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  1. District : Khanthabuly

  2. Sub-district : Xok

  3. Village : Ban Yangsung

  4. Name of farmer : Mr. Sya

  5. Main farming system : Rice-cum-fish culture

  6. General information : He is a poor farmer with 7 members in the family. He practices rice cultivation with fish culture in 0.2 ha area and owns 2 ponds (0.07 ha in size). In additional 2.73 ha area he grows corn, vegetables, paddy & fruits. The total family income comes from the above farming practices plus rearing of livestock.

  7. Project activities : The national and international staff of project LAO/89/003 first contacted him in August 1992 when the above informations were collected. Mr. Sya and other farmers of the village never did proper fish culture in pond or rice field. Only some natural local species where harvested by him every year. From August 1992 the project got involved and motivated him to start fish culture on scientific lines. In February 1993 Mr. Sya received a 3-day training organized by the project which included actual field work and video film show regarding fish culture. In May 1993 the project supervised preparation of his rice field having an area of 2000 Sq m and supplied 450 fingerlings of tilapia, puntius and common carp in July and August 1993 at stocking rate of 2250/ha. The average stocking size was 4–6 cm and 3.5–5 g. The fish were harvested after 65–118 days. The average survival of fingerlings was 93 % with an average size of 17–25 cm and 41.5–200 g and the total fish production was 32 kg/0.2 ha (160 kg/ha/118 days). He made the trenches inside the rice field. This is the first time he used this technique in the village for fish culture. The frequency of monitoring by the project staff was on an average one time in a month.

  8. Economic evaluation : The total annual income of the farmer was around K 2,500,000 in 1992, the income from wild fish being negligible and K 2,596,000 in 1993. The 1993 income of K 2,596,000 included K 256,000 from sticky rice (3200 kg) + K 60,000 from fish (32 kg from rice field and 8 kg from local species from 2 ponds) + K 2,280,000 from livestock (cows-7, buffaloes-3, chicken-20, ducks-2) vegetables, fruits, corn etc. While his 1994 income of K 1,372,500 include K 350,000 from 3.5 tonnes rice + K 82,500 from 55 kg fish + K 940,000 from livestock. However it is evident that both the nutritional and financial condition of the farmer's family improved by the adoption of improved fish culture activities.

  9. Comments : Mr. Sya is a progressive farmer who followed the technical advice given by the project carefully. He has shown sustained interest in aquaculture activities and shared his experience with other farmers. He is also the chief of the village. It is expected that he would serve as a model farmer particularly for rice-cum-fish culture system. His performance, attitude and continued technical advice by the project in future years shall help in refining the technology package as well as assessing the future needs of the farmer in terms of funds and facilities.

  1. District : Khanthabuly

  2. Sub-district : Xok

  3. Village : Yangsung

  4. Name of farmer : Ms. Khamla

  5. Main farming system : Pond fish culture.

  6. General information : She is a poor farmer with 8 members in the family. She practices pond fish culture in 0.20 ha area fish pond. In additional 2.80 ha area she grows corn, vegetables, fruits and paddy. The total family income comes from the above farming practices plus rearing of livestock.

  7. Project activities : The national and international staff of project LAO/89/003 first contacted her in August 1992 when the above general informations were collected.

    Mrs. Khamla started aquaculture since 1990. In 1991 she produced 14 kg fish in her 0.2 ha pond (70 kg/ha). In 1992 she produced 18 kg fish from the same pond. The species of fish grown were mostly tilapia, common carp, puntius and local species. From August 1992, the project got involved in organizing the fish culture activities for her pond. In February 1993 her son in-law (on behalf of her) Mr. Nugeng received 3-day training organized by the project which included actual field work and video film show regarding fish culture. In the 4th week of May 1993, the project supervised preparation of the pond (0.2 ha) and supplied 550 fingerlings of common carp and bighead carp and she herself purchased 60 Indian carps (10 cm and 15 g) for her pond, the stocking rate was 3050/ha. The average stocking size was 3.5–4.5 g and 4–10 cm. The fish were harvested partially after 183 days. Partial harvests made comprised fish of average size 250–600 g and 25–40 cm and total no. of harvested fishes were 120 and bighead-110 and indian carps 10) and weighing 57.4 kg/0.2 ha 9287 kg/ha/183 days). She integrated the pond fish with livestock (2 pigs + cows 8 + buffaloes 3 + chicken 50). The frequency of monitoring by project staff was on an average of two times in a month.

  8. Economic evaluation : The total annual income of the farmer was only around K 645,000 in 1992 being K 27,000 from 18 kg fish produced from the pond and K 716,100 in 1993. The 1993 income of K 716,100 included K 440,000 from sticky rice (5500 kg) + K 86,100 from fish (57.4 kg) + K 80,000 vegetables + K 110,000 from livestock specially from chicken and eggs + K 20,000 from fruits. While her 1994 income of K 1,569,000 include K 525,000 from 5.25 tonnes rice + K 669,000 from 446 kg fish in pond + K 310,000 from livestock and K 65,000 from vegetables. However it is evident that both the nutritional and financial conditions of the farmer's family improved by the adoption of improved fish culture activities.

  9. Comments : Ms. Khamla is a progressive farmer who follow the technical advice given by the project carefully though only partially. She has shown interest in aquaculture activities and shared her experience with other farmers. It is understood that she is an old lady and widow that's why she can't follow all the advice in time. It is expected that she could serve as lady model farmer in future particularly for the pond fish culture system. Her attitude and continued technical advice by the project in future shall help in improving her performance.

  1. District : Khanthabuly

  2. Sub-district : Phonsavanh

  3. Village : Naseng

  4. Name of farmer : Mr. Khamma

  5. Main farming system : Pond fish & rice-cum-fish culture

  6. General information : Mr. Khamma is an educated and enlightened farmer of upper middle income group with 7 members in the family. He owns a total of 5 ha land area ; pond area 1.0 ha which includes 10 small ponds in 0.1 ha and the other 0.5 ha is a natural depression in the shape of a pond. He has 1.0 ha rice field. He also maintains livestock ( chicken and pigeons). He started fish culture since 1989 and cultured only tilapia, puntius and common carp. He also produced fish seed of these species in his farm and sold to farmers. The ponds used to be weedinfested, mostly lotus and were shallow. The total family in come came from the above farming activities and raising of livestock.

  7. Project activities : The national and international staff of project LAO/89/003 first contacted him in July 1992 when the above informations were collected. In 1992 project advised him to do rice-cum-fish culture in the field (without any trench) and from this field. (1.0 ha) he harvested 250 kg fish + 30 kg fish from 2 ponds (0.055 ha in area). In addition to this he harvested 231 kg fish/ 0.95 ha, managed by himself. The species of fish grown were mostly tilapia, common carp, Puntius gonionotus & local species. In February 1993, Mr. Khamma received a 3-day training organized by the project, which included actual field work and film show. From April/93, the project supervised preparation of trenches in the rice field having an area of 1.0 ha and fish culture in two ponds having an area of 0.055 ha. Project supplied 139 fingerlings of big head and Indian carps (BH 91 + IC 48) and he released by himself 63 common carp and 30 puntius fingerlings in the ponds (0.055 ha) and 6090 fry (2000 common carp + 1700 Tilapia) into the rice field at his own expense. The average stocking density was 4364/ha for the pond and the size of fingerlings was 5.0 g and 5.0 cm. The fish were harvested from the pond after 175 days. The survival of fingerlings was 75 % with an average size of 350–750 g and 25–40 cm and total fish production was 112 kg (2036 kg/ha/ 175 days). The average stocking size of fish in the paddy field was 2–7 g and 2.5–6.5 cm and stocking density 6090/ha. The fish were harvested after 170 days. The survival of fingerlings was 54 % with an average of 125–200 g and 17– 23 cm and total fish production was 580 kg/ha/170 days.

    He made piggery house over the rice field and kept 9 pigs there. But the production of paddy was not satisfactory because Mr. Khamma did not want to clean the bushes from the field in order to prevent poaching. The paddy field is only rain fed. Project staff advised him to produce fry in his farm. In 1994, Mr. Khamma stocked      fingerlings of      in his      ha fish pond (      ha) at an average stocking size of      ha. After      months, he harvested     kg fish (    kg/ha) with percentage recovery of      %. He also stocked    fingerlings of      in his     /ha rice field (    /ha) at an average stocking size of     g. After      months, he produced     kg fish (     /ha) with percentage recovery      % (     pcs). The frequency of monitoring by the project staff was on an average two times in a month.

