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Natural forests in Tanzania contain a diversity of tree species with a great potential for people and environment at large. However, the increased rate of environmental destruction threatens the existence of some species as well as their habitats. Gene erosion is evident and some species are under threat of extinction.

A number of efforts undertaken at national as well as international levels are highly appreciated. In Tanzania, the formulation of new Forest Policy which has facilitated the review of the National Forestry Research Master Plan is a good start toward ensuring sustainable management of forest resources.

It is recommended that coordination within the forestry sector and between different sectors related to land use be intensified. Policies of these sectors should be harmonized to ensure efficient management of forest resources and the environment as a whole. Moreover, research is needed to explore threatened and useful tree species and their conservation before they become extinct. Further, research is needed to develop appropriate storage methods for recalcitrant tree seeds. The current Forest Policy has put more emphasis on joint forest management as a tool for sustainable forest management in Tanzania. As this is a new management approach, more research is recommended for the design of appropriate methods and monitoring of their success.

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