in the country:

  1. Controlled quality mass seed production of P. monodon is essential for the expansion of shrimp culture. While the government should support the private sector in establishing hatcheries, by providing infrastructural facilities and adequate support services. Financial institutions should provide loans on soft terms.

  2. The organization/institute serving the marine sector should provide adequate training to the shrimp seed collectors, to reduce indiscriminate destruction of fin fish and shrimp seed in the course of shrimp seed collection.

  3. Research should be undertaken urgently on broodstock development of shrimp (P. monodon) and commercially important finfishes in captive conditions for mass seed production.

  4. Careful consideration should be given on the import of shrimp fry to protect indigenous shrimp stock from disease.

  5. The capability of the Fisheries Research Institute needs strengthening in marine research, and relevant training of Institute scientists at home or abroad is required, in order to develop skills in planning, formulating, and implementing research independently. International agencies can collaborate in training of manpower, in applied research to develop and improve existing technologies, and in processing and dissemination of information, especially on fishing systems and mariculture.

  6. Strong coordination is required among the national research institutes, universities, DOF, NGO's, and private entrepreneurs to identify areas for research, to formulate and implement research, and to disseminate research results. Coordination with extension efforts will be an essential component.

  7. International support is needed to identify opportunities for investment in commercial production and implementation of commercial enterprises in marine fisheries management. International funding agencies may provide support for research in the area of exploration and exploitation of under-exploited marine resources.

  8. The set bagnet and shrimp seed collecting gears should be discouraged, and operators encouraged to adopt less harmful methods for collecting shrimp seed, such as trammel nets. An extension programme and credit support is required to support this initiative.

  9. For strengthening marine fisheries management, regular study programme on productivity of marine fish resources, their current and potential output, and effort and socioeconomic status of fishermen should be undertaken. Marine stock assessment research should be continued so that a reliable data base is created for proper planning and forcasting of fishery resources. A Geographical Information Service (GIS) should be established in collaboration with SPARRSO. Research on oceanography and productivity should be related with stock assessment studies. Continued research is needed to ascertain MSY's, locate new fishing grounds, and identify the home range and routes of migratory species.

  10. To strengthen marine fisheries management and rational development the existing fisheries policy and Fish Act (1983) should be updated by the extension of management policy to the artisanal sector.

  11. Institutional facilities should be provided for fisheries technology including harvesting, preservation, processing and product development and practical training of man power.

  12. Technologies for the exploration and exploitation of pelagic resources need to be developed.

  13. A gradual replacement of shrimp trawlers by fish trawlers would reduce the present high rate of by-catch disposal.

  14. Research needs to be conducted on product development from conventional and non-conventional species, handling and preservation system, shrimp trawl by-catch utilization, market demand analysis including new product acceptability, and packaging and product presentation.

  15. Measures need to be taken to assure product safety and prevent spoilage. A sound policy on quality assurance needs to be duly framed. All concerned with production, processing, and marketing should participate in the framing and implementation of these policies. Improved management at all levels of workers in the processing industry is needed for products to attract export market. Training is required at all levels of workers on improvement of hygiene in fish handling, pre-processing, quality deterioration and defects in products, method of assessing and selecting quality, freezing and cold storage, and distribution.

  16. Good quality raw material supply should be ensured through improved handling, transportation and effecient functioning of cold chain, in order to assure that fish and fishery products from Bangladesh are safe and meet standard requirements of authorities in importing countries.

  17. The present inequitable income sharing system between the owners and fishermen of the boats in the small scale marine fishery should be changed so that the crew do not suffer undue financial hardships and can maintain their basic needs, since the fishermen have very little access to other occupations.

  18. Having recognized the prospects of mixed culture of bhetki (Lates calcarifer) with tilapia, FRI should conduct studies to evolve a suitable cultural system for transfer to farmers. The Institute should also undertake studies to develop suitable technologies for pen and cage culture of suitable fin fish, lobster, edible oyster, mussels, sea weed and crab.

  19. GOB should discuss, in the apropriate forum with relevant international organizations, the idea of initiating an United Nations Ocean Development Programme (UNODP) to overview the code of conduct of responsible fishing internationally, to coordinate the rational development of ocean resources regionally, and to assist national endeavours in this respect.


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