  8. Economic evaluation : The total annual income of the farmer was around K 1,326,500 in 1992 (K 160,000 from 2000 kg sticky rice + K 766,500 from 261 kg fish from ponds, 250 kg fish from rice field + K 400,000 by sale of 20,000 fingerlings). The 1993 income of K 2,236,000 included K 48,000 from sticky rice (600 kg) + K 870,000 from fish from the paddy field + K 168,000 from the demonstration ponds (112 kg) + K 600,000 from the sale of fingerlings (30000 fry) + K 525,000 from 350 kg fish from other ponds (managed by himself) + K 25,000 from coconut, pigs, and others. His 1994 income of K 5,530,500 include K 56,000 from sticky rice (700 kg) + K 5,254 from fish (1,570 kg from pond + 845 kg from paddy field and K 1,390,000 sale of 55,600 fingerlings) + K 220,500 from livestock. However, it is evident that both the nutritional and financial conditions of the farmer's family improved by the adoption of improved fish culture activities.

  9. Comments : Mr. Khamma is a progressive farmer who followed all the technical advice given by the project carefully. He has shown sustained interest in aquaculture activities and shared his experience with other farmers. It is expected that he would serve as a model farmer both for the rice-cum-fish culture and pond fish culture systems. He is an educated farmer who maintained field records carefully. His performance, attitude and continued technical advice by the project in future years shall help in refining the technology package as well as assessing his future needs in terms of funds and facilities.

  1. District : Khanthabuly

  2. Sub-district : Sunantha

  3. Village : Sebounheuang

  4. Name of farmer : Mr. Souk

  5. Main farming system : Pond fish and Rice-cum-fish culture

  6. General information : He is a middle class farmer with 3 members in the family. He practices rice cultivation with fish culture in 0.269 ha area and owns fish pond 0.053 ha in size not used for fish culture. In additional 0.2 ha area he grows vegetable, paddy, coconut, guava, other fruits and with another small pond (0.035) being used for fish culture by himself. The total family income comes from the above farming practices plus rearing of livestock and a small shop.

  7. Project activities : The national and international staff of project LAO/89/003 first contacted him in August 1992 when the above general informations were collected.

    Mr. Souk started aquaculture since 1990. In 1991 the production obtained was 8 kg fish in his small pond (natural and tilapia). From August 1992 the project got involved in organizing the fish culture activities, he stocked fry in the rice field without trench, stocking density of fingerlings of selected species (tilapia and puntius) were 160 fry given by the project (size 3–5 cm and wt. 2–3 g). He harvested 4.5 kg fish from his 0.04 ha rice field (112.5 kg/ha/85 days) and only 15 kg fish (local species + tilapia) from 0.035 ha fish pond (342 kg/ha/year). In February 1993 Mr. Souk received a 3-day training organized by the project, which included actual field work and film show regarding fish culture. From April 1993 the project supervised preparation at his rice field (extended than last year), Mr. Souk made the trenches on the side of the rice field and enlarged the area to 0.269 ha and stocked 2700 fingerlings (common carp-200 + tilapia- 2500) by his own expense. The average stocking size was 3–4 cm and 2–3 g. The fish were harvested after 95 days. The survival of fingerlings was 81 % with an average size of 15–20 cm and 33.3–159.5 g and the total fish production of 85 kg/0.269ha/ 95 days (316 kg/ha/95 days). In 1993 Mr. Souk was given technical advice on pond fish culture as well. Species stocked in the 0.053 ha pond by the project were common carp 60, big head 84, Indian carp 84 and puntius 42 (270 pcs mixed) and he integrated with livestock (buffaloes- 5 + chicken - 35 and geese- 6) and vegetables including chillies. The fish harvest up to 4.2.94 was 98 kg/0.053 ha/ 215 days (1849 kg/ha/215 days). Survival of species was between 70–85 %. The frequency of monitoring by the project staff was on an average 3 times in a month.

  8. Economic evaluation: The total annual income of the farmer was K 1,740,000 in 1992 being K 29,250 from 19.5 kg fish (15 kg from pond and 4.5 kg from rice field) and K 2,104,500 in 1993. The 1993 income of K 2,104,500 included K 280,000 from sticky rice (3500 kg) + K 274,500 from fish (98 kg from fish pond and 85 kg from rice field) + 1,550,000 from livestock, vegetables, fruits, coconut and income from the shop. While his 1994 income of K 2,423,000 include K 336,000 from 3.36 tonnes rice + K 665,000 from 410 kg fish in ricefield and pond and sales of fry + K 410,000 from livestock and K 1,012,000 from fruits, vegetables, sales from shop and other sources. However, it is evident that both the nutritional and financial conditions of the farmer's family improved by the adoption of improved fish culture activities.

  9. Comments: Mr. Souk is a good progressive farmer who followed the technical advice given by the project carefully. He has shown sustained interest in aquaculture activities and shared his experience with other farmers. It is expected that he would serve as a model farmer particularly for the rice-cum-fish culture and integrated pond fish systems. His performance, attitude and continued technical advice by the project in future years shall help in refining his technology package as well as in assessing the future needs in terms of funds and facilities.

  1. District : Khanthabuly

  2. Village : Sebounheuang ; Sub-district : Sunantha

  3. Name of farmer : Mr. Phoumet

  4. Main farming system : Pond fish & Rice-cum-fish culture

  5. General information : He is a poor farmer with 4 members in the family. He practices pond fish culture in 0.09 ha and rice cultivation with fish culture in 0.3 ha area (he got rice field on lease from the owner). In additional 0.2 ha area, he grows corn, vegetables, lemon, fruits, and flowers. The total family income comes from the above farming practices plus rearing of pigeons and chicken.

  6. Project activities : The national and international staff of project LAO/89/003 first contacted him in July 1992 when the above general informations were collected. Mr. Phoumet started aquaculture in pond since 1990. In 1990 he produced 8 kg fish in his 0.09 ha pond. In 1991 he produced only 15 kg fish in his pond. In 1992 he produced 40 kg fish in his 0.09 ha pond (444 kg/ha) and 2.5 kg fish in 0.1 ha of rice field. The species of fish grown were mostly tilapia, common carp, Puntius gonionotus and local species. The project got involved in organizing the fish culture activities in August 1992 which included fixing proper screens at inlets and outlets, stocking fingerlings of selected species in his rice field. That was a trial activity. In the beginning of 1993 project advised and explained how to produce fry in the pond and often supervised preparation of the pond and rice field as well. The project supplied for pond fish culture 123 silver carp, 50 common carp and 50 Indian carp fingerlings in April-October 93. Stocking rate could not be assessed properly because he did not dewater the pond and retained it to irrigate the vegetable crops. The average stocking size was 4 cm and 3 g. Mr. Phoumet released separately fingerlings of common carp 200, Puntius gonionotus 50 and tilapia 1000 into his rice field (0.3 ha) by himself from his experience of 1992. The average stocking size was 5 cm and 6 g. The fish were harvested from the rice field after 118 days, the total number was 440, the average size was 16.5 cm and 106 g and total fish production was 53 kg/0.3 ha (176.66 kg/ ha/118 days).

    From the fish pond of (0.09/ha) he harvested 90 kg fish (7 only big head and common carp but Indian carps were not yet harvested).

    By the help of the project he produced 7500 common carp and puntius fry and sold for 150,000 kips. He integrated pond fish culture with vegetables and livestock (chicken 20 + pigeon 30). He has started catfish culture also in another small pond. The frequency of monitoring by the project staff was on an average 2–3 times in a month.

  7. Economic evaluation : The total annual income of the farmer was only around K 800,000 in 1992 being K 63,750 from 42.5 kg fish (40 kg from pond + 2.5 kg rice field) and K 1,144,500 in 1993 which included K 125,000 from sticky rice (1666 kg) + K 650,000 from vegetables, flowers, livestock, corns and fruits + K 214,500 from fish + K 150,000 from fingerlings (7,500 from the rice field). While his 1994 income of K 1,445,000 include K 545,000 from 250 kg fish and 8,500 fingerlings + K 50,000 from livestock and K 850,000 from vegetables and fruits. However it is evident that both the nutritional and financial conditions of the farmer's family improved by the adoption of improved fish culture activities.

  8. Comments : Mr. Phoumet is a progressive and hard working farmer who followed the technical advice given by the project carefully. He has shown sustained interest in aquaculture activities and shared his experience with other farmers. It is expected that he would serve as a model farmer particularly in pond fish culture system. His performance, attitude and continued technical advice by the project in future years shall help in refining the technology package as well as in assessing his future needs in terms of funds and facilities.

