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1.1 Background to the Study

The Project “Assistance to the Fisheries Research Institute” (AFRI) (BGD/89/012), executed by the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO), is designed to facilitate the establishment and operation of Fisheries Reseach Institute (FRI) as an effective research resource capable of supporting the development of the fisheries sector in Bangladesh. The project was approved in December 1991 and implementation started in September 1992.

In January 1994, a revised work plan was approved by the Government of Bangladesh (GOB), UNDP and FAO. The revised work plan requires first Draft of the Terminal Report to be ready by 1st August 1994.

The author as the Socio-Economist entered on duty on 30th January 1994. After briefing meetings in Rome and Bangladesh, familiarizing with the situation, I prepared a workplan with the following objective to enhance FRI analytical capability for Socio-economic policy-related research on small-scale fisheries, to increase awareness of the need for socioeconomic information for a better understanding of the constraints and opportunities facing small-scale fisheries, with the emphasis on socioeconomic analysis and ensuing policy implications.

1.2 Scope of This Report

This report is the result of the work done by the author in the course of the assignment to carry out the activities scheduled for the Socio-Economist (International Consultant):

Following the background information on the country and the fishery sector in Chapters 2 and 3 respectively, Chapter 4 of the report presents some detailed observations, based on field visits in different locations in Bangladesh, on socioeconomic conditions of fishing communities, both of the riverine and marine fishermen, their marketing structure, sharing system for different types of gear; the field observations in chapter 4 also covers shrimp farming systems, conflicts, shrimp seed collectors, nurseries and hatcheries, freshwater pond fish farming and fishery credit. Chapter 5 of the report presents the socioeconomic issues facing Bangladesh fisheries followed by a review of recent socioeconomic studies and benchmark surveys of the sector in Chapter 6.

An assessment of the current situation is followed by Chapter 7 recommendations on research programmes projects/components with justification. The recommended research projects and impact studies cover a variety of topics:

In addition to the above socioeconomic research programmes and projects, this report, in Chapter 8, recommends two projects of great urgency: “Fishery Credit Research Project” and “Assistance to FRI in Socioeconomic Research”, which would require donor assistance either directly or through the relevant component of another project such as a credit project.

In Chapter 9, institutional strengthening recommendations are made concerning functions, staff recruitment, training and technical assistance for strengthening the role of FRI in socioeconomic research in the fisheries sector since the function of FRI in the area of fisheries economics and socioeconomics is currently confined to ad hoc rudimentary assignments which are carried out by staff of other divisions with no qualifications or adequate training in fisheries economics and socioeconomics. The report comes to a close with a concluding Chapter.

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