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I would like to thank the Commissioner for Forestry for trusting me with this important task. It has enriched my knowledge and increased my interest in forestry.

I have the pleasure and gratitude to acknowledge the input of the following people who sacrificed their time to contribute to this study:

Mr. Tom Blomley of CARE International (Uganda),

Mr. G. Dutki of the Uganda Forestry Sector Umbrella Program,

Dr. A. Banana of Makerere University, Forest Department and

Mr. S. Nsita of the Uganda Forest Department.

I would also like to thank Mr. Paul Isabirye of Meteorology Department, Mr. Ali Karantugye and Mr. Paul Dritchi of Forest Department for the useful information they contributed to the study.

Last but not least, I greatly appreciate the very active and encouraging support provided by Dr. C.T.S Nair of FAO Rome. His pertinent and probing questions keep me on my toes searching for answers! The search will certainly not end with this paper.

It is my sincere hope that this study will make a contribution towards the eradication of poverty in Uganda.

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