  1. District : Khanthabuly

  2. Sub-district : Phonsavanh

  3. Village : Phonsavanh

  4. Name of farmer : Mr. Phosye

  5. Main farming system : Integrated pond fish culture and Rice-cum-fish culture

  6. General information : He is a middle class farmer with 13 members in the family. He practices rice cultivation with fish culture in 0.12 ha area and owns fish pond 0.8 ha in size integrated with livestock. In additional 1.3 ha area he grows vegetables, paddy production, raises pigs, chicken, goats and turkey etc. He also prepared the local liquor lao Lao and has a small rice mill. The total family income comes from the above sources.

  7. Project activities : The national and international staff of project LAO/89/003 first contacted him in July 1992 when the above general informations were collected. Mr. Phosye started aquaculture in ponds since 1990. But the production was not satisfactory up to 1992. From august 1992 the project got involved in organizing his fish culture activities which included fixing proper screens at inlets and outlets, stocking 480 fingerlings of selected species (common carp, puntius, tilapia) in his rice field (0.12 ha) and gave technical advice for the benefit of the rice crop and fish culture as well. The average stocking size was 3–5 cm and 2–3 g and stocking density was 4000/ha. The survival of fingerlings was 80 % with an average size of 10–25 cm and 95–369 g. The total fish harvest was 45 kg/0.12 ha/80 days (375 kg/ha/80 days). In addition, he produced 250 kg fish from pond (0.8 ha). The exact stocking density and duration of culture in the fish pond were difficult to determine due to continuous practice of fish stocking and harvesting for which he did not keep records. In February 1993 Mr. Phosye received 3-day training organized by the project which included actual field work and video film show regarding fish culture. In May 1993 project supervised preparation of his rice field with trenches in an area of 1000 sq m and he released by himself 2000 tilapia, the average stocking size was 3 cm and 3 g. The fish were harvested after 86 days. The survival of fingerlings was 87% with an average size of 10 cm and 35 g and total fish harvest was 61 kg/0.1 ha/ (610 kg/ha/86 days). In 1993 Mr. Phosye was given technical advice on integrated pond fish culture as well. His pond area is 0.8 ha. Species stocked were common carp 200 + silver carp 430 + Indian carp 100 and 200 Puntius gonionotus (930 pcs mixed with some previous stock) and he integrated pond fish culture with livestock (pigs 40 + chicken 100 + turkey 57 ; and 1 buffalo and 12 goats raised away from the pond and manure collected for the pond). From November 1993, fish harvest was 250 kg/0.8 ha/200 days (partial harvest). The frequency of monitoring by the project staff was on an average two times in a month.

  8. Economic evaluation : The total annual income of the farmer was around K 956,000 in 1992 being K 405,000 from 295 kg fish (250 kg from pond + 45 kg from rice field), K 2,266,500 in 1993. The 1993 income of K 2,266,500 included K 200,000 from sticky rice (2500 kg) + K 466,500 from fish (250 kg from fish pond and 61 kg from rice field) + K 700,000 from livestock + K 600,000 from rice mill + K 300,000 from others. While his 1994 income of K 5,423,000 include K 400,000 from 4.0 tonnes rice + K 1,171,800 from 837 kg fish in pond and ricefield + K 2,472,000 from livestock + K 1,380,000 from rice mill and local production of lao alcohol. However, it is evident that both the nutritional and financial conditions of the farmer's family improved by the adoption of improved fish culture activities.

  9. Comments : Mr. Phosye is a progressive farmer who followed the technical advice given by the project carefully. He was awarded by the provincial authorities the certificate of ‘Best Farmer’ in 1993. He has shown sustained interest in aquaculture activities and shared his experience with other farmers. It is expected that he would serve as a model farmer particularly for the rice-cum-fish and integrated pond fish culture systems. His performance, attitude and continued technical advice by the project in future years shall help in refining his technology package as well as in assessing his future needs in terms of funds and facilities.

  1. District : Khanthabuly

  2. Sub-district : Thaseno Eai

  3. Village : Thaseno

  4. Name of farmer : Mr. Khampian

  5. Main farming system : Pond fish culture and Rice-cum-fish culture.

  6. General information : Poor farmer with 13 members in the family. The total family income comes from paddy production, vegetables and business practices. Have small pond 0.052 ha but never did proper fish culture in the pond or paddy field upto 1992.

  7. Project activities : The national and international staff of project LAO/89/003 first contacted him in the beginning of January 1993 when the above general informations were collected. Mr. Khamphian started fish culture since 1990, but upto 1992 he could harvest even 20 kg fish in three years. In January 1992 Provincial Authorities suggested to the project to do fish culture in the dry season paddy field area. The project supervised preparation of a portion of his rice field (by digging trench in an area of 0.17 ha and supplied 300 fingerlings of common carp, Indian carps Puntius gonionotus and tilapia. The average stocking size was between 5-18 cm and 10-50 g. The fish were harvested after 90 days. The survival of fingerlings was 59-100 with average size of 60-160 g and 16-23 cm and total fish production of 52 kg/0.17 ha (305 kg/ha/90days).

    He transferred some Indian carps, common carps, puntius to the pond. He sold also 500 tilapia fry from the rice field for K 4000. On 27 June 1993 he again released 200 tilapia fingerlings in the rice field at his own expense and harvested 16.2 kg fish of an average size of 17 cm and 90 g after 150 days of culture (95 kg/ha/150 days). He transferred to the fish pond 20 common carps, 83 indian carps and 272 Puntius gonionotus and project released 25 bighead. Production from the pond was 67.5 kg/0.055 ha (1350 kg/ha/172 days). Survival rate was between 80– 90 %. The frequency of monitoring by project staff was on an average two times in a month. In February 1993, Mr. Khampian received 3-day training organized by the project which included actual field work. In 1993 Mr. Khampian was given technical advice on pond fish culture as well.

  8. Economic evaluation : The total annual income of the farmer was around K 1,928,000 in 1992 being K 9,000 from 6 kg pond fish. The 1993 income of K 2,327,550 included K 120,000 from sticky rice (1500 kg) + K 106,300 from fish of rice field + K 1,01,250 from fish pond + K 2,000,000 from livestock, vegetables and business. While his 1994 income of K 2,914,500 include K 171,000 from 1.9 tonnes rice + K 243,500 from 95 kg fish in pond and 59 kg fish in rice field + K 250,000 derived from business practices. However, it was evident that both the nutritional and financial conditions of the farmer's family improved by the adoption of improved fish culture activities.

  9. Comments : Mr. Khampian received again one day fish culture training by the project staff organized by NGO through Education service. He appeared to be a progressive farmer in the beginning but later he did not follow the technical advice given by the project carefully. He had shown interest in aquaculture activities but did not share his experience with other farmers. However project would continue to give him advice in future but it is felt that he may not come up to the standard of a model farmer.

  1. District : Khanthabuly

  2. Sub-district : Sunantha

  3. Village : Nounsavath

  4. Name of farmer : Mr. Yam

  5. Main farming system : Pond fish culture.

  6. General information : He is a poor farmer with 10 members in the family. He practices pond fish culture in 0.27 ha area with 2 fish ponds under his own management and he has given for project's management. In additional 2.0 ha area he grows vegetables, flowers, fruits and paddy. The total family income comes from the above farming practices, rearing of livestock and from business. Mr. Yam is retired teacher and is a hard worker as observed so far.

  7. Project activities : The national and international staff of project LAO/89/003 first contacted him in July 1992, at that time he did not show interest in fish culture ; next August 1993 project contacted him again. At that time project got involved in organizing the fish culture activities in his ponds. He liberated 6000 fry in 0.55 ha ponds (4 ponds) in 1990 and after 3 years he harvested in total 50 kg fish from all the 4 ponds (0.55 ha). He did not join the training course of the project. In August 1993, the project supervised preparation of his two ponds (0.27 ha) and supplied 1420 fingerlings of common carp and Indian carps in September 1993. Mr. Yam also purchased 1000 Puntius gonionotus for the same ponds, thus the stocking rate was 8963/ha. The frequency of monitoring by project staff was on an average of one-two times in a month.

  8. Economic evaluation : The total annual income of the farmer was around K 1,200,000 in 1992 being K 12,000 from 8 kg fish harvested from the 0.27 ha pond and K 1,250,000 in 1993 which included rice and from vegetables, livestock etc. It was noted that still he did not want to harvest the fish from his pond but the estimated fish will be 324 kg and the value will be K 486,000. While his 1994 income of K 5,097,400 include K 113,400 from 1.26 tonnes rice + K 573,000 from 382 kg fish in pond + K 264,000 from chicken + K 4,147,000 from flowers, salary (pension) and sales from shops. However it is evident that both the nutritional and financial conditions of the farmer's family improved by the adoption of improved fish culture activities.

