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In 1990 the yearly Cuban post larva production of P. schmitti, and P. notialis reached 570 millions. More than 2 metric tons of Artemia cysts have been used.

The Artemia cysts are bought in U.S. currency. To save on that expensive burden, the Fishery Ministry (MIP) of Cuba asked the FAO to develop local Artemia production.

After the mission of B. Menu in 1988, the development of Artemia project was concentrated on the FRANK PAIS salt flats where production of cysts already occurs. FRANK PAIS salt company proposes the most available logistic area to develop Artemia biomass and cyst production, as materials and human resources are concentrated here.

The team, working on the project at Frank PAIS, is linked to the Fishery Ministry (MIP), to the center of fishery research (CIP), to the university of La Havana (CIM) and to the salt company (Empresa Frank Pais de Salinas).

Because of the availability of the number of ponds build, because of the different water salinity available, and in respect of the salt production:

The Artemia biomass culture can be approached by development of:
the extensive,
the semi intensive,
the high intensive culture with the control of the natural feed (algae).

The cysts harvest and production can be increased in:
the extensive ponds,
the semi intensive areas.

Besides it appears that some points could be taken care of immediately to improve the actual harvest and processing of the cysts.

The main obstruction to the development of the Artemia population is the presence of a predator the ‘papalote’ (Cyprinodon variegatus)

A toxic extract from the “Maguey” a local plant (Agave sp.) has been tried by the Cubans and must be investigated further.

Few mechanical ways to reduce the fish populations have been proposed.

Objectives, constraints, advantages and propositions of the different aspects are developed here under.

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