  9. Comments : Mr. Yam is a progressive farmer and who followed the technical advice given by the project carefully. He has shown interest in aquaculture activities and shared his experience with other farmers who visited his ponds. It is expected that he would continue to serve as progressive farmer for the pond fish culture system. His performance and attitudes are very good. In future this farmer can become a good model farmer.

  1. District : Khanthabuly

  2. Sub-district : Xok

  3. Village : Yangsung

  4. Name of farmer : Mr. Soufoum

  5. Main farming system : Rice-cum-fish culture.

  6. General information : He is a poor farmer with 10 members in the family. He practices rice-cum-fish culture in 0.20 ha area and has a small fish pond 0.02 ha inside the rice field. In additional 4.80 ha area he grows paddy, vegetables, fruits etc.. The total family income comes from the above farming practices plus rearing of livestock (Pigs-3 + Cows-8 + Buffaloes-5 + chickens-50).

  7. Project activities : The national and international staff of project LAO/89/003 first contacted him in 1992. Mr. Soufoum started aquaculture in 1990. In 1991 he produced 8 kg fish from the same pond. From July 1992, the project motivated him to do fish culture in a scientific way and he agreed to do so. In February 1993, Mr. Soufoum received 3-day training organized by the project which included actual field work and video film show regarding fish culture. In June 1993, the project finally supervised preparation of the pond inside the field in an area of 2000 sq m and supplied him 200 fingerlings (common carp + Indian carp + Puntius gonionotus + tilapia on two occasions June and August 1993) at stocking rate of 1000/ha. The average stocking size was 4 cm and 3.5 cm at 1.5 g. The fish were harvested after 187 days. The survival of fingerlings was 95 % with an average size of 20-45cm and 200-1300 g and total fish harvested were 80.9 kg/0.2 ha (404.5 kg/ha/187 days) including 14.0 kg of miscellaneous fish. The frequency of monitoring by project staff was on an average of 2–3 times in a month.

  8. Economic evaluation : The total annual income of the farmer was only around K 980,000 in 1992 being K 1,200 from 8 kg fish from the pond inside the rice field and K 1,166,350 in 1993. The 1993 income of K 1,166,350 included K 320,000 from sticky rice (4000 kg) + K 121,350 from fish + K 725,000 from livestock, vegetables, fruits, corn. While his 1994 income of K 1,106,000 include K 635,000 from 6.35 tonnes rice + K 120,000 from 80 kg fish in rice field + K 245,000 from livestock and K 106,000 from Vegetables, fruits and coconuts. However it is evident that both the nutritional and financial conditions of the farmer's family improved by the adoption of improved fish culture activities.

  9. Comments : Mr. Soufoum is an average farmer who followed the technical advice of the project rather slowly. He has of course shown interest in aquaculture activities and shared his experience with other farmers. It is expected that he would improve his performance in near future, particularly for the rice-cum-fish culture system.

  1. District : Champhone

  2. Village : Kengkokneua

  3. Name of farmer : Mr. Bounlam

  4. Main farming system : Pond fish culture

  5. General information : He is an old and poor farmer with 9 members in the family. He practices fish culture in 0.15 ha. In additional 0.25 ha area he grows vegetables, fruits and paddy. The total family income comes from the above farming practices plus rearing of livestock (ducks-7 and chicken-15).

  6. Project activities : The national and international staff of project LAO/89/003 first contacted him in September 1993 when the above general informations were collected. Mr. Bounlam started aquaculture since 1989. From 1989-1992 he estimated that about 60 kg fish were harvested. Stocking density and culture days of fish in fish pond were difficult to determine due to varying dates of fish stocking and harvesting for which he did not keep any records. In February 1993 Mr. Bounlam received 3-day training organized by the project which included actual field work and video shows regarding fisheries. In August 1993 the project supervised preparation of his pond and he released fingerlings by himself, he did not estimate the number. The project supplied 35 Indian carp fingerlings to the pond, Average size 4 cm and 3.5 g. The fish were harvested after 105 days of culture. The survival of fingerlings could not be properly estimated. Average size of the fish was 14–17 cm and 83.5-175 g and the fish harvest was 43 kg/0.15 ha (278 kg/ha/105 days). The frequency of monitoring by the project staff was on an average 1-2 times in amonth.

  7. Economic evaluation : The total annual income of the farmer was only around K 20,000 in 1992 being K 22,500 from 15 kg fish produced in the pond and K 264,500 in 1993. The 1993 income of K 264,500 included K 200,000 from livestock, fruits and other sources + K 64,500 from fish (43 kg). While his 1994 income of K 780,000 include K 480,000 from 560 kg fish in pond + K 300,000 from pension benefit and other sources. However it is evident that both the nutritional and financial conditions of the farmer's family improved by the adoption of improved fish culture activities.

  8. Comments : Mr. Bounlam followed the technical advice of the project only partially. He has interest in aquaculture activities but so far not able to share his experience with other farmers. It is expected that he may improve his performance and the project will continue to give him technical advice as often as he needed.

  1. District : Champhone

  2. Village : Kengkokneua

  3. Name of farmer: Mr. Phonsavath

  4. Main farming system : Pond fish culture

  5. General information: He is a poor farmer with 12 members in the family. He started fish culture in 0.07 ha fish pond. In additional 1.95 ha area he grows vegetables, fruits and paddy. The total family income comes from the above farming practices and rearing of livestock.

  6. Project activities: The national and international staff of project LAO/89/003 first contacted him in October 1992 when the above general informations were collected.

    7/30/02Mr. Phonsavath did not want to do fish culture when the project staff met him first. Later he got interested and requested the project for technical advice. He started aquaculture since 1990, but the production was unsatisfactory. He did not maintain any records of fingerling stocking and harvest. In February 1993 Mr. Phonsavath received 3-day training organized by the project which included actual field work and video shows regarding fisheries. In June 1993 he released 1000 fingerlings by himself to the unprepared pond with an area of 0.07 ha. The average stocking size was 6 cm and 5 g of common carps, Indian carps, Puntius gonionotus and tilapia. Harvest was made several times for family consumption and he did not maintain any records. He reported only about 10 kg fish were harvested from the pond, water level in the pond was low when he released the fingerlings to his pond. The frequency of monitoring by the project staff was on an average one time in a month.

  7. Economic evaluation : The total annual income of the farmer was only around K 280,000 in 1992 (the income from fish was not reported) and K 295,000 in 1993. The 1993 income of K 295,000 included K 100,000 from sticky rice (1250 kg) + K 15,000 from fish + K 180,000 from other sources. While his 1994 income of K 980,000 include K 200,000 from 2.0 tonnes rice + K 40,000 from 30 kg fish in pond + K 80,000 from livestock and K 660,000 from vegetables and income from the market. However, it is evident that both the nutritional and financial conditions of the farmer's family improved by the adoption of improved fish culture activities.

  8. Comments : Mr. Phongsavath is not a progressive farmer as he did not follow the technical advice of the project carefully. He has interest in aquaculture activities but so far has not shared his experience with other farmers. It is expected that he would improve his performance though slowly, and the project shall continue to provide him some technical assistance as necessary.

  1. District : Champhone

  2. Sub-district : Bak

  3. Village : Phousy

  4. Name of farmer : Mr. Buane

  5. Main farming system : Pond fish culture

  6. General information : He is an old and poor farmer with 2 members in the family. He practices pond fish culture in 0.049 ha in size. In additional 1.95 ha area be grows paddy vegetables and fruits. The total family income comes from the above farming practices + rearing of livestock ( cows-2, buffaloes-2, chicken-5 and horses-2 ).

  7. Project activities : The national and international staff of project LAO/89/003 first contacted him in October 1992 when the above general informations were collected.

    Mr. Buane started aquaculture since 1990. But he produced 12 kg fish from 1991-92. The species were mostly local species. His pond is seasonal, full of bushes and aquatic vegetation and the colour of the water was blackish. The farmer was interested not to do fish culture in his pond. Project staff motivated him and started to do fish culture. From November 1992, the project got involved in organizing the fish culture activities. In February 1993 Mr. Buane received a 3-day training organized by the project which included actual field work and video shows regarding fish culture. In June 1993, the project finally supervised the preparation of the pond for fish culture having an area of 490 sq m and supplied 175 fingerlings of common carp and tilapia at stocking rate of 3571/ha. The average stocking size was 4 cm and 2.5 g. The pond is located a little far from the house, but there was no fear of poaching of fish. The fish were harvested after 160 days when the water level of the pond was fast going down Average fish size at harvest was 15–22 cm and 125–250 g and total fish production was 79 kg (included 5 kg local species/0.049/160 days. He produced 1750 tilapia fry from his pond and sold for K 7,000 at the rate of 4 kip/fry.

    The frequency of monitoring by the project staff was on an average two times in a month.

  8. Economic evaluation : The total annual income of the farmer was only around K 540,000 in 1992 being K 9,000 from 6 kg fish produced from the pond and K 685,500 in 1993. The 1993 income of K 685,500 included K 360,000 from sticky rice (4500 kg) + K 200,000 from others + K 118,500 from fish and K 7000 from sale of fish seed. While his 1994 income of K 1,455,000 include K 300,000 from 3.0 tonnes rice + K 150,000 from 100 kg fish in pond + K 505,000 from livestock and K 500,000 from personal services as a village herval doctor. However, it is evident that both the nutritional and financial conditions of the farmer's family improved by the adoption of improved fish culture activities.

  9. Comments : Mr. Buane is a progressive farmer who followed the technical advice given by the project carefully. He has shown keen interest in aquaculture activities but has not shared his experience with other farmers so far. It is felt that he would not serve as a model farmer for pond fish culture system at this stage. However, the project will continue to provide him technical advice. His performance, attitude and continued technical advice by the project may help him to come up as a good target farmer.

  1. District : Champhone

  2. Sub-district : Nakhu

  3. Village : Nakhu

  4. Name of farmer : Mr. Samlane

  5. Main farming system : Pond fish culture

  6. General information: He is a poor farmer with 11 members in the family. He is working with the Government as chief of the subdistrict. He practices fish culture in his 0.03 ha pond. In additional 5.91 ha area be grows corn, vegetables, paddy, fruits. The total family income comes from the above farming practices plus rearing of livestock ( pigs-3, cows-4, buffaloes-3, goat-7 + ducks-15 + chicken-110 ) and salary from the govt. job.

  7. Project activities : The national and international staff of project LAO/89/003 first contacted him in October 1992 when the above general informations were collected.

    Mr. Samlane started aquaculture since 1990. He reported to have produced 8 kg fish in 1991 and 11 kg fish in 1992 in 0.09 ha pond ( 122 kg/ha). The species of fish grown were mostly local species. From 1992, the project got involved in organizing his fish culture activities and motivated him. In February 1993 Mr. Samlane received 3-day training organized by the project which included actual field work and video shows regarding fisheries. In August 1993 the project finally supervised preparation of the pond for fish culture having an area of 0.09 ha and supplied 150 fingerlings of Puntius gonionotus-75 and tilapia-75 at stocking rate of 1666/ha. The average stocking size was 3 cm and 2.5 g. The pond is located in an isolated area and the farmer stayed usually 4 months at the site during the paddy harvest period. The fish were harvested partially after 150 days. Average size of the harvested fish was 12–14 cm and 120–135 g and partial fish production was 42 kg/0.09 ha/150 days (466 kg/ha/150 days). Estimated fish still in the pond were about 25 kg. The frequency of monitoring by project staff was on an average one time a month.

  8. Economic evaluation : The total annual income of the farmer was only around K 990,000 in 1992 being K 16,500 from 11 kg fish produced in the pond and K 1,093,000 in 1993. The 1993 income of K 1,093,000 included K 680,000 from sticky rice (8500 kg) + K 350,000 from livestock, vegetables and others + K 63,000 from fish (42 kg). While his 1994 income of K 2,387,500 include K 850,000 from 8.5 tonnes rice + K 112,500 from 75 kg fish in pond + K 425,000 from livestock + K 1,000,000 from government service salary and other sources. However, it is evident that both the nutritional and financial conditions of the farmer's family improved by the adoption of improved fish culture activities.

  9. Comments : Mr. Samlane is a semi progressive farmer who do not follow the technical advice given by the project very carefully. He has shown interest in Aquaculture activities but could not share his experience with other farmers so far possibly due to heavy work load on him. It is expected that he would improve his performance in future, and the project shall continue to help him through technical advice.

  1. District : Champhone

  2. Village : Kengkokneua

  3. Name of farmer : Mr. Walakhon

  4. Main farming system : Pond fish culture and Rice-cum-fish culture.

  5. General information : He is a poor farmer with 6 members in the family. He practices rice cultivation with fish culture in 0.1 ha area and owns fish pond 0.03 ha in size. In additional 2.57 ha area he grows vegetables, corn and paddy. The total family income comes from the above farming practices, rearing of livestock and other works. Mr. Walakhon and his wife also go to work outside to support the family.

  6. Project activities : The national and international staff of project LAO/89/003 first contacted him in October 1992 when the above general informations were collected.

    Mr. Walakhon started aquaculture since 1990. In 1991 he got 5 kg fish in his 0.03 ha pond (167 kg/ha), in 1992 he produced 6 kg fish in the same pond (200 kg/ha) but did not do fish culture in the rice field before. From October 1992, the project got involved in organizing the fish culture activities and motivated him to do fish culture in paddy field and in pond. In February 1993 Mr. Walakhon received 3-day training organized by the project which included actual field work and video shows regarding fish culture. In the 4th week of May 1993 the project finally supervised preparation of his pond with area of 300 sq m and supplied 180 fingerlings of common carps 45, bighead 54, Indian carps 54 and Puntius gonionotus 27 at stocking rate of 6000/ha. The average stocking size was 2.5–4 cm and 2– 2.5 g. The fish were harvested partially (upto mid February 1993) after 260 days. The survival of fingerlings was about 80 % when project checked the fish at the monitoring time with the Vice Governor of the province ; average size of the fish was 175 g-1000 g and 25 cm-45 cm and the partial production was 90 kg/0.03 ha (3000 kg/ha/260 days).

    In 1993 Mr. Walakhon was given technical advice on rice-cum fish culture in paddy field as well. This is the first time project tried rice-cum-fish culture in the district. He prepared the rice field as project advice. In the 4th week of August 1993 project supervised preparation of his rice field having an area 0.09 ha and supplied 250 fingerlings (Puntius gonionotus 150 and tilapia 100) at stocking rate of 2777/ha. The average stocking size was 2 g and 2.5 cm. The fish were harvested after 90 days. The survival of fingerlings was encouraging, tilapia were also seen multiplying. The average size of fish during harvest was 15 cm and 100–160 g and the total production was 51 kg/ 0.09/90 days including 39 kg cultured fish and 20 kg natural/local species (344 kg/ha/90 days). The paddy production was less than last year due to poor rainfall, and fish production considerably contributed to the family diet and income. He also made the compost pit in a corner of the pond and heaped the manure from his livestock (cows-2 + buffaloes-1 + chicken-60 and pigeon-25). The frequency of monitoring by project staff was on an average 2–3 times in a month.

  7. Economic evaluation : The total annual income of the farmer was around K 1,548,000 in 1992 being K 9,000 from 6 kg fish from the pond and K 1,801,500 in 1993. The 1993 income of K 1,801,500 included K 40,000 from sticky rice (500 kg) + K 211,500 from fish (90 kg from fish pond and 51 kg from rice field) + K 1,550,000 from livestock, vegetables and other sources. While his 1994 income of K 1,844,496 include K 232,500 from 2.325 tonnes rice + K 250,000 from 110 kg fish in pond and 57 kg from rice field + K 120,000 from livestock and K 1,241,996 from husband and wife's salary and small business income. However, it is evident that both the nutritional and financial conditions of the farmer's family improved by the adoption of improved fish culture activities.

  8. Comments : Mr. Walakhon is a progressive farmer who followed the technical advice given by the project carefully. He has shown sustained interest in aquaculture activities but could not share his experience with other farmers due to heavy family responsibilities. It is expected that in future he shall share his experience with others and he can serve as a model farmer particularly for the pond fish and rice-cum-fish culture systems. His performance, attitude and continued technical advice by the project in future years shall help to develop him as a model farmer & in refining the technology package best suited in his area.

  1. District : Champhone

  2. Village : Sephaluang

  3. Name of farmer : Mr. Sytha

  4. Main farming system : Integrated pond fish culture.

  5. General information : He is a prosperous farmer with 5 members in the family. He practices fish culture in his pond 0.11 ha in size. In additional 4.39 ha area he grows vegetables, fruits, paddy and corn. He has a rice mill and tractor and all agriculture equipments for cultivation. He has wood business too. The total family income comes from the above farming practices and business plus rearing of livestock as well.

  6. Project activities : The national and international staff of project LAO/89/003 first contacted him in September 1992 when the above informations were collected. Mr. Sytha started aquaculture since 1992. In 1992 he produced 4 kg fish in his 0.11 ha pond (54 kg/ha). The species of fish grown were mostly local species. From September 1992 the project got involved and motivated him to start fish culture in a scientific way in his pond. His pond is surrounded by palm trees and the pond was covered with lotus, bushes and shrubs. He was suggested to cut most of the palm leaves, clear the weeds including lotus and clean up the embankments. In February 1993 Mr. Sytha received a 3-day training organized by the project, which included actual field work and video film show regarding fisheries. In June 1993 the project finally supervised preparation of the pond (area 1100 Sq m) and supplied 720 fingerlings including common carp (310), silver carp (200), Indian carps (14) and Puntius gonionotus (130), stocked at the rate of 6500/ha. The average stocking size was 4 cm and 2.5 g. He integrated pond fish culture with livestock (pigs 10 + cows 10 + buffaloes 3) and made a chicken house over the pond with 30 chicken. The fish were harvested partially 21.15 kg on 4 January 1994 after 190 days in presence of Vice Governor of the province (programme was telecast through national TV and broadcast by radio), and rest of the fish were released back into the pond. The survival of fingerlings was estimated at 80 % with an average size of between 120–900 g and 21–43 cm. Fish estimated to be still in the pond were more than 177 kg (total production estimated at 1818 kg/ha/190 days). The frequency of monitoring by the project staff was on an average 2–3 times in a month.

  7. Economic evaluation : The total annual income of the farmer was K 7,640,000 in 1992 being K 6,000 from 4 kg natural fish and K 8,480,000 in 1993. The 1993 income of K 8,480,000 included K 680,000 from sticky rice (8500 kg) + K 7,500,000 from livestock, rice mill, wood business + K 300,000 from fish (about 200 kg). While his 1994 income of K 8,553,500 include K 700,000 from 7.0 tonnes rice + K 535,500 from 357 kg fish in pond + K 500,000 from pigs and K 6,818,000 from rice mill, furniture and other sources. However, it is evident that both the nutritional and financial conditions of the farmer's family improved by the adoption of improved fish culture activities.

  8. Comments : Mr. Sytha initially took little interest, but later changed into a progressive farmer who followed the technical advice given by the project carefully. He has shown sustained interest in aquaculture activities and shared his experience with other farmers. It is expected that he would serve as a model farmer particularly for the integrated pond fish culture system. His performance, attitude and continued technical advice by the project in future years shall help in refining the technology package as well as assessing the future needs of the farmer in terms of funds and facilities.

  1. District : Champhone

  2. Village : Kengkokneua

  3. Name of farmer : Mr. Don

  4. Main farming system : Pond fish culture

  5. General information : He is a poor farmer with 2 members in the family ; other 5 children did not live with him. He practices rice cultivation with fish culture in 0.09 ha area and owns fish pond 0.056 ha in size. In additional 1.85 ha area he grows paddy, vegetables and fruits. The total family income comes from the above farming practices, plus rearing of livestock and other works.

  6. Project activities : The national and international staff of project LAO/89/003 first contacted him in October 1992 when the above general informations were collected. Mr. Don started aquaculture since 1990. But from 1989–1992 he reportedly produced only 18 kg fish in his 0.05 ha pond and (120 kg/ha/yr) no fish produced in the rice field. Actually he did not keep any records as of yet. The species of fish grown were mostly local species. From November 1992, the project got involved in organizing the fish culture activities and motivated him to do fish culture which included making trench in the rice field, stocking density of fingerlings at selective species in the pond and rice field. In 1993 Mr. Don received a 3-day training organized by the project which included actual field work and video shows regarding fish culture. In June 1993, the project supervised preparation of his rice field and pond having an area of 500 sq m (pond) and 900 sq m (rice field). But the farmer could not organize manpower to help him to make trenches inside the rice field so he could not prepare the field even upto 60 % of what the project advised. In the rice field, farmer released 200 fingerlings of puntius (according to farmer's choice in the 4 th week of August 1993 at stocking rate of 2222/ha). The average stocking size was 4 cm and 3.5 g. The fish were harvested after 58 days. The survival of fingerlings was 75 % with an average size of 14-and 67 g, and total fish production of 10 kg/0.09 ha (111 kg/ha/58 days) was obtained. Mr. Don was given technical advice on pond fish culture as well. Firstly, he was not so interested in it and did not follow all the project's advice. Later, he partially followed the project advice. Species stocked in the pond in June and September 1993 were common carps and Puntius gonionotus at 3000/ha (150 pcs mixed) and he provided the manure from his livestock (Pigs-2, buffaloes-2, duck-4, chicken-5). The fish production obtained on partial harvest was 25 kg/ 0.05 ha (500 kg/ha/220 days). Still some fishes remain in the pond. The frequency of monitoring by the project staff was on an average two times in a month.

  7. Economic evaluation : The total annual income of the farmer was only around K 296,000 in 1992 being K 6,000 from 4.5 kg fish produced from the pond and K 402,500 in 1993. The 1993 income of K 402,500 included K 100,000 from sticky rice (1250 kg) + K 52,500 from fish pond (35 kg) + K 250,000 from livestock, vegetables and other family activities. While his 1994 income of K 670,000 include K 150,000 from 1.5 tonnes rice + K 65,000 from 46 kg fish in pond and rice field + K 35,000 from chicken and K 420,000 from vegetables and other sources. However, it is evident that both the nutritional and financial conditions of the farmer's family improved by the adoption of improved (though partially) fish culture activities.

  8. Comments : Mr. Don is a semi-progressive farmer who partially followed the technical advice given by the project. Slowly, he has shown increasing interest in aquaculture activities and is willing to share his experience with other farmers. It is expected that he can serve as a model fish farmer in the future. Project thinks however to continue to give him technical advice to make him at first a progressive farmer, in near future, if he continued to follow the technical advice given to him by the project.

  1. District : Champhone

  2. Sub-district : Bak

  3. Village : Bak

  4. Name of farmer : Mr. Nuane

  5. Main farming system : Rice-cum-fish culture

  6. General information : He is a poor farmer living near the forest with 10 members in the family. From 1993 he started rice cultivation with fish culture in 0.01 ha area and owns a very small pond near rice field (0.012 ha). In additional 5.91 ha area he grows vegetables, fruits and paddy. The total family income comes from the above farming practices plus rearing of livestock ( pigs-4, cows-4, buffaloes-3, ducks-11 and chicken-20 ) and from own forest area.

  7. Project activities : The national and international staff of project LAO/89/003 first contacted him in November 1992 when the above general informations were collected. He produced 3 kg fish from his small pond in 1992 ; the species of fish grown were mostly local species. The project got involved in organizing the fish culture activities and wanted to motivate him but he did not appear active and did not follow the technical advice properly. In February 1993 Mr. Nuane received a 3-day training organized by the project which included actual field work and video shows regarding fish culture. In June and the beginning of September 1993 the project and the owner released 300 fingerlings into the rice field and the small pond consisting of common carp and Puntius gonionotus at stocking rate of 3061/ha. The average stocking size was 3.5-4 cm and 2.5 g. The fish were harvested after 150 days. Average size of the harvested fish was 12–20 cm and 60–220 g and total fish production was 5 + 15 = 20 kg (pond + rice field/ 0.02 ha or 2000 kg/ha/150 days). The frequency of monitoring by the project staff was on an average two times in a month.

  8. Economic evaluation : The total annual income of the farmer was only around K 608,000 in 1992 being K 4,500 from 3 kg fish produced in the rice field-cum-small pond and K 704,000 in 1993. The 1993 income of K 704,000 included K 424,000 from sticky rice (5,300 kg) + K 250,000 from vegetables, fruits, livestock + K 30,000 from fish (pond 5 kg + 15 kg in rice field). While his 1994 income of K 1,624,000 include K 350,000 from 3.5 tonnes rice + K 300,000 from 200 kg fish + K 150,000 from livestock and K 824,000 from fruits, vegetables and other sources. However, it is evident that both the nutritional and financial conditions of the farmer's family improved by the adoption of improved fish culture activities.

  9. Comments : Mr. Nuane is not real enthusiastic farmer who did not follow the technical advice given by the project carefully. He has shown limited interest in aquaculture activities but shared his experience with other farmers. Project expects that in future he may improve his performance and interest in aquaculture.

  1. District : Champhone

  2. Sub-district : Bak

  3. Village : Bak

  4. Name of farmer : Mr. Sytha

  5. Main farming system : Rice-cum-fish culture

  6. General information : He is a poor farmer with 13 members in the family. He practices rice cultivation with fish culture in 0.03 ha area. In additional 4.97 ha area he grows vegetables and fruits and has some forest area. The total family income comes from the above farming practices plus rearing of livestock ( pigs-3, cows-4, buffalo-1, goat-7, ducks-10 and chicken-30 ).

  7. Project activities : The national and international staff of project LAO/89/003 first contacted him in September 1992 when the above general informations were collected.

    Mr. Sytha did not do fish culture before. From 1992, the project got involved in organizing the fish culture activities and motivated him to start fish culture. In February 1993, Mr. Sytha received a 3-day training organized by the project which included actual field work and video shows regarding fisheries. In June 1993, the project supervised preparation of his rice field having an area of 0.03 ha and supplied 275 fingerlings of common carp and tilapia at stocking rate of 9166/ha. The average stocking size was 4 cm and 2.5 g. The fish were harvested after 153 days. In the rice field there were so many leeches which caused some problems. The survival of fingerlings was 33 % only with an average size of 10–20 cm and 200–408 g and total fish production was 59 kg/0.03 ha. (included 30 kg local species) which worked out to 1967 kg/ha/153 days. He has constructed a new pond for fish culture. The average frequency of monitoring by the project staff was on an average one time in a month.

  8. Economic evaluation : The total annual income of the farmer was around K 1,180,000 in 1992 (no income from fish) and K 1,308,500 in 1993. The income at K 1,308,500 included K 520,000 from sticky rice (6,500 kg) + K 700,000, from vegetables, and livestock etc. + K 88,500 from fish (59 kg fish from the paddy field). While his 1994 income of K 1,925,000 include K 700,000 from 7.0 tonnes rice + K 105,000 from 80 kg fish in pond and ricefield + K 345,000 from livestock and K 775,000 from fruits, vegetables and other sources. However, it is evident that both the nutritional and financial conditions of the farmer's family improved by the adoption of improved fish culture activities.

  9. Comments : Mr. Sytha is a progressive farmer who partially followed the technical advice given by the project. He has shown some increasing interest in aquaculture activities and sometimes shared his experience with other farmers. It is expected that he would improve as a model farmer in future after gaining more experience on rice-cum-fish and the project shall continue to provide him technical advice.

  1. District : Champhone

  2. Village : Kengkok

  3. Name of farmer : Mr. San

  4. Main farming system : Pond fish culture & Rice-cum-fish culture

  5. General information : He is a middle level farmer with 10 members in the family. He started rice + fish culture from 1993 in an 0.081 ha area and owns a fish pond 0.031 ha in size. In additional 2.89 ha area he grows corn, vegetables, paddy and fruits. The total family income comes from the above farming practices plus rearing of livestock and business practice.

  6. Project activities : The national and international staff of project LAO/89/003 first contacted him in October 1992 when the above general informations were collected. Mr. San started aquaculture in the pond since 1990 but not practised in the rice field up to 1992. In 1992 he produced 4 kg fish in his 0.03 ha pond (133 kg/ha). The species of fish harvested were mostly local species. In February 1993 Mr. San received a 3-day training organized by the project which included actual field work and video film show regarding fish culture. From March 1993 the project supervised preparation of his rice field having an area of 0.08 ha and supplied 100 fingerlings mostly of Puntius gonionotus at stocking rate of 1250/ha. The average stocking size was 2 g and 2.5 cm. The fish were harvested after 145 days. The survival of fingerlings was 73 % with an average size of 100–600 g of puntius and also 20 Indian carp ( 20 cm about 100 g) + 3 common carp ( 28 cm about 600 g). The total fish production was 11.8 kg/0.08 ha (147.5 kg/ ha/145 days). In 1993 Mr. San was given technical advice on pond fish culture as well. He cleaned and prepared the pond as project advised. Project supplied the fingerlings for his 0.031 hapond. Fish stocked were 190 ( common carp - 48 + big head 57 + Indian carp 57 and Puntius gonionotus 28), stocking rate was 6129/ha and he integrated pond fish culture with vegetables (chilli, onion, lettuce etc.). He has livestock (buffaloes 5 + chicken 50) and put the manure in the compost pit located on the corner of the pond. The fish harvested was 66.9 kg/0.03ha/195 days (2158 kg/ha/195 days). Survival rate was 97 %. The frequency of monitoring by the project staff was on an average 2–3 times in a month.

  7. Economic evaluation : The total annual income of the farmer was around K 2,560,000 in 1992 being K 6,000 from 4 kg pond fish and K 2,738,550 in 1993. The 1993 income of K 2,738,550 included K 600,000 from sticky rice (7500 kg) + K 118,050 from fish (66.9 kg from fish pond and 11.8 kg from rice field) + K 10,500 from vegetables grown on the dykes + K 2,010,000 from livestock, paddy, corn, fruits and others. While his 1994 income of K 4,110,000 include K 600,000 from 6.0 tonnes rice + K 220,000 from 100 kg fish in pond and 47 kg fish in ricefield + K 930,000 from livestock and K 2,360,000 from vegetables, salary and other sources. However, it is evident that both the nutritional and financial conditions of the farmer's family improved by the adoption of improved fish culture activities.

  8. Comments : Mr. San is a progressive farmer who followed the technical advice given by the project carefully. He and his family has shown sustained interest in aquaculture activities and shared his experience with other farmers. It is expected that he would serve as a model farmer particularly in the integrated pond fish and rice-cum-fish culture systems. His performance, attitude and continued technical advice by the project in future years shall help in refining his technology package as well as assessing the future needs of the farmer in terms of funds and facilities.

  1. District : Champhone

  2. Sub-district : Nakhu

  3. Village : Nakhu

  4. Name of farmer : Mr. Sytha

  5. Main farming system : Pond fish culture

  6. General information : He is a poor farmer with 6 members in the family. He practices pond fish culture in three ponds (0.22 ha). In additional 3.28 ha area he grows vegetables, paddy, corn and fruits. The total family income comes from the above farming practices, rearing of livestock and rice mill.

  7. Project activities : The national and international staff of project LAO/89/003 first contacted him in September 1992 when the above general informations were collected.

    Mr. Sytha is an old man and he started aquaculture in two ponds (0.13 ha) since 1989 with local species and tilapia, and in another pond (0.09 ha) though good in shape, yet was not maintained ( full of weeds, branches of the trees, lotus etc. and he did not do fish culture there ). He sold some fishes in 1990 and 1991 but did not kept any harvest records. In 1992 he harvested 50 kg fish from the above 2 ponds (0.13 ha). After that project got involved in organizing the fish culture activities and motivated him to do fish culture in his derelict pond (0.09 ha) pond. In February 1993 Mr. Sytha received 3-day training organized by the project which included actual field work and video shows regarding fish culture. In June 1993 the project supervised preparation of derelict pond (0.09 ha) and supplied 720 fingerlings of common carp, silver carp, Indian carps and Puntius at stocking rate of 8000/ha. The average stocking size was 2.5 cm and 2 g. The fish were harvested partially on 4.1.94 after 205 days in the presence of the Vice Governor and Chief of Agriculture and Forestry of the province (programme was telecast by national TV). The survival of fingerlings was assumed at 60 % with an average size 166–1350 g and 18–48 cm and the total fish production was estimated at 110 kg/0.09 ha/205 days (43 kg harvested and 67 kg estimated (1222 kg/ha/205 days). The frequency of monitoring by project staff was on an average 2–3 times a month.

  8. Economic evaluation : The total annual income of the farmer was around K 1,710,000 in 1992 being K 75,000 from 50 kg fish harvested from the pond and K 1,875,000 in 1993. The 1993 income of K 1,875,000 included K 480,000 from sticky rice (6000 kg) + K 240,000 from fish (50 kg from two ponds 0.13 ha and 110 kg from 0.09 ha pond) + K 1,170,000 from, vegetables, fruits and rice mill. While his 1994 income of K 3,550,000 include K 600,000 from 6.0 tonnes rice + K 500,000 from 333 kg fish in pond + K 950,000 from livestock and K 1,500,000 from rice mill and other sources. However, it is evident that both the nutritional and financial conditions of the farmer's family improved by the adoption of improved fish culture activities.

  9. Comments : Mr. Sytha is a semi-progressive farmer who partially followed the technical advice given by the project. He has shown growing interest in Aquaculture activities but was slow in following the project's advice and so far has not shared his experience with other farmers. It is expected that he may not serve as a model farmer at this stage. His performance and attitude so far are not encouraging but the project shall continue to give him technical advice to improve his performance.

  1. District : Champhone

  2. Village : Kadan

  3. Name of farmer : Mr. Lang

  4. Main farming system : Pond fish culture.

  5. General information : He is a poor farmer with 14 members in the family. He practices culture of local fish in a 0.318 ha pond. In additional 9.68 ha area he grows vegetables, paddy, fruits, corn etc.. The total family income comes from the above farming system plus rearing of livestock ( pigs -3 + cows-5 + buffaloes-8 + ducks-10 + chicken-30 + goats-5).

  6. Project activities : The national and international staff of project LAO/89/003 first contacted him in December 1992 when the above informations were collected. Mr. Lang started aquaculture since 1990. In 1991 he produced 5 kg fish in his 0.31 ha pond. In 1992 he harvested only 8 kg fish from the same pond (26 kg/ha) it is noted that all the fish grown were local species. From the beginning of 1993 the project got involved in organizing the fish culture activities including preparation of the pond. In February 1993 Mr. Lang received a 3-day training organized by the project, which included actual field work and video film show regarding fisheries. In the 3rd week of June 1993 the project supervised final preparation of his pond having an area 3180 Sq m) and supplied altogether 1800 fingerlings in June & September 93 (common carp 540, silver carp 200, Indian carp 600 and Puntius gonionotus 460 at stocking rate of 5660/ha. The average stocking size was 3.5-4 cm and 2.5 g. The fish were partially harvested after 180 days (147 kg = 77 kg cultivated fish + 70 kg Pa seu). The Honorable Vice-Governor of the province visited during the monitoring time was telecast through national TV. The survival of fingerlings was estimated at 60 %. The total estimated fish still remaining in the pond is 324 kg, the production of cultivated fish worked out to 1261 kg/ha/ 180 days. The estimated fish production is based after actual harvest, so it is included in the total production of pond fish, which the wild fish production of 70 kg pa sew is not included in production or income. The farmer did not want to sell all the fish at one time. In addition he harvested 70 kg Pa sew from the same pond. The average size of the harvested fish varied between 150–1000 g and 18– 45 cm (10 common carp, 21 cm, 200 g + 60 silver carp, 45 cm, 1000 g + 100 puntius 18 cm 150 g). The frequency of monitoring by the project staff was on an average 2–3 times in a month.

  7. Economic evaluation : The total annual income of the farmer was only around K 860,000 in 1992 being K 12,000 from 8 kg pond fish and K 1,551,500 in 1993. The 1993 income of K 1,551,500 included K 400,000 from sticky rice (5000 kg) + K 601,000 from fish (401 kg from fish pond) + K 550,000 from livestock, vegetables, fruits, etc. While 1994 income of K 2,845,000 include K 600,000 from 6.0 tonnes rice + K 650,000 from 433 kg fish in pond + K 495,000 from livestock and K 1,100,000 from fruits, vegetables, furniture and other sources. However, it is evident that both the nutritional and financial conditions of the farmer's family improved by the adoption of improved fish culture activities.

  8. Comments : Mr. Lang is a progressive farmer who followed the technical advice given by the project carefully. He has shown sustained interest in aquaculture activities and shared his experience with other farmers. It is expected that he would serve as a model farmer particularly for the pond fish culture system. His performance, attitude and continued technical advice by the project in future years shall help in refining his technology package as well as in assessing his future needs in terms of funds and facilities.

  1. District : Champhone

  2. Sub-district : Bak

  3. Village : Phousy

  4. Name of farmer : Mr. Pheuk

  5. Main farming system : Pond fish culture

  6. General information : He is a poor farmer with 8 members in the family. He practices natural fish production in his pond fish in an area of 0.147 ha. In additional 4.853 ha area, he grows corn, vegetables, fruits, paddy and some areas are covered by forest. The total family income comes from the above farming practices plus rearing of livestock.

  7. Project activities : The national and international staff of project LAO/89/003 first contacted him in October 1992 when the above general informations were collected.

    Mr. Pheuk started aquaculture in pond since 1990. Actually his pond looked like a ditch not at all shaped (without any embankment) + full of weeds and branches of trees. Production obtained from this pond was 4 kg in 1990, 6 kg in 1991 and 5 kg in 1992 (34 kg/ha/year). The species of fish grown were mostly local species. In february 1993 Mr. Pheuk received a 3-day training organized by the project which included actual field work and video film show regarding fish culture. In March and April 1993 the project advised him to prepare the pond. He followed most at the advice given to him. The project supervised preparation of the pond (area 0.147 ha) and supplied 300 fingerlings (common carp-75 + big head- 90 + Indian carps + Puntius gonionotus- 45) between 4th week of May and early June 1993 at stocking rate of 2041/ha. The average stocking size was 4 cm and 2.5 g. The fish were harvested after 205 days. The survival fingerlings was 74 % with an average size 25–40 cm and 300– 800 g and total fish harvest up to 4.1.94 was 121 kg/ 0.147 ha (823 kg/ha/205 days). It is expected that about 15– 18 kg fish are still in the pond. Mr. Pheuk has 2 cows, 2 buffalos, 6 ducks and 60 chicken, and he put manure in the compost corner as advised. This year (1994) he will prepare the pond in a better way as he had some difficulties in doing so last year. The frequency of monitoring by the project staff was on an average 2–3 times in a month.

  8. Economic evaluation : The total annual income of the farmer was only around K 620,000 in 1992 and K 869,500 in 1993. The 1993 income of 869,500 included K 136,000 from sticky rice (1700 kg) + K 208,500 from fish (121 + 18 kg = 139 kg fish) + K 525,000 from livestock, vegetables, woods, fruits and others. However, it is evident that both the nutritional and financial conditions of the farmer improved by adoption of improved fish culture activities.

  9. Comments : Mr. Pheuk is a progressive farmer who followed the technical advice given by the project carefully. He has shown sustained interest in aquaculture activities and shared his experience with other farmers. He is also the chief of the village. It is expected that he would serve as a model farmer particularly for pond fish culture system. His performance, attitude and continued technical advice by the project in future years shall help in refining his technology package as well as assessing the future needs of the farmer in terms of funds and facilities.

  1. District : Champhone

  2. Sub-district : Bak

  3. Village : Phousy

  4. Name of farmer : Mr. Phoune

  5. Main farming system : Rice-cum-fish culture.

  6. General information : He is a poor farmer with 5 members in the family. He has started rice + fish culture in 0.4 ha area. In additional 0.4 ha area he grows vegetables, paddy and fruits. The total family income comes from the above farming practices plus rearing of livestock ( pigs-1, buffaloes-3, ducks-5 and chicken-20 ) and owned forest area.

  7. Project activities : The national and international staff of project LAO/89/003 first contacted him in September 1992 when the above general informations were collected.

    Mr. Phoune did not do fish culture before. In February 1993 Mr. Phoune received a 3-day training organized by the project which included actual field work and video shows regarding integrated farming pond fish and rice-cum-fish culture. In the beginning of August 1993 the project finally supervised his rice field preparation checked the trenches and dykes and fixing of proper screens at inlets and outlets. Mr. Phoune made small pit inside the rice field which got filled up with underground spring water. Project supplied 175 fingerlings in the beginning of August 1993 to his rice field (having an area 4000 sq m) consisting of Puntius gonionotus and tilapia at stocking rate of 437/ha. The average stocking size was 4 cm and 3.5 g. The fish were harvested after 125 days. Tilapia bred naturally in the rice field so the survival of fingerlings could not be assessed properly. Altogether 340 fish of average size 15–22 cm and 80–110 g were caught weighing 39 kg/0.4 ha (97.5 kg/ha/125 days. The frequency of monitoring by the project staff was on an average 2–3 times in a month.

  8. Economic evaluation : The total annual income of the farmer was only around K 504,000 in 1992 but nothing from fish culture and K 582,500 in 1993. The 1993 income of K 582,500 included K 224,000 from sticky rice (2,800 kg) + K 58,500 from fish + K 300,000 from vegetables, fruits, and livestock. While his 1994 income of K 1,345,000 include K 300,000 from 3.0 tonnes rice + K 80,000 from 57 kg fish in ricefield + K 445,000 from livestock and K 520,000 from salary and other sources. However, it was evident that both the nutritional and financial conditions of the farmer's family improved by the adoption of improved fish culture activities.

  9. Comments : Mr. Phoune is an interested farmer who followed the technical advice given by the project slowly but carefully. He has shown interest in aquaculture activities and shared his experience with other farmers. It is not expected that he would serve as a model farmer at this stage, but in the near in future he may improve his performance.

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